Examination 板


對於中文意思以及對應的考古題有興趣的板友 歡迎至以上連結查詢 1 Climate change will make heat waves more common. 2 It’s approaching lunchtime. 3 to call for/ demand an apology 4 a relative newcomer to badminton 5 I have no intention to hurt you. 6 the risk of heart diseases 7 a driver required to quarantine after making a high-risk contact 8 Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings. 9 He isn't conscious of his own problem. 10 to orbit around the earth 11 a dramatic increase in production capacity 12 the original plan 13 the host city Tokyo 14 a dose of vaccine 15 greenhouse gas emissions 16 to have access to clean water 17 face a mental health crisis 18 world competitiveness rankings 19 The trial might determine Britney Spears’ future. 20 go honeymooning on a tight budget 21 a current market cap of $1 billion 22 to reduce the burden on families 23 a project leader 24 conduct the advertising campaign 25 recover from grief 26 become famous remarkably fast 27 a widely adopted convention 28 be diagnosed with lung cancer 29 distribute food and blankets 30 withdraw money from an ATM 31 global warming is a critical issue 32 better than previous models 33 a commercial airline 34 cause a domino effect 35 to be remarkably productive 36 to exclude the possibility of murder 37 a collision between two opposite viewpoints 38 to deal with complaints from customers 39 to take Holland’s cellphone without permission 40 to be overwhelmed by joy 41 take over the company 42 attainable achievements 43 an urgent issue 44 the outbreak of World War II 45 We regret to inform you that… 46 enormously popular around the world 47 to obey the guard's directions 48 an aging population 49 to oppose any attempts to change the status quo 50 to suffer heavy casualties in the war --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Examination/M.1633185295.A.0B0.html
1F:推 uchuang: 謝謝分享 10/02 22:47
2F:推 qwer4678: 已訂閱 10/03 00:40
3F:推 kkttyy: 感謝分享 10/03 00:47
4F:推 fancyspace: 謝謝分享~ 10/03 00:49
5F:推 h83421g: 謝謝分享 10/03 00:51
6F:推 frozensatie: 謝謝分享 10/03 01:03
7F:推 a910343: 推分享 10/03 02:48
8F:推 emily50322: 謝謝分享 10/03 08:46
9F:推 t0438606: 有用 但太少了吧 至少也要一千單 10/03 11:13
10F:推 Dazzium: 雪 雪 雪薇 胬 10/03 11:13
11F:→ faruk: 感恩分享 10/03 12:43
12F:推 pk0943: 高考的話全猜同一個答案就好,你浪費時間去唸英文也不可 10/03 12:52
13F:→ pk0943: 能20題全拿。 10/03 12:52
14F:推 reexamor: 謝謝,等考完來核對看看是不是真的有出現。 10/03 15:03
15F:→ shomin5566: 高考英文就別浪費時間了 10/03 15:19
16F:推 saturn: 感謝分享 10/03 18:00
17F:推 kemal969: 雪薇老師可以分享多一點嗎 10/03 19:06
18F:推 LittleRuiRui: 謝謝分享 10/03 21:02
19F:推 feng820511: 感謝分享 10/04 10:17
20F:推 hirokifuyu: 但是初等考就不一樣了啊,一定多少要會不能放掉QQ 10/04 11:01
21F:推 sonone: 推整理 10/04 11:16
22F:推 blpapf: 謝謝分享 10/04 13:07
23F:推 rich851214: 謝謝分享 10/04 18:45
24F:推 hankedasbest: 謝謝您分享 10/04 19:28
25F:推 lovelock110: 謝謝分享 10/05 19:38
26F:推 reexamor: 高考出現的英文字彙好像難度比這篇高很多0.0 10/09 19:20
27F:推 fivemoonsky8: 雪薇真D正 10/30 22:46

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