Equestrian 板


https://www.racingpost.com/racecards/15/doncaster/2022-10-22/819769/ 威騰未來錦標 1 mile (1,609 metres) 一哩 草地 G1 英國唐家士打馬場Doncaster Racecourse 兩歲牡牝馬限定 (最多22匹) 場地預測:大爛地 (Heavy) 英國時間 3:35 (GMT+0) 借用板主排版 馬號 英文馬名 檔位 練馬師 負磅 騎師 國際評分 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Auguste Rodin 6 岳伯仁 129 莫雅 109 2 Captain Wierzba 1 白祈達 129 韓比爾 -- 3 Dancing Magic 3 陶耀賢 129 高俊誠 106 4 Epictetus 7 高仕登及高素德 129 戴圖理 111 5 Holloway Boy 5 伯特 129 杜漢培 109 6 King Of Steel 2 劉晏賢 129 卡比 -- 7 Salt Lake City 8 岳伯仁 129 羅敦 -- 8 Stormbuster 4 包義定 129 潘大衛 99 簡評 Auguste Rodin Group 2 winner last time and leading claims for trainer who has won this ten times. 前走贏下G2(鞍上莫雅/Leopardstown 2yG2),且調教師勝出此賽10次 Captain Wierzba Made all on second start; has potential but others have far more substance to their form. 第二場就壓勝但是不看好 Dancing Magic Ran well in the Autumn Stakes but was behind two of these;looks vulnerable once more. 在Autumn Stakes(G3)表現不差但是負於兩匹本場參賽馬之後,可能會再次發生 (不夠強) Epictetus Went close in the Group 3 Autumn Stakes a fortnight ago and he's a strong form contender 10/8在Autumn Stakes奪下第2名,強而有力的競爭者 Holloway Boy Held by Epictetus on Group 3 Autumn Stakes form but each-way claims nevertheless 10/8在Autumn Stakes於Epictetus後跑獲第三,仍有爭勝機會 King Of Steel Impressive on debut ten days ago; tough task and quick turnaround but he's exciting 本場為第二戰,新馬戰令人印象深刻,本場雖然艱難但他的表現令人興奮(微乎其微) Salt Lake City 5l maiden winner; he's the Ballydoyle second-string but could still be an each-way player 上一場贏了5L (by 5L Dutch Gold 9-7) ,Ballydoyle 的第2梯隊的賽馬(二線馬,強度 不高) Stormbuster Made all by 5l at Newbury last month and could make another bold bid 上個月在Newbury以5L馬身勝出(by 5L Highbank 9-3),有機會再下一城(就是沒機會?) 結論:選老戴跟莫雅 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Equestrian/M.1666384292.A.741.html ※ 編輯: xkiller1900 ( 臺灣), 10/22/2022 04:32:02
1F:推 kery0129: Auguste Rodin 10/22 09:00
2F:推 raymaxash: 1-4-5 多產巨匠輕鬆獲勝 10/22 22:50
3F:推 chw281: 大震撼末嗣依然強勁 10/23 00:14
4F:推 IKUSE: 大震撼最終世代12匹而已吧,能跑能生太強了 10/23 00:26
5F:→ xkiller1900: 忘記了,跑完了= = 10/23 01:12
6F:→ xkiller1900: 話說我是不是搞錯英國時區還是因為有夏令時間? 10/23 01:13
7F:→ xkiller1900: 這禮拜剩明天了 10/23 01:14
8F:推 SunnyBrian: 超越SS連續12世代都有G1馬,13世代 10/23 02:28
9F:→ xkiller1900: https://youtu.be/rKtzXmhzBH0 10/26 21:08
10F:→ xkiller1900: 影片,補一下 10/26 21:08

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