Emulator 板


v0.5.0 Changes: Additional mappers implemented: - Namco 108 (iNES mapper 206); used in multiple games including Pac-Mania and Gauntlet (unlicensed version) - Namco 108 variant w/ 128KB CHR ROM (iNES mapper 88); used in 3 games including Dragon Spirit: Aratanaru Densetsu - Namco 129 / 163 (iNES mapper 19), including Namco 163 expansion audio; used in multiple games including Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II - Namco 175 / 340 (iNES mapper 210); used in multiple games including Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti - NAMCOT-3425 (iNES mapper 95); used only in Dragon Buster - NAMCOT-3446 (iNES mapper 76); used only in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei - NAMCOT-3453 (iNES mapper 154); used only in Devil Man Additional mapper features implemented: - Konami VRC7's FM synthesizer chip is now implemented; this chip was only used in Lagrange Point. (The JP version of Tiny Toon Adventures 2 uses the VRC7 board but doesn't use the audio chip) - The VRC7 implementation additionally will now work properly with older ROM dumps that don't specify an NES 2.0 submapper In the native GUI app, most options can now be changed while a game is running - Input bindings notably cannot be changed while a game is running, for the moment - Renderer (SDL2/wgpu) and wgpu backend also cannot be changed while a game is running mplemented fast forward with a configurable speed multiplier Implemented rewind with a configurable rewind buffer length (10 seconds by default) Removed the Adaptive VSync option because it isn't supported on any computer I was able to test on, including Windows with an Nvidia GPU. Fast VSync option is still present and is supported on common configurations Web frontend changes: - Implemented input reconfiguration instead of having hardcoded key bindings - Changed the canvas to display random white noise instead of nothing at all before the first ROM file is loaded - Reduced the audio sync threshold to hopefully reduce audio lag at >60Hz refresh rates, although animation is unfortunately still somewhat choppy at high refresh rates - Added a button to upload a save file for the currently running game (for games with persistent save files, e.g. the Zelda games) - Made some minor tweaks to bring focus back to the emulator after clicking on certain UI elements, such as the Reset button - Changed the 'Open ROM file' button text to 'Open NES ROM file' Fixed a very minor logging bug where the TRACE log message indicating that an address low byte overflow occurred during an absolute indexed read instruction was logged unconditionally instead of only logging when overflow occurred Download: https://github.com/jsgroth/jgnes/releases/tag/v0.5.0 -- A cross-platform NES emulator. Has a native frontend built using SDL2 as well as a web frontend that compiles to WASM and runs in the browser. Changes: Additional mappers implemented: - BNROM (iNES mapper 34) - NINA-001 (also iNES mapper 34) - GxROM (iNES mapper 66) - Jaleco JF-11 / JF-14 (iNES mapper 140) - Bandai FCG-1 / FCG-2 (iNES mapper 16, submapper 4) - Bandai LZ93D50 w/ X24C01 EEPROM chip (iNES mapper 159) - Bandai LZ93D50 w/ X24C02 EEPROM chip or no writable memory (iNES mapper 16, submapper 5) - Bandai LZ93D50 w/ 8KB SRAM (iNES mapper 153) Additional mapper features implemented: - Konami VRC6 expansion audio is now slightly amplified linearly; before this change, audio output from this mapper was very quiet compared to the builtin - APU audio and other boards with expansion audio Web frontend made much more featureful: - Allow loading different ROM files without needing to refresh the page - Add a reset button - Add aspect ratio (NTSC / Square pixels) and image filtering options (Nearest neighbor / Linear 1x/2x/3x); the linear 2x/3x options are implemented using - CPU scaling because WebGL does not support GPU compute shaders - Implement audio using the AudioWorklet API - Implement audio sync to prevent the emulator from running too fast on high refresh rate displays - Implement persistent save files using local storage, and add a button to download the save file for the currently running game - Fix window scaling so that the window size accounts for DPI scale factor - Disallow opposing directional inputs to be pressed simultaneously (left+right or up+down); allowing these can cause severe glitches in some games (e.g. Zelda 2 and Battletoads). If opposing inputs are pressed simultaneously, left/up will be sent to the emulated NES rather than right or down - Add a .nes file filter to the file picker dialog (previously there was no filter at all) - When the page is loaded, hide the UI and display "Loading..." until the WASM is loaded and all event listeners are added Add an option to all frontends to allow silencing the triangle wave audio channel when it is outputting waves at ultrasonic frequencies, which can reduce audio popping in some games (e.g. Mega Man 2) Enable link-time optimizations for published release builds to significantly reduce executable binary sizes Implement a hack to fix the GUI scaling factor from defaulting to 4.5 on the Steam Deck, which made the GUI completely unusable A few minor performance improvements: - Refactor audio downsampling code to avoid needing to do floating point multiplications and divisions on every emulated CPU cycle - In the PPU code, add a bit set storing which pixels contain any sprites to avoid needing to loop over all sprites on the scanline on pixels that don't contain any sprites - Change the square wave channel sweep units to only recompute the target period when one of their inputs changes, either the sweep config or the phase timer period Download: https://github.com/jsgroth/jgnes/releases/tag/v0.4.0 https://github.com/jsgroth/jgnes --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Emulator/M.1684373129.A.4C2.html ※ 編輯: sdbsy14242 ( 臺灣), 05/29/2023 09:20:09

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