Emulator 板


v1.62.3: - This fixes the backward-compatibility with save states from before 1.62. It also fixes issues with the libretro core mishandling our new filesystem functions. -- v1.62.2: - Version 1.62.1 had a bug that would erase games' SRAM if save states were loaded. We have better luck with these .2 releases. -- v1.62.1: - This contains several small fixes for bugs noticed after 1.62 was released. With luck, there will be a version 1.62.2. -- Changes: Another release containing a bunch of small things. There are a few game fixes and some UI tweaks, as well as some reorganization in the backend. The biggest front-facing feature is a Vulkan output for the Windows and Gtk ports. Like OpenGL, Vulkan can use the slang shaders in the libretro repository. 1.62: - Fixed SA1 division with negative dividend again. (Atari2) - Fixed timing on several instructions. (pi1541) - MSU1 audio with no loop point will not repeat from start. - Modernized some old memory-related code. - Fixed a desynchronization in interlaced modes and reporting. - Remove SA1 access to WRAM. - Added second set of registers between S-DSP and S-SMP. Fixes PAL version of Virtual Bart. Gtk + Windows: - Added a Vulkan graphics output method. Similar to OpenGL, this can use libretro's slang shaders. - Changed the automatic frame skip throttle to take place immediately before showing the frame, making VRR work better. - Add menu item to clear recent files entries. - Add fixed window size changes up to 10x. Windows: - Improved the shader parameters dialog with sliders and resize. - Allow disabling adding registry entries. Deletes any existing entries when the option is disabled. Gtk: - Switched to CMake for build system. Removed meson. - Fixed some keys not working with modifiers. (Gutawer) - Removed graphics options most people won't understand or need. - Improved wayland support. Handle fractional DPI properly. Download: https://github.com/snes9xgit/snes9x/releases https://www.snes9x.com/ --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Emulator/M.1679710574.A.222.html
1F:推 zack867: 哇 還在更新 03/25 13:14
2F:推 cult2: 強! 03/25 14:17
3F:推 rosemai1204: 個人已經忘記以前是不是因為垂直同步的問題所以一直 03/25 15:52
4F:→ rosemai1204: 以來都是使用Zsnes 的,不知道現在有沒有更動 03/25 15:52
5F:→ cck196h: 先講,因為新版用vulkan的關係 03/26 02:11
6F:→ cck196h: 用1.61-1093以前的設定檔可能會直接閃退 03/26 02:13
7F:→ cck196h: 剛剛1143更新了,Update version from 1.62 to 1.62.1 03/26 02:23
8F:→ napdh: 記得一個缺點是沒有deinterlace,所以罕見的480i遊戲看起 03/26 09:43
9F:→ napdh: 來很不適 03/26 09:43
10F:推 kashin: 超任什麼遊戲是480i? @@a 03/27 11:51
11F:推 protect6090: https://youtu.be/MU7eqOdVfbQ R.P.M Racing 03/27 12:21
12F:推 kashin: 長知識推 原來美版日版解析度不同 03/27 14:56
13F:→ napdh: 亂馬 町內格鬥篇 03/27 19:50
14F:→ napdh: 這種我就轉用bsnes 03/27 19:55
15F:推 protect6090: v1.62.2: 修正存取時會莫名刪掉SRAM的問題 03/28 23:22
16F:→ playlive: 又更新了 v1.62.3 03/31 12:43
※ 編輯: sdbsy14242 ( 臺灣), 03/31/2023 12:48:41

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