作者hips (hips)
標題Re: [討論] 後搜尋引擎時代的理想地理課本應該長怎樣
時間Sat Sep 21 02:52:31 2024
※ 引述《plamc (普蘭可)》之銘言
: ※ 引述《plamc (普蘭可)》之銘言:
: : 根本的問題就是要站在學生、國民的立場,好好想想怎樣的地理知識才是有用的
: : 然後講了n百遍的,要有歷史感
: : → hips: 準確來講是AI時代了,遇事不決問chatgpt。 09/21 00:
: 後搜尋引擎不一定就是大型語言模型,我認為這是死胡同
: 就是再怎麼砸錢下去只能達到娛樂用水準沒辦法到產業用水準
: 不過不管,反正就算這是死胡同也會發展出別的技術,總之就是會有AI幫你找答案
: 但是問問題的還是你
: 搜尋引擎也一樣,要知道關鍵字,也等於是你要知道你要問什麼問題
: 所以知道要問什麼問題的訓練才是最重要的
: 未來的教育不管是地理還是其他科目,或是已經不分科目了所以也沒有地理課
: 總之,重點是要問什麼問題的訓練
: 另一個重點就是,史地應該是要一起的,沒有歷史感的地理超級智障
: 尤其是氣候變遷時代,你要講的是變遷,不是講現在是什麼氣候
: 反之,沒有地理知識根本上就會無法理解歷史
: 真的不曉得當初哪個白癡把基本教育的地理歷史分開成兩個學科的
的discourse,有能力比較不同來源的資料之間的邏輯矛盾,能cross reference,判斷資料
至於知道關鍵字,AI已經能夠反饋引導用戶進一步發問,copilot就會建議follow-up quest
does UN resolution 2758 includes Taiwan?
答:UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, adopted on October 25, 1971, recognized
the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as “the only legitimate representative o
f China to the United Nations” and removed the representatives of Chiang Kai-sh
ek (the Republic of China, ROC) from the UN.
This effectively meant that Taiwan, which was governed by the ROC, was no longer
represented in the United Nations under the name "China".
然後它建議了幾個追加問題 包括
What is one China policy
How has this resolution affected Taiwan's international status?
Is there any ongoing dialogue between Taiwan and UN?
but I've heard some say 2758 includes Taiwan, at least at the time when the reso
lution was drafted that's what people thought.
它答:UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 does not explicitly mention Taiwan or
the Republic of China (ROC).
However, there has been ongoing debate and differing interpretations about the r
esolution’s implications for Taiwan. Some argue that the resolution implicitly
includes Taiwan under the PRC’s representation, while others, including recent
statements from the U.S. Senate, assert that the resolution does not address Tai
wan’s final political status.
This ambiguity has led to various interpretations and diplomatic stances over th
e years. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!
Are you saying that the inclusion or not of Taiwan was ambiguous even when 2758
was drafted? It's not that originally people acknowledge it includes Taiwan and
now due to circumstances change people want to take back what they thought?
Yes, the ambiguity regarding Taiwan’s inclusion in UN General Assembly Resoluti
on 2758 existed even when the resolution was drafted.
Over the years, the PRC has interpreted the resolution to support its “One Chin
a” principle, which asserts that Taiwan is part of China. However, this interpr
etation has been contested by various countries and international bodies, includ
ing recent statements from the U.S. Senate, which emphasize that the resolution
does not address Taiwan’s final political status
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/DummyHistory/M.1726858353.A.0C0.html
1F:→ hips: 我跟AI討論的最終結果是,2758包括與否的選擇,主要是基於 09/21 03:04
2F:→ hips: 政治立場意識型態而非邏輯與事實。 09/21 03:04
3F:→ hips: 主要是國祭法並沒有“若不說包括就自動認定不包括”的傳統 09/21 03:06
4F:→ hips: ,不像無罪推定原則,若未證明有罪則當作無罪。 09/21 03:06
5F:→ hips: 所以現在站包括那一邊的,不是你們有歷史邏輯,純粹是你們 09/21 03:07
6F:→ hips: 選擇跟中國站在一起。 09/21 03:07
7F:→ hips: 我一開始也不是想討論對錯,只想討論思考過程怎麼導向不同 09/21 03:08
8F:→ hips: 的選擇。然後發現課本有定錨效應而已,然後再加上個人人格 09/21 03:08
9F:→ hips: 特質,家庭因素等綜合影響。 09/21 03:08
10F:→ hips: 喔對,我還問了他,現在是有個不包括的按鈕按下去中國就會 09/21 03:09
11F:→ hips: 打過來嗎?他說會有類似的結果。 09/21 03:09
12F:→ hips: 所以還有成本效益分析的因素。當然這個可能是後設來justify 09/21 03:10
13F:→ hips: 原初的意識形態的。 09/21 03:10