作者gmoz ( This can't do that. )
標題Fw: [閒聊] Mike Portnoy PSMS亞洲巡迴行前專訪
時間Thu Nov 1 12:56:32 2012
※ [本文轉錄自 RockMetal 看板 #1GXgBFFe ]
作者: MetalGate (RockEmpire) 看板: RockMetal
標題: [閒聊] Mike Portnoy PSMS亞洲巡迴行前專訪
時間: Tue Oct 23 21:59:38 2012
Mike Portnoy日前特地抽空與搖滾帝國進行專訪,
想知道Mike Portnoy是否會回鍋Dream Theater,請看以下訪問。
(R:Rock Empire/M:Mike Portnoy)
R:Being one of the greatest drummers of all time and seems like you were
born to play drums, but were you ever confronted by any frustration in
your career?
M:Well, thanks to all the compliment that people have given me and I am
really glad that I am still here and doing what I have passion for. I
have had frustration several times so far but I always tried to figure
out what the problem was and to deal with it. I am lucky that it doesn't
happen all the time and thanks to my family for support especially when
I am constantly touring outside of the country.
R:Some people said "It ain't Dream Theater without Mike Portnoy." What do
you think about that? Any chance that you will collaborate with them in
the future?
有人說”沒有了Mike Portnoy,Dream Theater不再是Dream Theater”,請問您怎
們看?未來是否有可能再與Dream Theater合作呢?
M:(Silent) I really appreciate those fans that have been there for me all
these years even when I decided to move on to the next level of my career.
It was very hard for me to leave the band since it is basically my baby
to me, and I think it will always be. I had a real great time with the
band. We know each other for most of our lifetime and we are like a family.
But you have to know that, I was eager for something new because it was
too long since we had been playing and doing everything together and that
I loved Dream Theater but still I had to look for something fresh to find
my passion. And like I said, I needed to move on to the next level of career
so I am quite happy with my situation now. Besides they already had another
drummer(Mike Mangini) filled in so I don't think it is necessary to look
back or do anything refers to your so-called "collaboration."
段時,他們也不離不棄。因為Dream Theater對我來說就像我的孩子一樣,而且永
感,畢竟我們已經相處太久了。我愛Dream Theater這個樂團,但在那個當下我必須
階段,所以我對於現狀還頗滿意的。而且他們也已經有了另一位鼓手(Mike Mangini)
R:You filled in the drummer position of Avenged Sevenfold and helped them
record their latest as well as the best-selling album "Nightmare." What
is the difference between working with A7X and with Dream Theater?
您當初遞補了美國金屬新霸主Avenged Sevenfold鼓手的位置,並且協助樂團製作
他們目前最暢銷的專輯”Nightmare”。請問您覺得和A7X以及Dream Theater共事
M:Their music style is totally different so obviously it will not remain
the same as working or producing with these two bands. I felt young and
full of power while I was touring with A7X, not that I am saying I wasn't
like that with Dream Theater. But like I said, I was looking for something
new so it was absolutely refreshing with A7X. I was also touring with
Flying Colors for the past few weeks and it was a great fun too. Every
band/project I played has totally individual way of performing and is
unique to me.
迴演出時,我覺得自己很年輕並且充滿活力-這不代表和Dream Theater一起工作
好提供了我要的感受。前幾周我剛好和Flying Colors在歐洲完成了一個很棒的巡
R:Besides A7X, you have also collaborated with a very popular alternative
rock band "Stone Sour" in which you show people the variety of your playing
styles and incredible talent you have. So is there anything else you would
like to try?
除了Avenged Sevenfold,您也和當紅另類搖滾樂團”Stone Sour”合作並且展現
M:Well, Stone Sour is definitely very fun to work/hang out with. They know
how to perform with all they can and I was amazed by that. Corey is a very
decent guy to work with and for sure very talented too. I am open to all
kinds of music and I don’t think a musician should ever set a boundary
for that. Next I would like to play some thrash metal music which I have
never really tried and I am sure of it that it will be a good try.
和Stone Sour一起工作絕對是非常好玩的一件事,他們使盡渾身解數的表演真的讓
R:We know that your amazing son, Max, is also into drums and can even play
along the whole track of "Nightmare" (from Avenged Sevenfold.) How did
you train him and would you want him to become as successful as you in
this industry?
問您是怎麼訓練他的? 您希望Max將來像您一樣在樂界揚名立萬嗎?
M:Well I never taught him how to play. (Never?) No, never. He kind of just
picked up out of nowhere (What?!) and got really into it. (Well I guess it
is because his last name is Portnoy?) Haha. The truth is, I am constantly
not home and even if I am, I will not have time to sit there and teach him.
I am not the teacher type you know, I am more like a drummer instead. Max
is a cool kid, I am very proud of him but I want him to choose what he
desires to do, something he has passion for. Of course I wish him to be
successful but it does not have to be in music, as long as he is happy for
what he does.
我從來沒有教過他怎麼打鼓。(從來沒有?) 對,從來沒有。他不知道哪裡學來的(甚
麼?!) 而且還打出興趣來。(我想是因為他姓Portnoy吧?) 哈哈,事實上我經常不在
PSMS Amazing Union 台北演唱會
時間:開放入場 18:00 演出開始 19:00
特邀暖場佳賓:Marty Young
金屬極境影音唱片專門店 Metal Gate CD & DVD Temple
電話:02-3765-1861 轉19
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: gmoz (, 時間: 11/01/2012 12:56:32
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