DragonQuest 板


哨所老人: Rumor is that a country named Reinhart is finally back to normal. All because I watched the currents of this river and wished it so. Fa fa fa. Guard: You! You are Prince Henry’s friend, are you not? Please, you may pass. (來到了Vista港口) 婦人: A ship! A ship has come! See? A ship! Hurry and get on else you’ll be left behind! 男子: Everyone get on! This ship’s destination is a land to the West! (走上甲板後) Captain: Whoa! Almost missed you, eh? Seems you’re the last passenger… (船一路駛到了西邊的一個城鎮-Port Selmi) 水手: You want to travel by sea? Well, this ship here belongs to a very wealthy man named Ludman. I doubt that he’d let someone he doesn’t even know use his ship. 港邊老人: My son was one of the best sailors ever. But one day, the ship he was on was attacked by sea monsters… When I think about it years later, I get so bitter and just tear up… 港邊男子: The lighthouse up ahead there is a nest of scary monsters! If you fear for your life, you probably don’t want to go there. (往右走去,下面有怪物爺爺,上面則是燈塔) 燈塔內男子: What? You think I’m a monster? Up yours too, buddy. (燈塔頂中間燒著一甕火,一旁一男子看著望遠鏡) 燈塔頂男子: Hmm. Hat’s that odd smoke. 燈塔內男子: Did you look through the telescope? You know that tall mountain to the Southeast? That’s Saint Belles. No ordinary human can climb that mountain. But if you’re the Chosen, you can easily get all the way to the top, they say. Who choose you? You ask? Well duh. A really important person like God of course! (再上樓去看看望遠鏡) A telescope stands before you. Will you look through it? (Yes) Across the sea and to the Southeast, you see a terribly high mountain. There seems to be something standing upon the mountain peak, but the clouds are too thick to identify what it is. (離開燈塔後再去找港口邊男子) 港口邊男子: What? You didn’t find any monsters in the lighthouse? Oh you believed me then? I was just pulling your leg. Wa ha ha. 男子: Hey! Did you know? (Yes) So it must be true! I wish I could learn it. (No) Long ago, there was a spell that could take you anywhere you wanted so long as you had been there once before. If a spell like that really existed, it would come in so handy… 女子: This is the port city of Port Selmi. 屋內水手: You’re from the Eastern lands? That’s where I’m from too! Just because, I’ll tell you something good. Check the flower patches at the church. I think you’ll find something there that you’ll like. (找了找,發現一枚小徽章及100元) 宿屋前男子: Oy… a hangover… I drank way too much last night… 武器店內男子: I heard a rumor that a country named Reinhart plans to conquer the world! But seeing that they haven’t invaded us yet, it must just be a complete bull… 武器店二樓小男孩: When I get older, I’m gonna become a sailor and sail all around the world. And then, I’m gonna find all the treasure in existence. Cool, huh? 教堂內修女: According to a collection of ancient writings, this world is watched over by a giant dragon God. But if that is the truth, why would the dragon God let these monsters terrorize our existence? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: superpigpig 來自: (03/23 15:43)
1F:→ superpigpig:最近忙於工作及找房子,波文延宕~~ ><" 03/23 15:44
2F:→ superpigpig:也請大家幫我加加油吧~~~~:P 03/23 15:45
3F:推 ffviplayer:加油啊 科科 03/23 16:37
4F:→ ffviplayer:說起來reDQV英文版也出來了 03/23 16:38
5F:推 reallurker:人用電腦不便 好久沒推了 05/27 05:57

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