DragonQuest 板


村口女子: Welcome to the city of Alcapa. 士兵: What am I do now? With that selfish prince gone and his younger brother Dale, King, I went to Reinhart to become a soldier. But in truth, the one with power was the King’s wife, the Queen. Oh, how horrible she is. It’s the end of that country it is. Henry: ... 男子: This one is said to have run away from Reinhart. According to rumor, Reinhart has really gone down the sewer. But I didn’t think it was so bad that a person had to escape... 婦人: Our son who ran off to become a soldier at Reinhart has finally returned! I’m not coming back ‘til I’m rich and powerful! He said when he took off. But look at him now. But I’m happy right now. I guess it’s part of being a parent. 士兵: I am on a quest to find all the Legendary Equipment. I heard that there’s a man who lives here tht knows all about them... 教會裡詩人: You are searching for someone you say? That reminds me. A long time ago a King once set out in search of his kidnapped Queen. I never heard a tale of him finding her, so I suppose he’s still searching to this day... How romantic... 兔女郎: Why hello there, handsome! What would you like? (Yes) Here you go. Enjoy your stay. (No) Oh? Then what can I do for you? Tales about the Legendary Hero? Just a moment...(突然跳了起來) My father could be considered sort of an expert in that department. He’s in the back... Why don’t youask him? 兔女郎爸: What? You want to hear about the Legendary Hero?! Very well then! Let me tell you! Many years ago, a Dark Lord named... um... well, A Dark Lord was awakened and set out to destroy the world. But a hero wielding the Zenithian Sword and wearing the armor, helm and shield of the Skies defeated the Dark Lord and saved us all. Hmm? And what happened to him after that? According to one story, he was said to have returned to the Heavens. But I’m not really sure. It was however, a very long time ago, so I doubt that he’s still alive. But perhaps some of his blood line has survived...? 旅店老闆娘: Who? Bianca? I’m sorry... I don’t know her. Actually, we came here seven years ago and bought this inn from a man named Duncan. Well anyway... Maybe if you stay the night here, something good will happen! 旅店外修女: I am a traveling nun. Yes, I am able to feel it, that the sseal placed upon the Demon World by our God, so long ago, weakens even as we speak. If the seal is ever broken, darkness will overrun this world, and devour everything. Oh! 旅店二樓老人: I’m an old friend of the previous innkeeper, Duncan. I thought I might come visit him one day, but seems ike Duncan had fallen rather ill and had to get out of the business. Now he’s moved to a mountain village across the sea. Oh and how I wanted to see that cute little girl again. Ah... what can I do though... (問了一堆消息的兩人也累了,就投宿在這,順便看看有什麼好事?) (夜裡) MATHPIG slowly woke up. Henry seems to be deeply absorbed in his thoughts. Henry: Oh, you’re up, MATHPIG. Oh me? I was just thinking about my castle... I guess I was kind of in shock about that person told me about... my father’s... death... My brother Dale is King now, but I haven’t herd anything good about his reign at all... Maybe I chould go check on it... Reinhart’s East of here, ain’t it... Oh well... better get some sleep! (夜裡的Alcapa) 村口女子: Good evening and welcome to the city of Alcapa. 武器店老闆: Under its past King, Reinhart was a great nation... But since that King passed and Prince dale took the throne, The monarchy just fell to pieces... 酒店內士兵: My dream is to find the Legendary Equipment and become the world’s finest warrior! 旅館老闆娘: A girl named Bianca? Haven’t a clue. Anyhow... it’s late, so why don’t you stay the night at my inn? You’ll feel a lot better afterwards! 旅館內詩人: Time for beddy bye! Maybe something good will happen tomorrow! And if you go to sleep, maybe that good thing will happen to you! Wa ha ha! 旅館內修女: I’ve heard tales of a cult somewhere in the world delicated to protecting the Gate to the Demon World. It’s said that the followers of that cult can speak the language of monsters... (回到兒時與Bianca第一次深夜約會的Lenoire) 男子: I beg you! Please let us go! What? You’re not here to take us back? Oh thank God... You see, the two of us fell in love despite our different social backgrounds. But we just couldn’t bear to be apart from one another, so we eloped. We thought to commit suicide together upon this castle... We thought that perhaps here, we could live happily... 女子: For it’s so very odd, you see... When we first entered the gates, it was as if the castle welcomed us more warmly than any arms could... The thoughts we had of dying melted away on the spot. And now... I’m so happy... *blush* (真是可愛的一對小情侶啊 ^^”) -- 十年已過 景物依舊 人事全非 雖已在Alcapa聽到勇者的消息 但相較於更令人擔心的Reinhart的狀況 還是先陪Henry回城一趟吧 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 jazzmumu:這裡的勇者到底是指誰啊??四代還是六代的勇者?? 01/13 07:02
2F:→ superpigpig:有點好奇的是城堡那對男女有沒有什麼特別的 :P 01/13 09:29
3F:推 tangsys:四代的勇者 帶著天空系列武器的傢伙 01/15 23:00

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