DragonQuest 板


(來到教堂北邊的大城) 門口大叔: This is the city where all dreams can come true, Oracleberry. 酒保: Whaddaya want ta drink? Eh. You don’t even know what a beer is…? I don’t know the details… But you must have come from some really barren place… 婦女: Let’s see… I have to hurry and make dinner before my husband and children come home. Hmm? Ah, you’re a traveler. Oh, but it’s nice to have a place to go home to… But I suppose a young person like you still doesn’t know the true joy of such… 防具店老闆: Sir, did you know? A spell named Identify is said to be able to discern the contents of a lot of things. 防具店二樓老闆娘: Hmm? You a friend of my husband’s. are you not? Then listen to this a moment. My husband keeps telling me that he want’s to go North to a great castle to sell wares… But this castle doesn’t have the a most shining reputation… it just worries me so… (O.S. 這位大嬸說話也太多錯字了吧 ><”) 賭場前男子: Gah! I lost again! I guess you just can’t gamble yourself a good life. 旅館老闆: Ah! You beat the evening rush! Our meals and our beds are the finest! And it’s just 10 gold a night! Will you be staying? (No) Okay, but don’t come crawling back when you die of exhaustion! (yes) Someone better take these folks to their comfy beds before I start handing out pink slips! (一覺醒來) Ah! What a beautiful morning! Stop by our inn again, ya’ hear! 旅館樓上商人: I am a traveling merchant. On my way in from the North, I happened upon a terribly desolate village. I could hardly believe that people actually lived there. 女子: I came to this town in hopes of becoming a dancer. Just you watch… I’ll be the number one dancer here soon! 詩人: When you leave a town and walk for some time, it will become night. At night, this town will show its other face. 屋內商人: *snore snore* 屋內老人: Aaah, time passes so quickly doesn’t it? When I was younger, this town was just a small village. People only started coming here after they built the bridge up North. How long ago? It’s been about ten years since they put that up. 屋內老人: You could say that I’m a rather famous fortune telling lady. To tell the truth, I only do fortunes at night… but seeing that you’re my type of man, I’ll tell you something helpful. A giant hand of darkness hovers menacingly to swallow our world! Whether you want to believe it or not, that’s entirely up to you. Heh heh heh… 防具店老闆: (要穿過他的店的時候) Don’t’ you read the sign? No one may pass expect paying customers! (看了看牆上的布告: Passage restricted to only store patrons -- Owne") (左邊牆上布告: For a good deal, visit the happy happy Oracle Shop”) 士兵: I heard there’s a store around here that sells something very peculiar… It’s only open at night though. 後面草地上小朋友: Did you want to ask me something? Well, try again some other time, I’m too busy playing hide and seek. Bye now. 後面草叢裡小朋友: Oh no! Don’t come over here! I’m gonna get found!! 地下牢房士兵: This is an underground prison. If you want to speak to the prisoners, you can talk to them across the bars. 牢內犯人: Gah! How could I be so stupid? Letting them catch me cheating ar the Casino! The name’s Plachta. I used to be a kidnapper and flesh merchant! Oh, how I’ve fallen since then… (旁邊還有一個現在開不了門的犯人,改天有機會再來找他聊天) 怪物爺爺: I’m the world famous Monster Gramps, and this is the Monster Day Care Center. Hmm… you… you have such a pure and strong gaze… And what power lies behind those eyes… Perhaps with such power, you will be able to even befriend fierce monsters. What? How might I do that, you ask? Very well, let me tell you! First things first! You need to find a caravan! And then… You must fight monsters, not with hate… but with love! And when the monsters see this love, they will come to you, not as an enemy, but as a friend… a companion Of course, they respect only the strong… so you must triumph over them in battle first before they join you. Understand? (Yes) Good! A smart on like you will be able to befriend many a monster! You will be able to take along a lot more monsters with the caravan, but there is still a limit… When you reach such, just come visit me. I’ll take care of your monstrous friends. (No) Fine fine… one more time for the slow! (於是從first開始再說一次) 怪物爺爺助手: I’m his assistant, Inatts. Let me tell you something good. If you want a monster to obey your orders all the time, you should raise their intelligence. When a monster’s intelligence is over 20, he’ll do just about anything you order him to do. -- 白天的大城 熱鬧且精采 但夜晚似乎又有另一番風貌 能讓MATHPIG找怪物當夥伴的”馬車” 是否也藏在神祕的夜裡呢? --

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1F:推 reallurker:到底誰是 賭王之王之章推 11/27 23:30

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