DragonQuest 板


(牢中) Henry: We really did it this time didn’t we? Oh well, it’s better than getting whipped, eh! (再往前走與他對話) Heh, nothing we can do about it. Ah well, why don’t we take it easy then? (說畢便躺下休息了) Hmm… I wonder just how long they plan on keeping us all here. Hmm? Someone’s coming! (只見一個士兵帶著Maria來了,打開了牢門,並放了個木桶在河邊) Henry: Hmm? What’s going on? Let’s go check it out… Maria: I… thank you so much for what you did for me back there… Guard: I thank you greatly for saving my sister’s life… I am her brother, Joshua. Joshua: I’ve been curious about you two for some time now… You just aren’t like the other slaves… Your eyes are still full of life! And that’s why I have a favor to ask of you. Will you help me out? (No) Come on, don’t say that before you’ve heard me out…(直接接yes的部份) (Yes) It’s just a rumor, but I’ve heard that when this temple is completed, they’re going to destroy any evidence of its creation… including the slaves! If that happens, my sister Maria… she’ll… Please! Take my little sister with you and leave this foul place! I’ve prepared your things for you… (MATHPIG received his belongings!) This water duct is used to wash the carcasses of dead slaves away… But if you hide in this barrel, you’ll probably be able to get out alive. Hurry! Get in the barrel before someone sees you! (明明後面就有另一個人在看^^”) (With a swift prayer, Joshua pressed the switch on the wall!) (木桶漂啊漂,終於漂出了被囚禁的地方,漂到了附近的一個祠堂) (畫面一黑,出現了一位修女及床上的MATHPIG) 修女: Oh goody! You’re finally up! You’ve been unconscious for three days now, and we were all worried that maybe you wouldn’t wake up at all! But gee whiz, I was so surprised to find people in a crummy old barrel! Your friend told me that you escaped from some horrible place, or something like that… Oh well, this is a nameless nunnery by the sea… so take your time to rest and get better! You’re safe here! (到處去逛逛走走呼吸自由的空氣吧) 修女: Oh yes, I found that set of clothes tucked away in your belongings. The clothes you were wearing recently were so raggedy, I took the liberty of changing you. *blush* 修女: You came here all the way downstream in the same barrel as Miss Maria? Ah, the more I speak to Maria, the more I am humbled by the beauty of her soul. Surely she was sent to this Earth to serve our God… Maria: Oh!! You finally regained consciousness! I am so very happy… Thank you so much for hearing my brother out and for helping me to escape. But… when I think of my brother and the people who are still enslaved there I cannot bring myself to truly be happy… The reason that I stand here this day, is surely due to God’s good grace. Sir MATHPIG… This was given to me by my brother, but I believe it will be of much more use to you. (MATHPIG received 1000 G!) 修女: I have heard your tale… you’ve have worked as a slave for ten years and finally gained freedom. Rest assured that no one will ever give you orders again. With your father’s passing, where you go and what you do will be entirely up to you. But please, don’t ever give up. Because this freedom is what it truly means to be alive. For the first time in your life, you are truly walking with your own two feet. 婦女: I ran away from my no-good husband. He used to beat me everyday. Hmm? Where did you run away from? What a coincidence! 小女孩: *sign* I wish I could go back there… Listen! If you go all the way North of here, you’ll get to a huge city! It’s a really fun place! Henry: Yo, MATHPIG! You finally woke up, huh? Oh? You got changed and everything? Oh yeah, you had baggage and stuff, huh? But look at me. I still look like a damn slave. Ah well, what can I do? Let’s see now… What should we do now? Anyhow, when you’re about to leave, gimme a holler.. So, you ready to take off yet? (No) Oh… alright. (再接上面) (Yes) That’s right. You have a quest... you have to go find your mother, right? Hey, whaddya say I tag along with you on your journey, huh? (No) Hehm you’re a pretty cold bastard, aren’t you? If my memory serves me right, I let you become one of my flunkies, didn’t I? You’re supposed ta listen to your “master”, you know that? Well, did you, goon boy?(如果一直選No就會一直出現) (Yes) Alright then, let’s get out of here! I’m gonna go and tell the others that we’ll be leaving, so just wait here a sec! (於是Henry進屋去,把修女們找出來了) 修女: Oh, I heard you’re leaving in search of your mother… You might be able to gather some valuable information in the city North of here… Do take care… Maria: I don’t know how to thank you for all you’ve done… I will stay here and pray for the souls of the many slaves… And also… I’ll pray that you find your mother, MATHPIG… Please take care, always. 修女: MATHPIG, you’re an adult now… From now on, only you are in charge of your destiny. Only you can find your own path. But never forget that God is watching over you from above. Oh Mighty God! I beseech you! Bless MATHPIG on his journey! Henry: Okay then, let’s get a move on! -- 終於 屬於自己的冒險即將展開 MATHPIG又如何知道 尋找母親的過程中 竟會”順便”拯救世人? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 reallurker:真正的勇者冒險 開始~~ 11/18 21:48

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