DragonQuest 板


(半夜時,MATHPIG醒來) Henry: Hey there, MATHPIG. You finally woke up, did ya? You seemed really troubled… Were you having a bad dream or something? But man, you’ve got such fight in you… You’ve never gotten used to being a slave, have you…? On the other hand, take a look at me! I’m all reformed, and stuff! Wa ha ha! 奴隸: Please, don’t wake me up yet. Just let ne sleep a little more. 奴隸: Oh hey there, MATHPIG… How did you sleep? I heard that you were brought here when you were just a child, and that you’ve been working since… It must have been so rough for you… If there’s anything I can do to help you forget that pain, just ask… 奴隸: Nooo! Please! I’m sorry! I won’t slack off anymore, I swear to God!! Ugh… *mumble mumble* 奴隸: I’d rather die than lie like this… Without hope… without dreams… I don’t want to live my life as a slave… I just want to die… 奴隸: Did you know? Once the temple’s completed, we can go free! 奴隸: You’re way too gullible, you know that? I don’t know who you heard that from, but you know that it’s just some bull to make us work harder! But you’re not lying, you say? Yeah yeah, whatever! You just keep dreaming, okay? 奴隸: Hey there, MATHPIG! Heard your father got killed by some members of the Order of Light. Don’t you ever forget the pain you felt during that one moment. As long as you have that drive, you’ll be able to conquer any ordeal… 女奴隸: Gee, listen to this. That girl Maria there was a follower of the Order of Light and still got enslaved. Seems like she went and broke a very valuable artifact of the High Priest's. Maria’s elder brother is a guard here, for the Order… God, what a horrible life it must be for them… Maria: It’s alright really… Besides, something happened recently that made me unable to follow the beliefs of the Order anymore… And now this. I had no idea that so many innocent people were being enslaved by the Order. (調查上面的壺) MATHPIG peered into the jar. A horrible stench emanates from here. Ugh! It seems to be the slaves’ toilets! Henry: I owe your father so much. Even in death, he taught me so much… I’ve changed, MATHPIG… Ten long years… God, time passes so quickly… 獄卒: All of you! Time to get up and work, or time to et whipped! (大家都離開後,去找獄卒說話) 獄卒: Eh? You again, huh? There’s just something about you that really pisses me off… Now get out, or else! (出房間到了上一層) 老人: I don’t know if I’ll be able o live long enough to see the completion of the temple. But if I die, I’ll never have to be flogged again. I’ll finally be free… 獄卒: When the temple is completed, can we all go free, you ask? Of course you can! So stop thinking of anything except working your hardest! 獄卒: Hmm? This isn’t your workplace. Hurry up and get back to your own spot. 士兵: According to the high Priest, a time of darkness is upon us. Thus,the High Priest took it upon himself to create a land of light to counter such. He’s such a good man to allow worthless slaves like us to help in such a holy venture… 奴隸: Are you looking for your friend Henry? He’s been transferred into the basement for today. (下樓後) 奴隸: Oh… the poor thing’s been whipped so many times now… 奴隸 How cruel… Can’t anyone do something about it…? (走近一看 : A female slave is being flogged!) 獄卒: Stupid girl, dropping a stone on my foot! I’ll drop something on you! Maria: Please… Please… forgive me… 獄卒: No way! You’re the one of those new “recruits” aren’t you? Well, let me educate you about being a slave! It’s my way… my way… or MY way! Maria: No… please! Henry: MATHPIG?! When did you get here? Well, whatever, we can’t just stand and let them do anything to her! (語畢,Henry就衝到獄卒前面了,輸人不輸陣,MATHPIG也衝向前) 獄卒: What now? Do you dare challenge me as well? Very well then! You will pay for your insolence! (於是進入了激烈的戰鬥 (原來這種人叫Whip Man ^^”) (打敗了他們之後,士兵們就出現了) Guard: What’s all this ruckus about? 獄卒: These… these two fools thought to start a rebellion! Guard: And… this girl. 獄卒: Uh, yes sir, she was being difficult, so I had to… discipline her… Guard: No matter… Someone, take this girl up to the healer’s! And throw these two in the cell! 獄卒: Yes sir! Come along! -- 沒想到,牢獄生活中還要遭受牢獄生活 ^^” 為了女子挺身而出的兩人 會不會好心有好報呢? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: superpigpig 來自: (11/08 16:10)
1F:推 reallurker:最後便宜了亨利 唉.... 11/08 16:23
2F:→ hellomorning:還好啦~主角可以三選一啊~ (還可以三個都來XD) 11/09 10:21

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