DragonQuest 板


(起床後,與醒著及睡著的大家再說說話 ^^” ) Papas: *snore snore* Martha… oh, Martha, your son MATHPIG is growing up so healthy and strong… *snore* 旅館女主人: Zzz… Zzzz… 旅館主人: *snore* *Achoo!* *snore snore* 酒館兔女郎: Welcome! Care for some milk? Har har har! Little boy, don’t you think you should come back in a year… or ten? 酒館吧台大叔: Yo!! Kid! Hoe you doing?! That’s good. *hick* 酒館內村民: Now now, children shouldn’t be out playing this late! 酒館內老人: Well hey now, you’re a short little bugger, ain’t ya? Wa ha ha ha! You remind me of my younger days… We ha ha ha! 武器店老闆: Whoa!! A ghost! Oh please oh please oh please, don’t kill me… Eh? You’re not a ghost. Wa ha ha ha! 村口守衛: Foul beast! I won’t let you take this city! *snore snore* (走著走著,經過了多場的殺戮^^”,終於來到了Lenoire ) (沒想到,門口打不開!!) (The door seems to be locked from the inside.) Bianca: Oh dear… I wonder if we can get in from somewhere else… (接著,從城門的右側看到了樓梯,一路上到了頂樓) (下了一層梯後,看到六個骷髏頭躺在床上) (原本不以為意要往下走了,快到樓梯時,突然骷髏頭圍了上來) (畫面一黑) Bianca: Eeyaaaaaa!! (畫面轉回後,只剩MATHPIG一人了,唉,快去找找Bianca吧) (走到外頭的墓碑旁,傳來了怪聲) 說道: Unn… nnn? (調查左邊墓碑) “Here lies Bianca” is written on the gravestone…But MATHPIG can’t read! (突然,Bianca出現了!?) Bianca: Yuck, that was disgusting! MATHPIG: What took you so long?! Bianca: Oh, nevermind… That just really made my skin crawl. MATHPIG: Come on… let’s keep going. (調查右邊墓碑) “Here lies MATHPIG” is written on the gravestone…But MATHPIG can’t read! (回到剛剛的書房,赫然發現書櫃旁多了一個像王妃的”人”(?)) (欲與她對話時,房裡的書櫃及椅子竟自行移動了,出現了一個階梯) (調查牆上紙條) MATHPIG glanced at the wall. Bianca: It says: ‘Give us back our graves…’ Whatever that means… (到了樓下的大房間,那位”王妃”又出現了,躺在床上) Sophia: Please… Please help us re take our graves… Though we could not have children, we lived in this small castle,just the two of us… But we were so happy together… Oh, please… help us… Please help Erik and I rest in peace. (再往下,來到一個全黑的地方) Bianca: Oh, MATHPIG. It’s so dark. Be careful where you step… (走了一陣子,終於看到底下有微微的光) Bianca: Hey, look up ahead… I wonder what that light is… (總算是看到了有燈火的房間,再往下看到了”國王”) (正欲向前與他對話,沒想到他卻跑了,追到了盡頭,他終於肯停下來了~~) Erik: Oh! You are the first brave souls to have ventured this far… It’s been so long now, but it seems that some vile ghosts have made this castle their home. Because of that, Sophia and I can’t rest in peace… Please! I beg you two! Will you help us and rid this castle of the ghosts? (Yes) You will? Great! Come, follow me this way… (No) (一陣閃電) Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said… So, will you help us? Oh, I almost forgot! I left a torch out in the kitchen somewhere… If you use that torch, you will be able to see through the darkness around you! (在廚房的水槽邊的甕裡找到了火把,又回到了那黑黑的地方了) Bianca: It’s pitch black, MATHPIG! We’d better use that torch. (找到了向上的樓梯後,遇到了一個會走動的石像) 說道: You… saw… me… didn’t you?! (擊敗後得到了Defense Seed) (再往下又看到了Erik) Erik: Please, this way… (從甕中下樓後,先到一樓開了大門,也跟怪物們聊聊) 鬼火: *sparkle sparkle* I heard that there’s a treasure hidden inside this castle. But I haven’t seen it anywhere around here… hee hee hee… *sparkle sparkle* 圍在桌邊的8個骷髏頭: He he he… I’m so hungry… Kee kee kee… The feast is being brought out soon… *sniff sniff* Oh my… I smell the scent of some delicious children… (接著上了樓,竟然這種鬼地方有旅館 ^^” 真是為了玩家的貼心的設計啊) 旅館老闆: Welcome… Would you like rest a bit? He he he… (Yes) Well then… Rest in peace! (No) Well then… Come back anytime… He he he… (睡了一覺後,會發現自己被丟在城外的毒沼前,還好之前有先開門) 老人: Ho ho ho! There are a lot of ghosts haunting this castle… You’d better watch yourselves, children… ho ho ho…(說完話就不見了 ^^”) (再回到城堡內,來到了王座之間,果然看到一個怪物) 怪物: Well well… You’ve come this far, eh? What good children. As a reward… You can be the main course! (說完後,主角便中了陷阱,往下掉………) (原來,剛剛骷髏頭們口中的”菜”,就是我們啊^^”) 骷髏頭們: Oooh, how scrumptious! Ahh! The main course, at last! (擊敗了之後,再回去找那怪物報仇,這次它逃到了外頭) 怪物(Boss Ghost): So! It looks like my skeletons found you two a bit hard to swallow… Guess I have no choice but to eat you instead! (擊敗了它之後) Boss Ghost: He… HELP!! I’ll restore the graves of the King and Queen, just please spare me!! (Yes) Heh heh heh. Thanks! You’ve got the makings of a fine warrior, little boy… (No) Oh don’t say that! Spare me, please! (這時,Erik及Sophia出現了,將MATHPIG及Bianca帶到墓碑前) Erik: You’ve done it! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Sophia: Thank you so much… Because of you, we’re able to rest peacefully now… Erik: Let us go then, love… Sophia: Oh… dearest… Goodbye… I’ll never forget what you two did for us… never… (兩人手牽手開心的離開了) Bianca: Isn’t it beautiful? Now those two can rest in peace forever… But I wonder why the Ghosts were tearing this castle apart in the first place (這時憑空出現了一顆金色的珠子) Hmm? What’s this? What a beautiful gem! It must be a thank you! It’s so bright… let’s take it with us! (MATHPIG has found a Gold Orb!) (看著相親相愛的兩人,安心的MATHPIG及Bianca也啟程回到了Alcapa) -- 或許在兩人心中,這只是一個小小的冒險 但,他們應該也難以想像 這次的”約會”會對他們的未來有什麼樣的影響… --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ superpigpig:愈打俞覺得好玩,有些對話很妙~~~真的值得一看 :) 08/02 22:13
2F:推 rukawa514:推推推,謝謝你讓我這種英日文殘障都能看的劇情,感謝 08/02 23:50
3F:→ superpigpig:也要謝謝diabla網友的翻譯呢~~很合我的調調 :) 08/03 01:07

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