DragonQuest 板


(到了Alcapa後,救人心切的眾人直衝旅館) 旅館職員(?): Ah! Welcome back, ma’am! Did you get the medicine? (於是眾人急忙把藥拿給病床上的duncan) Perfect. Your husband will be better in no time thanks to this. Papas: Well then, I think I’ll go check in on old Duncan for a moment… 旅館職員(?): I hope Duncan gets well soon… Bianca: My father’s very ill… Papas: If you’re getting bored, why don’t you go walking around for a while? (雖然我覺得這樣很不禮貌,但畢竟MATHPIG還小,所以,還是耐不住性子想出去逛逛) (走到房門口) Bianca: Are you going for a walk? Come on, I’ll go with you! (兩人於是相親相愛手牽手找村民們聊天去了) 村口守衛: I’m standing guard here so bad monsters can’t get into the city. But it’s also to keep little boys like you from leaving the town on a whim. 欺負貓的小孩1: Hey, what’s the big idea? This is my cat to bully! Don’t get in my way! 欺負貓的小孩2: It’s a weird looking cat, ain’t it? It meows funny when you kick it! Come on cat, let me hear you meow! Bianca: Stop it! The poor thing’s scared sick! Give it to me right now! 欺負貓的小孩2: Heh, she wants us to hand over the cat! What should we do? Well, we were getting bored kicking the bejeezus out of it, so you can have it if you want… Wait, I know! You can have it if you can beat up the ghosts of Lenoire! Good one! The cat for the ghosts of Lenoire! 女村民: This is the city of Alcapa. To the North lies the Palace of Lenoire. 屋內女村民: My fool child! Picking up stray cats! I told him to get rid of it, but he just won’t listen! What a stubborn child! 教堂內老人: Well well… how pious you must be to come to church all by yourselves at such a young age. You remind me of my younger days… Wa ha ha ha! 武器店老闆: (從後門進入時) Not you again! You little punks! Hmm? Oh, you’re not the usual punks… Anyhow, you’re in my way! How scram! 旅店院子詩人: Once upon a time, at the Palace of Lenoire lived a brave King and his beautiful Queen. But these two could not have children, and so their royal line could not survive. The palace was deserted soon after. (天色突然暗了下來) However! It is said to this day, at night the sounds of weeping can be heard from the Palace of Lenoire! The end. Well? Scary story, eh? (Yes) or (No) Anyhow, little boy… the moral of the story is to stay the heck away from the Palace of Lenoire! (都聊過了,回去找把拔吧) Papas: Sorry to keep you waiting, MATHPIG. But it seems like Duncan’s sickness was just a simple cold! Well, shall we head back to Santa Rosa, then? (拉了MATHPIG要離開時,Duncan的老婆追了上來) 旅店女主人: Oh, Papas! Don’t you dare go home after just a few hours? Why don’t you stay over, at least for the night? Papas: Oh, alright… how can I say no to such good friends! 旅店女主人: Good good… this way please…(將兩人領至三樓) Well then, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite! Papas: Let’s see… We have to leave early tomorrow morning, or else the village will think the worst. Well, we’d better get to bed, or we’ll never wake up before dawn! Goodnight, son… (半夜,突然有個聲音) 說道: MATHPIG… wake up…(竟然是Bianca!?) Bianca: Good, you’re finally up. Well come on then. We have to get moving. Where? To Lenoire, silly! We have to beat up those ghosts and save that poor kitten! The castle of Lenoire is supposed to be all the way North of this city. Come on then. -- 深夜的幽會 竟然是為了救貓的抓鬼行 這樣既強悍又悲天憫人的女中豪傑 主角真的保護的了她嗎? 或是…被她保護呢? --

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1F:推 jazzmumu:s大的結語很有章回小說的感覺XDD 07/28 17:04

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