DragonQuest 板


(與船艙內大家對話) Papas: I’ll be right here, so come back safely to me, okay? 甲板上水手: What's the matter, boy? If you've got business with the Captain, he's in his cabin. 甲板上舵手: We’ll reach the Harbor of Vista soon. It may sound pretty fancy, but it's really pretty dinky. Can't believe that the Captain agreed to stop by that harbor just for you two Our Captain’s too nice sometimes… 艙內廚師: Hey there, boy! You hungry, are ya? My cooking's some of the best! I wonder who the better cook is: me or your father? 艙內水手: I can't believe that your dad's been raising you all by himself… Your father must really be something, huh? 艙內水手: I heard your father is travelling the world, searching for something. I don't know what it is, but I hope you find it soon. 船長室內水手: *GRRROOOOWWWWLLL* Huh?! I didn't scare ya? Heh! What a brave little kid! 船長室內水手: Heard that you're travelling. Just you and your father? 船長: I'm the ship's captain. A long time ago, your father helped me out a lot. Listen here, boy. Listen to your father well and grow up to be as great a man as he is. (從船長室出來,似乎已經要靠岸了) 船上水手們: Harbor ahoy! Lower the anchor! Raise the sails! 船長: Well, it seems like we're here…(船已靠岸,放下了艦橋) Listen boy, will ya go fetch yer father up here for me? 甲板上水手: Now listen up. No matter what, little boys shouldn't cry, alright? 甲板上舵手: After this stop, we'll be heading off for another harbor, so it's farewell for now… 甲板上水手: Take care now, boy! 艙內廚師: Okay then… goodbye now… I'll miss you… Take care! Papas: So we're finally here! It's been over two years since I've been back to this village… MATHPIG, you're probably too young to remember anything about this place though… Well then, let's go! Did you forget anything? (再上甲板與船長聊天,就跟把拔走囉) 船長: It's goodbye for now, boy, but every so often, I hope you take some time to remember me… Papas: Sure you didn't forget anything? Did you check in the drawers? (Yes) Well then, Captain… farewell! Thanks for everything… And take care of yourself! (No) Alright, go take care of it. I’ll be waiting here for you. (揮揮手跟船say goodbye後,在港口又遇到了熟人) 港口村民: Papas! It is you, isn’t it, Papas?! Oh, it is! You’ve come back safely to us! Papas: Wa ha ha! They may quarter or starve me, but no one can bump me off! MATHPIG… Daddy’s got some business to discuss with this person. Why don’t you go play by yourself for awhile? Don’t go wandering off too far, okay? 港口房內女村民: It must have been two years ago, a man named Papas left this harbor on a quest… Said he was looking for something dear to him. He took a young child along with him… but… What? You’re that child? And Papas has just returned on that ship?! No kidding… speak of the devil! (笨笨的MATHPIG走啊走就到了外面,遇到了三隻slime,危險之餘,把拔出現了) (憑Papas的功力,當然三兩下就把怪物解決掉) Papas: Are you alright, MATHPIG?(Papas casts Heal! MATHPIG’s wounds are healed!) It’s a bit dangerous for you to go wandering off alone, so promise me you'll be careful Well then, let’s go! (再往前,遇見了Green Worm, Longneck Weasel及Healer) (怪物們的命運一樣是被Papas輕鬆解決,Papas也愛子心切的再幫MATHPIG治療) (接著兩人來到了一個村落) 村口衛兵: Could you be… Papas!? It’s been over two years since you left… where… What am I saying? Questions can wait for later! I’ve got to go tell the others! (他開心的走到村口對大家喊著) Everyone, Papas is back! Papas has returned! (Papas一路走一路接受眾人的祝福) 旅店老闆: Papas! You’re alive! What? That boy… is he…? My how you've grown… Please come and visit us the tavern tonight, alright? Everyone wants to hear of your adventures! 武器店老闆: Yo! Papas! You’re finally back! I know all we did was fight when you were here, but after you left…I was so bored… Well, after you settle down, you had better tell me how you’ve been,alright? 村民: It’s really you, Papas! Welcome back! While you were gone, the entire village was buzzing with rumors about you! 修女: Lord Papas! Welcome back! Thank God you’re safe! Ah, God must truly be watching over you to bring you back to us… Blah blah, save that talk for church! This is no time to speak like that! Hooray! Papas is back! Waahoo! Papas has returned! Three cheers… Hip hip, hooray! -- 在這樣的村落裡,Papas及MATHPIG究竟給村民留下了什麼樣的回憶 而Papas離開的理由又是什麼呢? 竟然能讓他的歸來是一件這麼開心且值得慶賀的事 至少,我們發現連修女都像瘋了一樣的開心 ^^” --

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