Disney 板

[恐龍]普通版DVD Dinosaur (Movie-Only Edition) ID: DIS19572DVD - $26.99 - PG UPC: 717951008381 - 82 min. - 2000 Street: 1/30/01 - Animation,Children/Family,Sci-Fi/Fantasy 16X9 - 1.85:1 - Pan & Scan - Color - English - 5.1 Dolby Digital, 5.1 DTS - Add'l Language: French - Region 1 - THX Alfre Woodard, D.B. Sweeney, Julianna Margulies, Max Casella, Ossie Davis, Samuel E. Wright - Dir:Eric Leighton, Ralph Zondag Set 65 million years ago, "Dinosaur" follows the adventures of an Iguanodon named Aladar, separated from his own species and raised on an island paradise by a clan of lemurs. When a devastating meteor shower plunges their world into chaos, Aladar and several members of his lemur family escape to the mainland and join a group of migrating dinosaurs desperately searching for safe nesting grounds. A milestone in cinema history, "Dinosaur" features an incredible cast of computer-animated dinosaurs set in a jaw-dropping photorealistic world. A wondrous animated masterpiece in the grand Disney tradition, created directly from the digital source. Making Of - "Dinopedia" - Learn fun and interesting facts about the dinosaurs from the film; Two games: "Aladar's Adventure" - Help Aladar find water, his friends, and to free himself from a maze of caves, and "DinoSearch" - Find the hidden pieces and assemble three dinosaurs. 封面: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000050MN3.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
[恐龍]特別版DVD Dinosaur (Special Edition) ID: DIS21924DVD - $39.99 - PG UPC: 786936147728 - 82 min. - 2000 Street: 1/30/01 - Animation,Children/Family,Sci-Fi/Fantasy 16X9 - 1.85:1 - Color - English - 5.1 Dolby Digital, 5.1 DTS - Add'l Language: French - Region 1 - THX Alfre Woodard, D.B. Sweeney, Julianna Margulies, Max Casella, Ossie Davis, Samuel E. Wright - Dir:Eric Leighton, Ralph Zondag Set 65 million years ago, "Dinosaur" follows the adventures of an Iguanodon named Aladar, separated from his own species and raised on an island paradise by a clan of lemurs. When a devastating meteor shower plunges their world into chaos, Aladar and several members of his lemur family escape to the mainland and join a group of migrating dinosaurs desperately searching for safe nesting grounds. A milestone in cinema history, "Dinosaur" features an incredible cast of computer-animated dinosaurs set in a jaw-dropping photorealistic world. A wondrous animated masterpiece in the grand Disney tradition, created directly from the digital source. Audio Commentary by the directors, special effects supervisor and digital effects supervisor - Audio Commentary by producer Pam Marsden and members of the production team - Trailers & TV spots - Character designs - Making Of - Deleted Footage - Two-disc set; History and development; Original story treatment; 3-D workbook to final film comparison; Featurettes on dinosaur design, locations, voice cast; Visual development; Computer animation tests; Hidden "easter egg" extras; "Dinopedia" - Learn fun and interesting facts about the dinosaurs from the film; Two games: "Aladar's Adventure" - Help Aladar find water, his friends, and to free himself from a maze of caves, and "DinoSearch" - Find the hidden pieces and assemble three dinosaurs. 封面: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00003CXHS.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
-- ※ Origin: 神農坡 <bbs.ym.edu.tw> ◆ From:

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