Design 板


各位!!! 全球最大同志交友平台 Grindr 來台徵才喔! 舒適亮眼的工作環境,競爭力高的薪資條件,歡迎大家踴躍應徵及多多分享。 公司官網: 公司介紹: 【公司名稱】 Grindr 台灣基達科技 【工作職缺】 1.Digital Designer 2.Product Designer 【工作內容】 1.Digital Designer (1) Design mobile and web assets such as in-app interstitials and banners (2) Develop suite of motion graphics assets, refresh and/or rebrand existing m otion graphics assets as necessary (3) Organize and maintain libraries of creative assets (4) Creative concept development (5) Willingness to communicate regularly with Growth Team in Los Angeles throu gh Slack and Zoom (6) Review work with Head of Animation & Design weekly (7) Ensure brand consistency in all work produced 2.Product Designer (1) Working with the Design Lead, design valuable, cohesive and delightful use r experiences for Grindr and INTO (2) Work with Product Owners to ask questions and gather data to understand th e problems that need to be solved (3) Create UX designs and prototypes and UI mock-ups, including wireframes, fl owcharts, visual mock-ups (4) Iterate on designs based on feedback from team members, stakeholders and u sers (5) Work directly with engineers on-site as well as remotely to execute design s as intended (6) Communicate design decisions without defending them (7) Always be an advocate for our users (8) Stay up-to-date with mobile app design trends, best practices, patterns, n ew capabilities, etc., and use this knowledge to push the product forward 【徵求條件】 1.Digital Designer (1)Fluent in conversational English and excellent communication skills (2)Expertise in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects and Premiere o n a Mac platform (3)Expert knowledge of iOS (4)Knowledge of basic animation principles (5)Animation ability using After Effects (6)Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design, Motion Graphics Design, Animation or related discipline (7)3+ years of digital design experience (8)Knowledge of how to design for the different social platforms (9)Knowledge and understanding of graphics principles, layout, and production for mobile friendly design (10)Forward-thinking sense of color, design, typography, and composition (11)Well-organized with strong attention to detail 2.Product Designer (1)3+ years experience in product design, UI design and/or UX design in a fast -paced environment (2)Experience designing for both Android and iOS. Responsive web experience a plus (3)Experience with Sketch, Invision,, and other design & prototyping platforms a must (4)Highly collaborative. Builds trust & strong relationships at all levels, in fluences without formal authority, pushes back when appropriate. Earns respect and respects contributions of others (5)Comfortable with ambiguity (6)Process oriented but flexible to get things done in ambiguous times (7)An eye for simplicity and visual harmony (8)Knowledge of industry and platform specific patterns 【工作地點】 台北市忠孝東路五段68號12樓B1 【工作時間】 周一到周五 9:00-18:00 中午休息一小時 每週工時 40 小時 加班費制度:以勞基法為基準 【月休】 周休二日 【公司福利】 1.上下班彈性打卡,不計當日出勤時數 2.具競爭力的薪資結構 3.年終獎金 4.三節禮金或禮品 5.多樣化零食飲料提供 6.每年尾牙餐會及抽獎 7.不定期舉辦聚餐或活動 8.健康檢查 9.員工旅遊 10.每年特休天數可遞延一年使用,未休完特休天數將換算成薪資給付 11.每月每人可以申請在家工作一天 【薪資範圍】 1. Digital Designer 年薪範圍: 600,000-1,000,000 NTD/Y 2. Product Designer 年薪範圍: 1,000,000-2,500,000 NTD/Y 【需求人數】 數名 【聯絡人及聯絡方式】 請透過「JECHO – IT產業轉職平台」應徵: 【備註】 歡迎大家踴躍上傳履歷,建議附上作品集等連結讓我們更容易認識您! --

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1F:推 avowli: 可以轉到Soft Job,那裡看的人應該比較多 08/15 16:41

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