ChicagoBulls 板


※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1beY6TOc ] 作者: EZ78 (EZ78) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 芝加哥公牛球迷狂噓被紀念的Jerry Krause 時間: Sat Jan 13 13:37:31 2024 Bulls fans boo late GM Jerry Krause during Ring of Honor ceremony 公牛球迷在紀念儀式上狂噓前GM Jerry Krause Chicago Bulls fans mercilessly booed late general manager Jerry Krause during a halftime celebration of Friday’s 140-131 loss to the Golden State Warriors at the United Center. The team brought together several former players to honor its inaugural Ring of Honor class, as well as Hall of Fame coach Phil Jackson and other team personnel. When former team broadcaster Neil Funk announced Krause and the big screen depicted Krause’s likeness, fans erupted in boos 芝加哥公牛球迷在今天半場的紀念儀式上毫不留情的噓了前總管Jerry Krause。公牛也以 140-131主場輸給了金州勇士。 公牛蒐集了一些前球員以加入他們第一屆的Ring of Honor梯次,其中還包含了名人堂總教 練Phil Jackson及一些其他球隊人員。當前轉播員Neil Funk宣布了Krause並將他放在大螢 幕上時,現場球迷爆出了噓聲。 The crowd’s reaction left Krause’s widowed wife, Thelma Krause, visibly shaken as she was shown on the big screen. “It’s absolutely shameful,” Warriors coach Steve Kerr, who won three championships with the Bulls under Krause, said postgame. “I’m devastated for Thelma and for the Krause family. What can we possibly be thinking? … The fans who booed, they know who they are and that to me is absolutely shameful. I’m devastated by that. 群眾的反應讓Krause的遺孀Thelma Krause肉眼可見的在大螢幕上顯得非常震驚。 "這真的很丟臉。我為Thelma和Krause家族感到心碎。我們到底在想什麼?… 噓聲的球迷 ,他們知道自己是誰,對我來說這絕對是可恥的。我對此感到心碎。"在Krause管理的公牛 底下贏得三次總冠軍的勇士總教練Steve Kerr在賽後採訪表示。 “Whether people liked Jerry or not, whether they disagreed with the decision to move on, we’re here to celebrate the team. Jerry did an amazing job building that team. Tonight and last night was all about the joy and the love that team shared with the city and I’m so disappointed in the fans. And I want to be specific, because there were lots of fans I’m sure who did not boo. But those who booed, they should be ashamed.” Krause is credited as being the architect of the Bulls’ dynasty but also the man many view as responsible for dismantling the franchise’s core after six championships. He passed away in 2017. "無論人們喜不喜歡Jerry,無論他們同意或不同意他的決定,我們都是在這裡紀念他與那 隻團隊的。Jerry在建隊上出色的完成了他的工作。昨晚和今晚都是關於這支球隊與城市共 享的歡樂和愛的時刻而我對於球迷我感到非常失望。我想特別指出,因為我知道很多球迷 並不會這樣發出噓聲。但那些噓他的人,他們該為此感到可恥。" Krause作為公牛王朝的建築師被認為居功厥偉但很多人也認為他該對於王朝在6次冠軍後的 解體責任重大。他在2017年就已經過世了。 事件影片 Stacey King shares his thoughts on the classless boos Jerry Krause received from tonight's Ring of Honor celebration Stacey King(前公牛球員 現公牛球評)也批評了群眾的行為並直指這是"他這輩子看過最糟 糕的事情。" DeMar DeRozan on Jerry Krause: "That man has family, friends that are still here and ought to be appreciated. He shouldn't be disrespected in no type of way by hearing boos. It just sucks that his family has to endure something like that. You can never take away what he created." 公牛球員DeRozan則表示:「那個人有家庭、朋友在場且他應該被珍惜。他不應該被用噓聲 這種方式不尊重。他的家人不應該經歷這樣的事情,真的很糟糕。你永遠不能否定他所創 造的東西。」 是真的蠻丟臉的。 --

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1F:推 airandy1102: 她不可能不知道她老公幹了什麼事吧 01/14 11:21
2F:→ b54102: 我也不喜歡克胖 但給她老婆難看真的是....=_= 01/14 11:58
3F:推 airandy1102: 應該是要對事對人啦,他老婆可能也沒想到這麼久還要 01/14 15:09
4F:→ airandy1102: 坦 01/14 15:09
5F:推 aagun: 不管如何,他至少給了公牛六冠,看看後面的那些GM… 01/14 23:12

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