ChicagoBulls 板


[AK&ME] Chicago Bulls general manager Marc Eversley told @Stacey21King on @wisdom_knot that he loves Chicago and wants to be part of the Bulls for a long time. Marc said it's a huge responsibility being the GM of the Bulls but he takes pr ide in it. "I work my tail off." 6uvas2Qbr-JwHg ME想長期留在芝加哥 [Donovan] Billy Donovan indicates #Bulls' starting point guard position will get sorted out in training camp. He isn't too worked up about it right now, saying he wan ts to see how 5-man groups function together first. He praised Goran Dragic but noted Dragic won't play huge minutes. 老唐說會透過訓練營決定開季的先發控衛是誰: Caruso/Ayo/Coby/Dragic, 而且抓雞不會 打很多時間 [Lavine] "Zach LaVine is taking it to another level this season." - NBA trainer/skills coach Drew Hanlen on his Instagram 6uvas2Qbr-JwHg "I feel really good. I feel healthy. I feel strong. My strength work and my co nditioning was really good." - Chicago Bulls guard Zach LaVine told @thekapman on @UnfilteredNBC 6uvas2Qbr-JwHg Lavine終於恢復健康, 而且增加了一些技能包 [DDR] DeMar DeRozan has a message for everyone -- he expects to be better this seaso n. DeRozan: "Who comes up with these theories" that a player in Year 14 can't con tinue to elevate his game? uvas2Qbr-JwHg DDR說自己會比去年更強 [Vooch] One of the reasons Chicago Bulls center Nikola Vucevic didn't play at the FIBA EuroBasket this offseason for Montenegro is because he wanted to focus on tra ining for this upcoming NBA season. Nikola trained with several Bulls players this summer 6uvas2Qbr-JwHg Vooch休賽季沒打歐洲盃, 因為他想專注在下一個賽季, 跟隊友一起訓練 [Ball] Sources: There is confidence in Bulls guard Lonzo Ball's ability to return thi s season following left knee surgery on Wednesday that doctors believe address ed the issue. Ball is expected to miss at least a few months. vas2Qbr-JwHg Both sides are expected to monitor the response over the next two weeks, and a return to play based upon Ball's rehab process. vas2Qbr-JwHg After the surgery in Los Angeles, Ball said he will rehabilitate in Chicago ar ound the team. r-JwHg 球哥順利開完刀, 會在接下來兩周重新評估膝蓋狀況, 預計會休到明年, 最快下半季復出 , 術後會在芝加哥復健 [Caruso] Alex Caruso said he did give some thought to changing No. 6 in honor of Bill R ussell but was told he couldn't because his jersey is in top 75 for jersey sal es. All teams are wearing No. 6 patches on uniforms. Said he would revisit dec ision next season. r-JwHg Caruso尊敬指環王想換背號, 但他是球衣top 75聯盟不允許, 所以明年再說 [PW] Chicago Bulls forward Patrick Williams said that he got thinner this offseason because he felt overweight last season.(Via @chicagobulls) 6uvas2Qbr-JwHg PW覺得自己去年過重, 今年減重了 [Coby] Chicago Bulls guard Coby White said that he and a lot of the Bulls players wen t through a minicamp in LA this offseason to improve the chemistry of the team . Coby said he isn't worried about individual stats and is focused on helping th e Bulls win games. 6uvas2Qbr-JwHg 小白休賽季跟很多隊友在LA訓練, 目標是贏球 [Ayo] Ayo Dosunmu said he finished last season at 194 pounds and now weighs 201. r-JwHg Ayo變壯了。 [Drummond] Andre Drummond said he still views himself as a starter but his job is to be a good teammate, do whatever he can to help the team win and accept whatever ro le the coaching staff has for him. r-JwHg 抓猛還是把自己視為先發, 但一切以球隊勝利為優先, 可以接受教練團安排的任何角色 [人事異動] The Chicago Bulls have hired Chicago's own and former Penn State basketball pl ayer Teniya Page to work in the basketball operations department. The Chicago Bulls have hired Logan Power to be a player development coordinato r. Logan was on the Indiana Pacers coaching staff. --

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1F:推 hesho: 感謝整理 09/30 12:04
2F:推 sbmylife: 推整理 09/30 17:43
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4F:推 b54102: 推 10/05 21:31
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6F:推 cn5417: 感謝整理 10/10 18:44

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