作者punker (晴)
標題Re: 請問PH3為酸性或鹼性??
時間Thu Mar 4 22:37:27 2004
※ 引述《KiYu (我只看的懂中文阿!!)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《ambivert (在我墳上起舞)》之銘言:
: : 那PH3是酸性還是鹼性? (在水中)
: : 謝謝 ^^
: 感覺像鹼性~~|||它是NH3的小孩吧??
: 從磷和清氧化那強熱製備...感覺真的很(虛的)鹼性...|||
是的 Bingo!!!
I was so simple yesterday. It let me remember the time I was young,
laugh so naturally and cry so causually.
I changed myself and thought could leave no marks. Nobody felt I was
in pain. Nobody could see I was bridling. I didn't look like myself already.
I wanted to give you all the happiness in my life whatever I could.
Why did you keep pretending your hardness?
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