作者punker (你快樂所以我快樂)
標題Re: [問題] 請問誰是良哲ㄚ????
時間Sat Jun 7 00:11:56 2003
※ 引述《Jacky0628 ( *~騎士精神~* )》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Lgsun (認真唸書資格考)》之銘言:
: : 其實他們都排班排了很久 應該1hr左右
: : 如果只載到七十元的 應該會氣死吧:P
: : 因為以前我坐台中火車站計程車到補習班 因為才1.3公里 75元
: : 就被唸過 呵
: : 所以後來我都去攔路上的..
: 其實
: 只要從地下道走到台中客運那邊
: 就不會被念了....
: PS:台中火車站的有不少司機會偷按夜間加成喔
: 大白天看不清楚燈有沒有亮 要小心~~~~
用聽的, 夜間加成計程車會逼逼兩聲
I was so simple yesterday. It let me remember the time I was young,
laugh so naturally and cry so causually.
I changed myself and thought could leave no marks. Nobody felt I was
in pain. Nobody could see I was bridling. I didn't look like myself already.
I wanted to give you all the happiness in my life whatever I could.
Why did you keep pretending your hardness?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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