作者kriz (Encoded)
標題Re: [問題]為什麼充電電池測試會用到用CV圖?
時間Sun Sep 14 23:51:25 2008
: 我在看一些論文時,看到很多測試電極材料時
: 常會用這材料做成電極的電池去做循環伏安圖
: 為什麼測試電池會用到CV圖,那,怎樣的CV圖呈現表示電池電性很好?
: 又,CV圖可以看出電池的電容量嗎?
: 推 kriz:你是指測試電極材料還是測電池電容,有差別 09/13 22:55
: 推 richbank:通常會將CV curve 轉成 Voltage VS. Specific capacity 09/14 00:17
: → richbank:去看電極材料的充放電平台與電容量大小 可由充放電平台 09/14 00:19
: → richbank:去了解到 材料在充放電過程中的相變化 而電容量看大小及 09/14 00:22
: → richbank:隨循環次數衰退的速度 09/14 00:24
: → richbank:衰退越慢 該電極材料就越好 與材料的結構和粒徑有關 09/14 00:27
: → richbank:另外陰陽極材料在作充放電測試時給定的截止電壓及C-rate 09/14 00:29
: → richbank:也有所不同 C-rate的快慢也會影響到衰退速度 其他細節 09/14 00:32
: → richbank:可能要從你要做的材料去做判斷 09/14 00:34
: → shiaushiau:回一樓,是測量電池電容,他們的差別在哪邊? 09/14 16:13
: → shiaushiau:回二樓,謝謝你的解說~ 09/14 16:14
Generally speaking, the CV measurements for catalytic electrode materials
focus on the on-set potential, peak potential/current,
integrated area (e.g. hydrogen adsorption) and etc., which imply the
intrinsic catalyst activity and mechanism of your catalysts.
Sometimes in-situ experiment is needed to verify the intermediate if necessary.
Scan rate does introduce certain contribution in the result, here I mean the
CV diagram, and many books has already gone into the detail of this effect
even thought that may not so important you right now.
I have to confess that I'm not so familiar with the term "c-rate",
and why Mr.Richbank mentioned the measurement charge/discharge of
anodic/cathodic material, as that makes no sense and sounds odd to me.
Since electrochemical capacitor is not what I specialize in, and Mr.Richbank
provides many useful information for you, so I shouldn't go into the details.
Based on these info., you can easily notice the purposes of CV for capacitor
and electrode material are quite differnt.
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◆ From:
1F:推 richbank:我指的是將 電極材料組裝成coin cell後 進行充放電測試 09/15 22:37
2F:→ richbank:出來的數據 將capacity 進行微分 就是一個 CV-curve 09/15 22:38