Celtics 板


合作廠商消息: ------------------------------------------------------------ Since the Celtics announced a multiyear deal with Reebok yesterday that includes title sponsorship of the Boston summer league, it creates an interesting combination of shoe company power. James recently signed a $90 million deal with Nike, but his first professional action will come in a Reebok-sponsored event. In addition to sponsoring the summer league, Reebok will work with the Celtics on a number of community and basketball-related initiatives. ''Reebok is proud and excited about our new partnership with the Boston Celtics,'' said John Lynch, Reebok's vice president of sports and entertainment marketing. ''We believe this is an excellent opportunity for Reebok to expand in the world of basketball. To bring a new dimension to our long-term agreement with the NBA, it was a natural fit for Reebok to join forces with our hometown NBA team.'' ------------------------------------------------------------ Reebok與Celtics成為籃球相關的合作伙伴,蠻喜歡這種合作關係的。 有趣的是,Nike的新天王James將會在Reebok贊助的暑期聯盟中第一次 出場。 :) 有人記得目前Celtics各球員(比如說Walker,Pierce)所屬的球鞋廠 商嗎? 一點選秀的消息: ------------------------------------------------------------ The Celtics passed on Tony Parker back in the 2001 draft. Yesterday, they got a good look at the French point guard Parker displaced on the national team: 22-year-old Paccelis Morlende. Morlende wasn't the only European player in for a workout. Others were the man-child they call ''Baby Shaq,'' Sofoklis Schortsanitis, and Malick Badiane, a Senegalese who played in Germany last year. A few years back, Morlende was ahead of Parker on the French depth charts, according to agent Marc Fleisher, who represents both players. But Morlende got hurt and Parker moved ahead of him. The rest is history. The Celtics passed over Parker in the 2001 draft and took Joe Forte. The 6-foot-2-inch, 185-pound Morlende started last year in Bologna, but was injured and finished the season in Dijon. He averaged 14.4 points a game. He turned 22 in April. He will be available when the Celtics pick this month, but most mock drafts don't have him going in the first round. Schortsanitis is another story. He could be gone by the time the Celtics make their first selection at No. 16. He is 6-9, weighs 255, and averaged 11 points and almost 7 rebounds a game for Iraklis. Badiane turned 19 in January. He is 6-10, weighs 230, and averaged 11.7 points and 8-plus rebounds a game for Langen. He is hoping to play for his native Senegal in the 2004 Olympics. ------------------------------------------------------------ 這陣子波士頓的workouts來了不少小朋友,恕我不一一介紹。目前波 士頓的策略就是持續修訂各位置的排行, 想像一下Ainge選秀會當天 會帶著五個位置的前十或前二十的名單前往戰略室,而這名單在選秀 結束後還有作用: 在七月初舉辦的Mini-camp中邀請未入選的球員, 評選暑期聯盟的球隊名單。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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