作者imb4721 (getz)
標題Re: [公告] PBL甲班第五組請進入
時間Sun Dec 11 23:47:33 2005
※ 引述《imb4721 (getz)》之銘言:
: 下禮拜三
: 早上8:00~10:00
: 張益彰老師上課
: 由於ftp傳不上去,
: 我先把教案放在這兒
: Scene 1
: A 62-year-old male laborer had received a left leg below-knee amputation
: due to trauma 20 years ago. Two weeks ago before admission, he suddenly
: suffered from lumbosacral pain, which immediately radiated down to right
: leg. His symptoms became progressively worse and he eventually
: experienced difficulty in walking. On admission, the patient was bedridden
: due to bilateral quadriceps muscle paresis. The motor strength was grade 3
: in bilateral thigh muscle and was grade 4 on dorsiflexion and plantar flexion
: of the right foot. Hypothesia to pinprick and touch sensation were evident
: below bilateral L3 level and worse on the right side. Bilateral knee tendon
: reflex were absent and the right side Achilles tendon reflex diminished.
: Straight-leg raising test were negative bilaterally while the right-side
: femoral stretching test was positive. Rectal tone was not decreased,
: and post void residual urine volumes measured less than 50 cc.
: 老師沒說要事先準備
: 我想我們還是先準備一下好了
: 至於要不要分工就看大家意思
: 回一下意見吧^^
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