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有王100分,有洋基+10分 Cashman: Yanks continue to look for “potential castoffs” to fill-out roster March 22, 2016 by Mike Axisa 153 Comments With Opening Day less than two weeks away and the final few roster spots still unsettled, Brian Cashman confirmed the Yankees continue to look for “ potential castoffs” from other teams to fill out their roster. They offered Ruben Tejada a minor league deal last week after he was released by the Mets, for example. “A lot of meetings with the staff, a lot of discussions of ways to go,” said the GM to Meredith Marakovits (video link). “Engaging other clubs about potential castoffs or available players on their end to make sure you measure them against what you already have in camp. (We have) a lot of extra meetings about that 25th spot, moreso than people could ever imagine. You always spend so much time discussing who’s the final piece to a puzzle that’ s never finished.” Right now the Yankees have four open roster spots: the backup catcher, a backup third baseman, and two relievers. Rob Refsnyder seems to have a leg up on that final bench spot, but who knows. Four years ago it seemed Frankie Cervelli had the backup catcher’s job locked down, then bam, he was in Triple-A and Chris Stewart was a Yankee. Things can come together quickly. I didn’t see many appealing targets on the out of options market, though there are definitely a lot of veteran players around the league on minor league contracts that include an opt-out at the end of Spring Training. That would be an interesting list to see. Here are all the players on minor league deals. I wonder if someone like Grant Green, A.J Griffin, or former Yankee Chien-Ming Wang has an end-of-camp opt-out date. Over the last few seasons the Yankees have acquired players like Stewart, Vernon Wells, Gregorio Petit, and Lyle Overbay in the week leading up to Opening Day. (They also traded away Eduardo Nunez.) All of those guys except Stewart were brought in to help cover for an injury. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that this season. The Yankees have some depth but don’t want to have to use it. --

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1F:推 coosla: 沙胖的春訓狀況好像沒很好ERA7.36 03/23 09:15
2F:推 enkidu0830: Cashman當初是不是嫌建仔球速慢?? 03/23 09:58
3F:→ vaughn: 當初真的慢啊,但今年變快了,也真的被注意到了,讚喔 03/23 10:02
4F:→ timon7063: 重回擁抱嗎? 03/23 10:12
5F:推 donnylee: 當初慢沒威力,現在速度一整個回來且控球變更好,洋基不 03/23 10:16
6F:→ donnylee: 花個200來買個福袋試試看嗎? 03/23 10:16
7F:推 donnylee: 現金男有聽過"熟悉的最對味"嗎? 03/23 10:23
8F:推 gidapops: 而且洋基八字要夠重 王已經吃過了 最對味 03/23 10:25
9F:→ coosla: 有投出成績不怕沒地方去 03/23 10:33
10F:推 donnylee: 洋基今年沒什麼好的補強,確實可以考慮王看看 03/23 10:40
11F:→ argoth: 現在CMW還有和KC的合約在 又不是FA 03/23 10:58
12F:推 gidapops: 5/1搶 反正剛開始 03/23 11:01
13F:推 lakers110: 支持王5/1脫逃,在皇家要等先發受傷太難 03/23 11:14
14F:推 monkeydpp: 還是想看到穿條紋衣的王建民 03/23 13:08
15F:推 lakers110: 專欄,可以看看 03/23 13:40
16F:推 kenro: 這種球速和球質是當年他們最愛的 當然會考慮並觀察看看 03/23 20:03
17F:推 eddieyu: 戲台下站久了就會是你的 03/24 08:02

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