CMWang 板


The Wang Dynasty 盛世“王”朝 by SG The Yankees won their third consecutive game last night, trouncing the Blue Jays7-2. the star of the game was unquestionably the fireballing right-hander from Tainan, Taiwan, Chien-Ming Wang. 北佬昨晚以7-2痛擊藍鳥,贏得三連勝;來自台灣台南的火球右投王建民, 毫無疑問地是今晚天空最閃亮的一顆星。 Wang had some control issues early in the game, walking three in the second inning. A lot of that had to do with a tight strike zone, although home plate ump Bruce Dreckman was consistent with both pitchers and throughout the game. Wang had his best fastball of the season, sitting at 95-96 for much of the game and even reaching 98 on one pitch. The other adjustment that I noticed was that he was mixing in more off-speed pitches, which I think he was doing due to his struggles against Toronto the last time they faced him. 開賽不久小王就出現一些控球問題,在第二局送出三個保送。雖然其中 大部分的球都投在好球帶邊邊角角,但整場比賽主審Bruce Dreckman都 對雙方投手堅持他一致的好壞球判決。小王今晚擁有本季做好的速球, 速度大部分在95-96英哩之間,甚至有一球達到98英哩。還有我注意到 今晚小王改變了投球策略—混和了較多的off-speed球路,我想這是由於 上一場對上藍鳥不甚理想的表現所做的調整。 Wang pitched eight shutout innings, running his scoreless inning streak to 18 and lowering his ERA on the season to 3.58. 小王今晚丟了八局完封,並使他的無失分局數來到18局之譜,而禮物就 是ERA來到本季新低的3.58。 Here are some numbers on Wang (rank in the AL amongst starters who've pitched 90 innings or more in parenthesis). 這兒有些關於小王的數據(括弧內是美聯投出超過90局先發投手的排名) Innings: 156 (2nd) ERA+: 127 (9th) Runs saved above average: 20 (6th) Opponent OBP: .310 (15th) Opponent SLG: .346 (3rd) HR+: 231 (2nd, to Jaret Wright?????!!!) (P.S. 第一名竟然是五局男…) Update: Here's the full list of AL pitchers who've pitched 90 innings or more ranked by Runs saved above average 補上:下面是所有投超過90局美聯投手的RAA排名表
To this point, Wang is one of the best pitchers in the AL. His K rate is historically low, and it still remains a source of concern going forward, but we now have 272 innings in the majors and a career ERA of 3.77 with a low K rate, and Wang keeps on keeping on. At some point he has to go from a fluke to an outlier. 根據這點,小王表現的就像美聯最佳投手之一。他的三振率來到歷史新 低,而它仍是我們一直以來擔心小王能否走的長遠的數字,不過現在我 們已經有了在低三振率下,生涯272局、自責分率3.77好成績的背書, 而小王好表現還在持續中呢! 但一些觀點指出小王還得走下去以證明 他是假貨(運氣好)還是特例。 I also think that there's never been a pitcher with a K rate as low as Wang who had the kind of dynamite stuff that he has. Stuff counts. 我也認為從來沒有一個投手像小王一樣,擁有絕佳的stuff卻呈現低到誇 張的三振率。 Wang continues to save the bullpen with his starts also, which has team value that's not reflected in his own stat line. That also counts. Right now, I think he's a legitimate number 2 starter, and a borderline number one. 小王持續在他先發的日子中拯救疲累的牛棚,而這團隊價值不會反映在 他的數據中。考慮這項因素,我會認為小王至少是個實質的二號先發, 甚至要說是ACE我也不會太反對。 This is pretty cool (well, I think it is at least). Wang's pitch chart from yesterday. Notice how only five pitches were above waist-level. 這真是酷斃了。(好吧,至少到目前為止我是這樣想的)。下面是小王昨 晚的投球分佈圖。請注意!只有五顆球位在腰部以上。
(以下跟小王無關就不翻了) 本文出處 -- 小弟逛逛不小心看到標題,感覺蠻有趣的就翻了一下 第一次翻,有錯請指正 謝謝 若OP待會自刪 --

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1F:推 qoopoki:如果王一直屌下去的話~以後日本媒體會不會說:"建民世代"XD 08/05 00:41
2F:推 backslash:推「投球分佈圖」! 08/05 00:43
3F:推 peggie:請注意!只有五顆球位在腰部以上 XD 08/05 00:44
4F:推 mansJ:投球的位置 也太集中了巴 好準 神! 08/05 00:45
5F:推 tritonchang:什麼是RAA 08/05 00:47
6F:推 alen3321:投球分佈圖 COOL!! 08/05 00:47
7F:推 sky101:感謝翻譯! 小王穩定進步中! 08/05 00:46
8F:推 patzoom:推! 08/05 00:47
9F:推 smallgoose:只有五顆球!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/05 00:48
10F:推 HansLee:推這篇, 感謝原po翻譯 08/05 00:49
11F:推 GPR70:有夠屌的pitch chart ! 那是作者自己畫的還是MLB的紀錄呢? 08/05 00:50
12F:推 HGL:王朝 08/05 00:51
13F:推 danieljaw:這是業餘球迷還是記者 寫得不錯耶 08/05 00:51
14F:推 fisher8: 選pitching 然後選 Wang 08/05 00:53
15F:→ GPR70:收到了!感謝fisher8網友的不吝指教 ! ^___^ 08/05 01:03
16F:→ GPR70:以前只看MLB的網站,看來應該多跑幾個網站逛逛了. ^_^ 08/05 01:04
17F:推 coolhunt:推f大 原來有這個東西阿 08/05 01:11
18F:推 Androgyne:這個進球點分配太迷人了 08/05 01:11
19F:推 holymars:Dynasty...讓我想到NBA 08/05 01:11
20F:推 iloveyiyun:大聯盟的選球...強 08/05 01:12
21F:推 superada:很棒.很好奇球落點是儀器測量的還是人工判斷的^^ 08/05 01:13
22F:推 GPR70:嗯... 看了一下莉莉的投球分佈, 其實也是滿低的... 08/05 01:14
23F:→ GPR70:可能是球種不同的關係吧... 08/05 01:15
24F:推 Eric0605:推 08/05 01:23
25F:推 skyjade:看到一些綠點出現在神奇的地方......主審該打屁股...... 08/05 02:46
26F:推 Annrod:推! 08/05 09:29
27F:推 k8543:推這個分佈圖.. 08/05 09:51

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