CMWang 板


※ 引述《epipole (pole)》之銘言: : : 排行榜請參考以上網址. : Chien-Ming Wang cracks list of best pitchers : Michael Lazarus / Special to : Chien-Ming Wang is one of the least-likely pitchers you'd ever expect to see : in our Ranking the Aces list. 王是你從未料想過,會進入我們王牌投手排行牌之一的先發投手 : Wang is dead-last — by a large margin — among the 93 qualified pitchers : with just 2.77 strikeouts per nine innings (Aaron Cook is next at 3.78). : With strikeouts so critical to continued success — it's a deciding factor in : two of our six categories — it takes something special to crack our rankings : of the top starters in baseball. : And Wang has it. Only Roy Halladay uses fewer than Wang's 13.7 pitches per : inning. : That efficiency has led to wins, a gradually declining ERA, and just enough : points to crack our list of aces for the first time this season at No. 19.  王在93位投手(有效排行)之中,他的 三振次數/九局 是2.77,  傲視大聯盟(Aaron Cook排行老二,數據是3.78)。 三振數如此的精簡,卻能投出好成績(在我們的分析裡,三振是一個決定性的因素)  這其中一定有蹊蹺。  然而主因就是,王的用球數很精簡,只有藍鳥隊的王牌Roy Halladay每局平均用球  數比王少(13.7)。在有效率的投球下導致了勝利,並且逐漸降低了投手自責分率  但這也足夠進入我們王牌投手名單之中,排行第19位     : # The six statistics the rankings are based on: : * ERA: The most common statistic to rate pitchers. : * WHIP: Keeping batters from reaching base is of utmost importance. : * Strikeouts/walk ratio: A big measuring stick for success. : * Strikeouts/9 innings: Pitchers who strike out more batters tend to do better. : * Opponents' slugging percentage: Limiting the home runs and extra-base hits. : * Wins: Yes, wins aren't always "earned" but this is what the ultimate goal is   我們的分析是根據以下六個數據,依重要性為投手自責分率、平均被打者上壘數   三振次數/保送、三振次數/九局、被長打率以及勝投次數 : The 30 top pitchers in each category earn points (30 for first, 29 for : second, and so on all the way down to 1 point for 30th place). Those with the : most total points top our rankings. : Pitchers must have thrown enough innings to qualify for the ERA title (one : inning per team games played) in every category except wins. Ties among wins : are broken by number of losses. Rankings are through Tuesday night.   這三十位王牌投手,分別在以上六個項目進行評比。各項目之中,第一名得30分   第二名29分,以此類推。最後把成績加總,就是我們的排名。   在投手自責分率這個評比中,投手必須要有足夠的 出賽局數/場 (勝投例外)    勝投數若相同,則比較敗投數目    此評比截至禮拜二晚上為止。   王建民今天勝投,很高興      貢獻了第二次的翻譯,請多指教 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 saidon:感謝翻譯~ 08/03 11:34
2F:推 dnzteeqrq:有翻有推 08/03 11:35
3F:推 Tzylu:截止到昨天 今天投的也很好 今天過後名次應該更高 08/03 11:35
4F:推 hl4:感謝 08/03 11:36
5F:推 elic2577:有點獸橘子的感覺,這個被戳破了,趕快換下一個分析 08/03 11:38
6F:推 khansu:六個數據中 有兩個要看三振數 對王來講 有點難 08/03 11:38
7F:推 beast1969:THANKS 08/03 11:39
※ 編輯: worldwide 來自: (08/03 11:40)
8F:推 jevin:ꔠ推 "三振數如此的精簡" 08/03 11:42
9F:推 phcebus:三振得1分....XD 08/03 11:43
10F:推 Lourd:感恩 08/03 12:06
11F:推 worldwide:謝謝指教 08/03 12:06
12F:推 FayeFaye1:有看有推 08/03 12:21
13F:推 poqwer:推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/03 12:38
14F:推 mrgod:推~ 08/03 15:18
15F:推 seanken:PUSH 08/03 15:29
16F:推 Annrod:淚推 08/03 20:37
17F:推 kaku216:推 08/06 12:25

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