CMWang 板


※ 引述《Squall0304 ( )》之銘言: 王建民掌控了多倫多藍鳥 洋基打出了十四支安打,目前仍然在美聯東區保持領先地位 記者 萊恩 敏克/ : NEW YORK -- At times this season, the Yankees' lineup has had weak spots : where pitchers could count on some easy outs. With the acquisitions of Bobby : Abreu and Craig Wilson, that appears to be a thing of the past. : The Yankees beat Toronto, 7-2, on Wednesday behind their sluggers and starter : Chien-Ming Wang. The 2-5 hitters were a combined 11-for-22 with six RBIs, and : every starter reached base at least once. : The Yankees have won seven of their last eight games and will go for a sweep : of the Blue Jays on Thursday. They are a still in first place in the American : League East. 紐約 -- 這一季裡有一段時間,洋基的打現有些缺陷,而投手能靠這些缺陷輕易 地取得出局數。隨著交易取得巴比‧阿布瑞尤跟克瑞格‧威爾森,那些缺陷已經 不再現了。 星期三洋基隊在他們的強打者們與王建民的帶領下,以七比二擊敗了多倫多藍鳥 。二棒到五棒打者總共廿二打席一共貢獻了十一支安打帶有六分打點,而且每位 先發打者至少上壘一次。 洋基在他們過去的八場比賽裡面取得了七次勝利,也即將在星期四把藍鳥隊掃地 出門。他們仍然在美聯東區居於領先地位。 : Wang was again dazzling, despite getting into early trouble. Wang improved to : 13-4 after tossing eight scoreless innings while allowing just four hits. : After a tough second inning in which he uncharacteristically walked three : batters, Wang retired 17 of the next 20 batters he faced. 雖然在前幾局遭遇到麻煩,王建民再次閃耀光芒。在八局僅僅被擊出四支安打無 失分之後,王建民的戰績進步到十三勝四負。在第二局的失常的保送三位打擊者 而遭遇一些麻煩後,王建民在剩下面對的廿個打者裡造成了十七個出局。 : After going 0-for-3 in his Yankees debut, Abreu had a single and double in : his first two at-bats in his second game. Wilson went 2-for-4. 昨天頭一次在洋基隊先發取得三打數無安打之後,阿布瑞尤今天的頭兩個打數取 得一壘安打、二壘安打各一支。而威爾森則是四打數兩安打。 : Derek Jeter started the Yankees' offense with his eighth homer of the season, : a shot into the first row in right-center field in the third. 德瑞克‧基特用他本季第八支全壘打打開了洋基隊得分之路,在第三局朝中右外 野打到觀眾席第一排上。 : Alex Rodriguez led off the sixth with a double in which it looked like he was : going to be tagged out at second only to pull his left hand back and reach : around with his right. Jorge Posada followed with a deep homer to left field : to give the Yankees a 3-0 lead. 羅德里奎茲在六局率先上場打出二壘安打,當時眼看他就要被二壘手觸殺出局了 ,而他把左手拉回,換右手安全上壘。波沙達緊接著擊出了左外野深遠的全壘打 使洋基取得三比零的領先。 : The Yankees batted around in the inning, further rouging up Jays starter Ted : Lilly, then relievers Dustin McGowan and Scott Downs. Rodriguez capped off : the six-run inning with a two-run single past the diving John McDonald, while : Johnny Damon added a bases loaded single. 洋基隊在這一局打了一輪,進一步的傷害了藍鳥的先發投手泰德‧利利,緊接著 的替補投手達斯汀‧麥高文以及史考特‧當斯。當戴蒙擊出了滿壘狀況下的一壘 安打後,羅德里奎茲打出了兩分打點一壘安打取得了第六分。 : Ryan Mink is an associate reporter for This story was not subject to : the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. 萊恩敏克是MLB.com特約記者。此篇報導並非大聯盟及其俱樂部的官方報導。 --

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