CMWang 板


※ 引述《redsniper (沒有完美的世界)》之銘言: : NEW YORK -- In each of Chien-Ming Wang's last two starts, he has pitched : one night after the Yankees had endured grueling four-hour games. : Last Friday, Wang responded with eight shutout innings against the A's. : Wednesday, he didn't hold the Rangers off the scoreboard, but his eight : solid innings were enough to lead the Yankees to a 4-3 win over Texas. : Jorge Posada, whose walk-off homer on Tuesday lifted the Yankees to the : biggest comeback in team history, continued his torrid streak at the : plate, going 2-for-2 with two RBIs. Posada is 11-for-25 on the current : homestand, a .444 average. 過去兩場王仔都是在洋基經過一場累人的四小時混戰之後先發。上星期五,王仔 讓對手嗑了八局鴨蛋的表現擊敗了運動家。星期三,王仔雖然沒有完全的壓制 遊騎兵的得分,但他八局的好投也足夠帶領洋基以四比三的比數拿下對遊騎兵的比賽。 星期二打出再見全壘打並製造出洋基隊史上最大逆轉勝的厚嘿波沙達,持續他火熱的 打擊手感,打出二支二及兩分打點的成績。他最近的主場打擊成績為25打數11支安打 ,四成四四的打擊率。 : The Yankees jumped out to a quick lead against Kameron Loe, as Posada : singled in Jeter in the first to put New York ahead, 1-0. : Wang looked sharp early, but the Yankees' defense didn't do much to help : its starter out. Andy Phillips committed an error in the first, coming : off the bag to take a throw from Alex Rodriguez, but Wang got through : the inning without allowing a run. 波沙達在第一局打出安打讓Jeter得分,以一比零的比數快速的得到了擊敗Loe的契機。 王仔一開賽氣勢如虹,但洋基的守備卻在一開始就喇賽。Philips在第一局為了接A-Rod 的傳球離壘造成了一個失誤,但王仔在沒有失分的情況下通過了這半局的考驗。 : Two innings later, Robinson Cano made the first of his two errors, : taking a potential double-play relay from A-Rod away from second : base. Phil Nevin was safe at second on the play, and he went on to : score on the next play, an RBI single by Kevin Mench. 過了兩局,台灣之友在接由A-Rod策動雙殺的傳球時,發生了今天他全場兩次麻花裡 的第一個麻花。Phil Nevin藉由這次的失誤安全的上到了二壘,隨後Kevin Mench帶 有打點的一壘安打將他送回了本壘。 : Wang pounded the strike zone with sinkers and sliders, getting one : ground ball after another. Cano committed another error in the sixth, : but Wang erased the baserunner with a double play. Wang induced another : twin-killing in the sixth, making up for a Mark Teixeira single. 王仔用他的伸卡和滑球一球一球的刺進好球帶,製造一個接著一個的滾地球。這時台灣 之友在第六局又再度的麻花,但王仔招喚DP大神降臨清空了壘上的跑者。王仔在第六局 (兩個第六局?報導錯誤?)在Teixeira的一壘安打後又製造了一次的DP。 : Loe got out of jams in the second and third, but he couldn't do the same : in the fifth. The Yankees broke through with three runs on consecutive : RBI singles by Posada, Cano and Bernie Williams, taking a 4-1 lead. : Wang retired the side in order in the seventh, but after retiring the : first hitter in the eighth, he gave up a double to Gerald Laird and a : two-run homer to Gary Matthews, pulling Texas within a run. Loe在第五局時也面臨二、三壘有跑者的危機,可是他沒有辦法展現相同的神蹟。洋基 在波沙達、台灣之友和老Bernie的連續三分的打點之下一舉突破彊局,獲得四比一的 領先。王仔在第七局按順序料理對手,可是在第八局解決掉第一位打者後,他被Laird 尻了一隻二安,緊接著被Matthews尻了隻兩分彈,讓遊騎兵緊咬不放。 : Mariano Rivera closed it out with a scoreless ninth, earning his eighth : save in nine opportunities 最後Mo在第九局沒有失分,將這場比賽收尾,拿到了九次救援機會中的第八次救援成功。 -- MLB的馬林魚,就好像養殖業一樣。蚵仔養肥養大了就往外送。 不過要當養殖業,也是要有本事把蚵仔養肥養大。台灣蚵就總是可悲了點~ 因為台灣的養蚵人總把把一打好蚵養成半打、半打養成三顆、三顆養成一顆~ 最後還榨乾那一顆的汁當蜆精喝。重點是蚵仔如果養不大養不肥還罵蚵仔心態有問題呢! --

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◆ From:
1F:推 yokuo7:推~~~辛苦了 05/18 10:34
2F:→ tigsog:大家真厲害..推 05/18 10:34
3F:推 JoSad:推推推~~~ 05/18 10:35
4F:→ Tomince:簽名檔...XD 05/18 10:35
5F:→ jqh:XDDD推 05/18 10:35
6F:推 yattin:好個鄉民式翻譯... 05/18 10:35
7F:推 segaps:這簽名檔實在太讚了 05/18 10:35
※ 編輯: KeeperOf7Key 來自: (05/18 10:35)
8F:推 jevan:推簽名檔 05/18 10:35
9F:推 mysterybear:推簽名檔 05/18 10:35
10F:推 acidrain:推簽名檔 05/18 10:36
11F:→ Kamelie:推簽名檔 XD 05/18 10:36
12F:推 redteaallen:麻花 哈利波特 失誤?? 05/18 10:36
13F:推 ICANBELIEVE:推簽名檔! 05/18 10:36
14F:推 Cerberus5:推簽名檔! 05/18 10:36
15F:推 GAIEGAIE:翻譯跟簽名黨太讚啦 05/18 10:37
16F:推 kiddlue:推簽名檔 XD 05/18 10:38
17F:推 f2002:好有特色的翻譯,但簽名檔更棒^^ 05/18 10:38
18F:推 stanle:我本來還在想 是不是和台科大有關係 05/18 10:38
19F:推 skysata:XDDDDDDDDDDD 05/18 10:38
※ 編輯: KeeperOf7Key 來自: (05/18 10:40)
20F:推 IamOPking:簽名檔酷! 05/18 10:41
21F:推 dbhern:天大地大養蚵大 高薪長約我不怕~~ 05/18 10:42
22F:推 leinadchoi:哈哈哈 這個簽名檔太 ...XDDDDD 05/18 10:44
23F:推 tsubasa6405:我也差點以為是抬蚵文 05/18 10:44
※ 編輯: KeeperOf7Key 來自: (05/18 10:45)
24F:推 doyna:推簽名檔XDDD 05/18 10:55
25F:推 amury:推簽名檔!!! 05/18 10:57
26F:推 sibala:看到洋基守備第一局開始喇賽 我整個笑翻了 05/18 10:58
27F:推 poor:大推~ 05/18 11:17
28F:推 steeldeck:翻譯跟簽名檔都太正點了! 05/18 11:18
29F:推 sycc:簽名檔...我笑了XDDDDDD 05/18 11:32
30F:推 loloso: 好棒的一篇翻譯阿!!!!! 05/18 12:03
31F:推 oukeheo:推推推!大推譯文跟簽名檔。酷啊~ 05/18 12:25
32F:→ poqwer:大推!!!!!!!! 05/18 12:36
33F:推 Kamakazi:推你的極品簽名檔 XD 05/18 13:33
34F:推 bluevivia:推簽名檔 05/18 13:36
35F:推 kagoi:淚推馬林魚! 老是把一堆王牌往外送 05/18 14:37
36F:推 water4567:我不能同意你在多了 鄉民式的翻譯我喜歡 05/18 17:17
37F:推 Eric0605:推 05/18 17:52
38F:推 mygoddess:推簽名檔 XD 05/18 19:08
39F:推 hanweileo:推簽名檔~~~ 05/19 03:49

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