CMWang 板


※ 引述《veronica4 (Veronica)》之銘言: : : coll=1 : Wednesday, March 22, 2006 : BY ED PRICE : Star-Ledger Staff : TAMPA, Fla. -- Another day, another Yankees starter with issues. : On the heels of Mike Mussina's horrific outing Monday, Chien-Ming Wang took : it on the chin yesterday at minor-league camp. With the Yankees off but Wang : on turn to pitch, he was roughed up by Toronto's Triple-A squad. 又有洋基先發投手的話題 繼星期一Mike Mussina驚悚演出之後 昨天星期二由王建民接棒 這天雖然是洋基春訓休兵日 但小王還是到小聯盟出賽迎戰多倫多藍鳥隊的三A隊 : Wang -- who will pitch the third game of the season if he continues to go : every five days -- allowed five runs in 3 2/3 innings, on seven hits : (including two homers and two doubles). Wang said for the first two innings : his front shoulder was flying open, causing his right arm to drop and his : sinker to stay up. 如果繼續按照每五天出賽一次的頻率 小王將在洋基本季第三場比賽先發 而在這場熱身賽中 他主投3 2/3局 被打7支安打(包括兩支全壘打 兩支二壘安打) 小王表示 前兩局 左肩開太快 導致右手臂下垂 下沉球路偏高 : "My arm feels good," Wang said. 他說"我手臂感覺不錯" : "He was just up," pitching coach Ron Guidry said. "He wasn't getting through : the ball. It looks like he was swinging and not driving the ball to the plate. : ... When he found out what it was, the third inning was more like him. 投手教練Ron Guidry說"只是投高了 看起來只有揮臂而沒把球控進本壘區... 而那些球沒有逃掉(打者的揮擊) 當他發現之後 第三局就比較像他了" : "Some days you have those days. I don't think there's anything wrong. Maybe : his wife made him sleep on the couch." "有時候就是會有這樣的日子 我不認為有什麼問題 也許只是(昨天)老婆叫他去睡沙發" : Wang threw 63 pitches, just 35 for strikes. The homers were hit by Maikel : Jova and Brad Hassey, who had a combined three home runs last year in 692 : Double-A at-bats. 小王投了63個球其中只有35是好球 Maikel Jova和Brad Hassey分別擊出全壘打 而兩人去年在2A 692次打擊中總共只擊出三支全壘打 ---------- 記得去年嚴父 慈母捕手都會提醒小王肩膀開太快 今年 慈母回紅襪退休了(接不到蝴蝶球??)... 看來要利用春訓好好和新來的捕手(嘿嘿 後母嗎?) 好好溝通溝通 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 aceliang:手掉下來.....@"@ 03/23 20:27
2F:→ aceliang:我以為是,他只是把球甩進本壘而非控球進壘包 03/23 20:28
u are right!
3F:推 wardraw:後母XD 03/23 21:02
※ 編輯: rresonance 來自: (03/23 22:25)
4F:推 kaku216:謝謝 03/23 23:41
5F:→ tlw0709:也許只是(昨天)老婆叫他去睡沙發 XD 感謝翻譯!! 03/24 02:06
6F:推 chien533: 許只是(昨天)老婆叫他去睡沙發 XD 03/24 03:31
7F:推 wardraw:也許只是(昨天)老婆跟他去睡沙發 XD 03/24 13:25
8F:推 bigsun0709:嗚~不要讓他睡沙發 下次叫他睡廁所 ^^ 03/24 13:50
9F:推 erazer:rresonance翻的很好,不過最下面我以為J和H再2A總共692打擊 03/24 22:04
10F:→ erazer:兩個人總共打了三支全壘打 @.@ 03/24 22:06
謝 指正 ※ 編輯: rresonance 來自: (03/26 08:03)

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