CFAiafeFSA 板


Position: Financial Engineer Location: Xinyi District,Taipei Introduction An American Company headquarter based in New York City is looking for a Financial Engineer role to serve its North Asian clients, which is market’s leading provider of risk analytics technology for the pricing, structuring, modeling and valuation any derivative instrument, or portfolio. We enable global financial institutions to understand performance, analyze and anticipate future derivatives risks with unparalleled speed and accuracy Responsibilities ‧Provide demo for potential clients and advise for business solutions. ‧Provide consulting, training and professional services for clients using Company products for integrated/independent pricing and risk analytics system. ‧Structure examples of real trades and perform valuation and/or risk analytics tasks using Cross Asset library and other Company Products and tools. ‧Work with customers and internal team on various key projects ranging fr structuring, valuation, quantitative advisory services, training, documentation, QA, implementation, quantitative research and development etc ‧Analyze the gap between company product and customer requirements and wr specification documentation for the development of new features and products. ‧Design and perform testing on models (calibration and pricing) and risks across multiple asset classes on various company products. Experience and Skills Required ‧MSc or PhD in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, Actuar Science, Engineering, or related field. Related research experience is preferred. ‧Strong knowledge and/or hands-on working experiences in derivative prici models and instruments across interest rate, cross-currency, credit, inflation, equity, foreign exchange, commodity, insurance, and/or hybrid products. ‧Strong mathematical skills including stochastic calculus, numerical meth for PDE, Monte Carlo simulation, probability and statistics, linear algebra, and financial modeling. ‧Good Hands-on experience on Excel VBA and object-oriented programming su as C++, C# or Java. ‧Knowledge and/or experiences in counterparty credit risk (such as AMC, C FVA, PFE, incremental CVA, collateral, netting, CSA, CVA VaR, PD, EAD, credit models, Economic Capital, …) and/or market risk (such as VaR methodologies (parametric, historical, and Monte Carlo), incremental VaR, marginal VaR, stressed VaR, backtesting, Basel, scenario generation, PCA, …). ‧Ability to communicate confidently and concisely both verbally and in writing. ‧Self-motivated and quick-learning professional able to address complex technical challenges, and produce high quality solutions in an efficient and timely manner. Salary: $1M - 1.5M TWD per year; Negotiable If you are interested in the role, please send your resume to [email protected] --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自:
※ 文章網址:
1F:→ youga: 這個條件只能拿1~1.5m阿.... 03/03 23:56
2F:推 eqil: work location? 03/04 08:04
3F:推 ceendy: 可能是找2年以下經驗的新人吧,想找資深的這薪水不夠 03/04 10:47
4F:→ dreambreaken: 可憐的台灣礦工 03/04 14:52
5F:推 mk2: 這薪水輸給台GG的輪班星人惹... 03/04 15:04
6F:→ s865795: 這薪水有點少.... 07/07 10:32
7F:推 tenorio5: GG=GS? 11/03 00:20

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