Buddhism 板


宣公上人: "我現在對大家說一說我念《地藏經》的經過。 我在十六歲那年,開始為人講《六祖壇經》和《金剛經》。我根本不會講,可是還要講, 為什麼?因為當時有很多人想研究經典,可是不識字。於是我想,我應該擔任這份工作, 所以義不容辭講起難講的經典。 有一天,在偶然機會之下,發現一本《地藏菩薩本願經 》,如獲至寶。念了一遍,覺得地藏菩薩太慈悲!菩薩對我們這樣地關心,可是我們還不 知道。於是我發心,天天念一部《地藏經》,又發心跪在佛前念。 佛殿是用磚塊鋪地,沒有墊子,我只穿一層布的褲子,跪在磚地上,念一部經約需兩小時 。只顧念經,膝蓋跪破了,也不知道痛,愈念愈高興。每天準時跪在佛前,虔誠地念。一 百多天之後,終因發生魔障而停止。 修道人,如果不用功修行,就沒有魔來考驗,稍有點成就,魔就來考驗你是否有定力?當 我在念《地藏經》時,有位居士來到廟上供養,見我跪著念經,很讚歎我,很羨慕我,所 以對廟上的人說:「他這麼用功,這麼精進……。」等這位居士走了之後,廟裏的和尚都 來罵我:「你裝模作樣!故意給居士們看,表示自己是老修行,這是攀緣!」當時我不辯 論,自己心裏明白,乃是為修行而念經。 可是從此之後,無理取鬧的事情,常常發生。在念經之前,他們來罵我:「假裝修行。」 念完之後,他們又罵我:「裝修行裝完啦!」冷嘲熱諷,天天如此。但我忍可於心,一言 不發。 念到一百多天之後,真的魔障來了。某日剛剛念完一部《地藏經》,大師兄來到我的面前 ,打了我一頓,我莫名其妙,也不敢發問,然後,他罵:「你這個東西,在這裏躲懶偷安 ,人家在工作,你裝模作樣在念經,表演給人看。廟上哪有你修行的地方?你有什麼功德 在這裏修行?」所以,我只好停止念《地藏經》。 今天又逢打地藏七的日子,使我想起往事。修道不容易,時時都會遇到障礙。你們大家很 幸運,能遇到這樣理想的修道處所,不受人罵,不受人打,多麼自在,更要學你們師父那 樣在逆境中掙扎,仍不灰心,照常精進。 Let me tell you my story about reciting the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth St ore Bodhisattva. When I was seventeen years old, I started lecturing on the Si xth Patriarch’s Platform Sutra and the Vajra Sutra. I didn’t know how to lec ture, but I still went ahead. Why? Because at that time, there were a lot of p eople who wanted to study Sutras, but couldn’t read. So I thought I should ta ke up this job. I acted from a strong sense of duty and started explaining the se difficult Sutras. One day I chanced to come upon the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhi sattva. I felt like I had acquired a most precious gem. I read the Sutra once and felt that Earth Store Bodhisattva was truly compassionate. He cares about us so much, yet we don’t even realize it. So I made a vow to recite the Sutra once every day, kneeling down in front of the Buddha. The Buddha Hall had a b rick floor and there were no cushions. The pants I wore had only one layer of cloth, and I knelt on the brick floor in them. It took about two hours to reci te the Sutra once. I concentrated only on reciting and didn’t notice that my knees were scraped and sore from kneeling. I didn’t even feel pain, I was jus t happy reciting. The more I recited the happier I became. Every day I would p unctually kneel in front of the Buddha to sincerely recite the Sutra. Over a h undred days later, a demonic obstruction occurred, so I stopped reciting. If cultivators don’t work hard at cultivation, no demons will come to test th em. But if you have some accomplishment, demons will come and test you to see if you have any samadhi power. When I was reciting the Earth Store Sutra, a la yperson came to the monastery to make offerings. Seeing me reciting the Sutra kneeling down, he praised me, expressed his admiration of me in public and sai d to people at the temple, “He works so hard, so vigorously...” After the la yperson left, all the monks of the monastery came over to scold me. “You pret ender! You did that deliberately to make the laypeople think that you’re a se asoned cultivator. That is exploiting conditions!” I didn’t argue. In my min d I knew that I recited for the sake of cultivation. But from then on I was ha ssled constantly. When I started reciting the Sutra, they’d come by and scold me, “Pretending!” After I was done, they scolded me again, “So, you finish ed pretending!” Every day they took turns in taunting and jeering at me. But I just endured it and didn’t say anything. After I had recited for over a hundred days, a real demonic obstacle came alon g. One day when I had just finished reciting the Sutra, a senior Dharma brothe r came over and whacked me. I was confused but dared not ask what was going on . He scolded, “You! Hiding here and being lazy. Other people are working and you’re here showing off, pretending to be reciting a Sutra. Is this temple a place for you to cultivate? What merit and virtue do you have to be cultivatin g here?” So I stopped my recitation of the Earth Store Sutra. Now that we are again having an Earth Store Bodhisattva recitation session, I am reminded of the past. It’s not easy to cultivate. You encounter obstacles all the time. You are very lucky that you can come to this ideal Way-place whe re you aren’t scolded or beaten. How comfortable! You should learn to be like your teacher; don’t be disheartened by bad states. Don’t give up; always ke ep advancing. " ❏圖片來源: http://www.fjtp.org/zushi/xuanhua ❏文章來源: http://www.drbachinese.org/online_reading/dharma_talks/kaishrlu-8/ volume8-ce-26.htm https://i.imgur.com/SRqZsfO.jpeg

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Buddhism/M.1734229702.A.0EC.html
1F:推 eudamonia4u : 南無阿彌陀佛 12/15 12:23
2F:推 dakudai : 阿彌陀佛! 12/15 21:33

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