Browsers 板


官方版本133.0預計在 2024年11月26日(美國時間) 台灣時間11月26日~11月27日 更新 132.0.2 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed possible errors when playing encrypted media content through some streaming providers. (Bug 1929491) Added a mitigation to help reduce the frequency of duplicated push notifications reported by some users. (Bug 1928868) Fixed hangs when printing from some sites when using the system print dialog. (Bug 1898184) Fixed a crash which could occur when using Microsoft SSO on macOS. (Bug 1929622) Fixed a crash in the Network Monitor developer tool which could occur in some circumstances. (Bug 1924882) 132.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed issues causing intermittent video playback problems on some sites. (Bug 1928484, Bug 1928798) Fixed an issue causing themes to reset to default after restarting Firefox, in particular when using the Firefox Color add-on. (Bug 1928082) 132.0 Release Note NewMicrosoft PlayReady encrypted media playback is now being rolled out to select sites on Windows. Through this support, we are gradually rolling out a 1080p baseline and 4K Ultra HD support with key streaming partners. An added benefit is that viewers get less battery drain and better performance when streaming their favorite movies and shows. Wide Color Gamut WebGL is now available for Windows and macOS users! With this support, Firefox is bringing a richer, more vivid range of colors to the videos, games, and images on your screen. This implementation currently supports wider color (P3) profiles in 8-bit. WebRender hardware accelerated rendering is now enabled for most SVG filter primitives, improving performance for certain graphics-heavy content. Accelerated filters are feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feDropShadow, feFlood, feGaussianBlur, feMerge and feOffset. Added support for macOS’ new screen and window sharing selection features on macOS 15 and later. Support for macOS 14 will be added in a future release. The macOS session resume feature has been enhanced. Firefox will now automatically relaunch if it was open before a system restart, like after an OS update. Firefox now blocks third-party cookie access when Enhanced Tracking Protection's Strict mode is enabled. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Changed︰ As a follow-up to our work to upgrade mixed content starting with Firefox 127, HTTP-favicons will now also be blocked if they can not be received over HTTPS instead. The Copy Without Site Tracking option is now grayed out when no known tracking parameters are found within the link. Additionally, more tracking parameter support has been added for websites such as LinkedIn and Shopee. Please report tracking parameters that aren't removed by filing a bug in Bugzilla. Enterprise Developer︰ Support for HTTP/2 Push has been removed due to compatibility issues with various sites. This feature is not currently supported by any other major browser. Console logging in service workers is now functional again. The console.log API can be used within active service workers and the output inspected in the Console panel of the Developer Tools toolbox. Support for debugging remote devices via USB has also been restored. Simply go to about:debugging, plug in your phone using a USB cable, and refresh the device list. The phone will now appear correctly in the list. Web Platform︰ Added support for a post-quantum key exchange mechanism for TLS 1.3 (mlkem768x25519) which secures communications against advanced / long-term threats. Added support for Certificate Compression which reduces the size and increases the speed of a TLS handshake. Text directionality computation has been updated to follow the latest model defined in the HTML specification, improving interoperability with other web browsers. The requestVideoFrameCallback() method is now available on the HTMLVideoElement interface. This method enables developers to perform efficient operations on each video frame. The getCapabilities method allows applications to gather the media capabilities supported for the live MediaStreamTrack. The fetchpriority attribute enables web developers to optimize resource loading by specifying the relative priority of resources to be fetched by the browser. It accepts three values: auto (default priority), low (lower priority), high (higher priority). It can be specified on script, link, img elements, on the RequestInit parameter of the fetch() method and Link response headers. The HTML specification leaves the detailed interpretation of this attribute up to implementers. Firefox will typically use it to increase or decrease the urgency parameter of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 requests. The heuristic granting storage access for some window openings is now disabled. -- --

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1F:→ rick: 分頁在播放時 該分頁上會出現一個大喇叭圖示 比之前明顯了 10/30 08:51
2F:→ gcobc12632: 分頁音量圖示改的有夠醜== 不知道能不能換回原本的 10/30 12:08
3F:推 examsystem: 一早起來,以前設定的側邊欄自動縮回,範圍變很小 10/30 12:37
4F:推 examsystem: 找了比較新的auto-hide css看起來OK了 10/30 12:58
5F:→ rick: android 132.0 10/31 23:15
6F:推 styyu1281: 支援PlayReady, 11/01 08:05
7F:→ styyu1281: 這樣是不是用Firefox看Netflix可以1080p以上了? 11/01 08:05
8F:→ styyu1281: 還有新的喇叭圖示是比較明顯,但是有沒有靜音變成很難 11/01 08:32
9F:→ styyu1281: 分辨… 11/01 08:32
10F:→ rick: 對 靜音那個斜線不明顯 11/01 08:35
11F:推 IkariD: 又改圖示但又沒有原本好看... 11/01 08:40
12F:推 olduck: 新喇叭圖示辨識度比舊的好一點,就是偏小習慣用css放大 11/01 11:49
13F:推 kc1446: 132.0.1了XD 11/05 06:43
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 11/05/2024 09:10:28
14F:→ rick: 收到 ^^ 11/05 09:27
15F:→ kc1446: 132.0.2了 11/13 03:47
16F:→ rick: 剛打開也看到了 XD 11/13 07:27
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 11/13/2024 07:33:06
17F:→ rick: 請教一下 ublock origin 自訂靜態過濾規則 裡面有一個 11/14 21:02
18F:→ rick: 允許需要信任的自訂過濾規則 <<< 我看不懂其意思 Orz 11/14 21:02
19F:→ Kuge: 擋某些元素需要開 如果規則沒有報錯可以無視 11/14 21:48
20F:→ rick: 喔喔 是這意思阿! 謝謝 ^^" 11/14 23:59

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