Browsers 板


官方版本132.0預計在 2024年10月29日(美國時間) 台灣時間10月29日~10月30日 更新 131.0.3 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed an issue where some users could not access the Bill Pay portion of their bank's site. (Bug 1923500) Fixed an issue where some VR180 and 360 videos were not properly rendering on YouTube. (Bug 1922278) Fixed a crash that Windows users with Avast or AVG security software were experiencing when visiting certain sites. (Bug 1919678) Fixed an issue where the "List all tabs" button was not able to be moved from the toolbar. (Bug 1918681) Security fix. 131.0.2 Release Note FixedSecurity fix. 131.0 Release Note New︰ Firefox will now offer to temporarily remember when users grant permissions to sites (e.g. geolocation). Temporary permissions will be removed either after one hour or when the tab is closed.
A tab preview is now displayed when hovering the mouse over background tabs, making it easier to locate the desired tab without needing to switch tabs.
When suggesting a default translation language, Firefox will now take into consideration languages you have previously used for translations. We’ve re-introduced the ability to navigate to the search engine home page when the search bar is empty by using shift-enter/shift-click. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Changed︰ The following language is now supported by Firefox translation: .Swedish The Tab overview (List all tabs) menu has received a new, refreshed icon. Enterprise Developer︰ As part of the ongoing updates to SVG 2, SVGGraphicsElement.nearestViewportElement and SVGGraphicsElement.farthestViewportElement have been officially removed. Please note that these properties have had deprecation warnings since February. Firefox now supports text fragments, which allows users to link directly to a specific portion of text in a web document via a special URL fragment. (Learn more) Web Platform︰ SameSite=None cookies will now be rejected when there is no Secure attribute included. Support for Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) was now added, allowing developers to opt a cookie into storage partitioned per top-level site. (Learn more) -- --

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1F:→ rick: 列出所有分頁 那邊有 關閉所有重複的分頁 沒注意之前有沒有 10/02 08:24
2F:→ rick: 之前都是靠擴充套件 然後現在點列出所有分頁 會卡住一會 QQ 10/02 08:25
3F:→ rick: 感覺上個版本沒那麼誇張 不知道是電腦太舊還是分頁太多 10/02 08:25
4F:推 mjsg: 不過附加元件可以自動關閉還是方便一點。 10/02 23:58
5F:推 a0193143: 關重重複分頁以前應該沒有 10/03 17:06
6F:→ a0193143: 我之前是還要用addon幫我找出來關掉 10/03 17:06
7F:推 MK47: 要刪除火狐131推出的 界面右上角很突兀的「列出所有標籤」按 10/03 18:26
8F:→ MK47: 鈕 的話可以參考這篇 10/03 18:26
9F:→ MK47: 10/03 18:26
10F:→ MK47: 本來就有再用userChrome.css的直接加入這行 `#alltabs- 10/03 18:27
11F:→ MK47: button { display: none !important; }` 10/03 18:27
12F:→ rick: 套件數出來重複的分頁比較多 XD(僅試一次) 10/05 08:53
13F:推 aza0290: 右上角那個竟然沒辦法在自訂工具列中移除,Mozilla到底在 10/05 17:39
14F:→ aza0290: 幹什麼? 10/05 17:39
15F:→ Kuge: 那東西早就存在不知道幾年了 現在才知道不能移除喔 10/05 19:02
16F:推 MK47: ui工程師裝模作樣搞半天生出一垃圾 當然不給你選項移啊 10/05 19:04
17F:→ MK47: telemery測到大部份人都關掉 不就顯的ui仔很沒用? 10/05 19:04
18F:→ SUCKERKING: 右上角那個存在很久了,這次只是換圖示而已。 10/06 18:57
19F:推 kc1446: 哇!這次又直接上131.0.2.... 10/10 06:48
20F:→ rick: = = 早上起來看到跳提醒 直接.2也嚇一跳 10/10 07:35
21F:→ rick: android 131.0.1 10/10 07:37
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 10/10/2024 07:39:35
22F:→ MK47: 盡快更新131.0.2 是安全性漏洞 而且網路上已經發現有人利用 10/10 10:55
23F:→ MK47: 10/10 10:55
24F:→ rick: android 131.0.2 10/10 11:25
25F:推 topcdmouse: 感謝告知更新 10/10 19:53
26F:推 if4: 謝謝告知 幫高調 XD 10/10 19:55
27F:推 kc1446: 131.0.3了 10/14 22:49
28F:→ rick: 列出所有分頁 按鈕可以移除了! 圖示也改回去了! 10/14 23:06
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 10/14/2024 23:07:23
29F:推 IkariD: 圖示改回來好 不然新的看了很不搭就會想要移除XD 10/15 08:34
30F:→ rick: iOS 131.4 10/19 14:53
31F:→ rick: iOS 132.0 10/29 11:08

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