Browsers 板


官方版本118.0預計在 2023年09月26日(美國時間) 台灣時間09月26日~09月27日 更新 117.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed a bug causing links opened from outside Firefox to not open on macOS (bug 1850828) Fixed a bug causing extensions using an event page for long-running tasks to be terminated while running, causing unexpected behavior changes (bug 1851373) Temporarily reverted an intentional behavior change preventing Javascript from changing URL.protocol (bug 1850954). NOTE: This change is expected to ship in a later Firefox release alongside other web browsers and sites are encouraged to find alternate ways to change the protocol if needed. Fixed audio worklets not working for sites using WebAssembly exception handling (bug 1851468) Fixed the Reopen all tabs option in the Recently closed tabs menu sometimes failing to open all tabs (bug 1850856) Fixed the bookmarks menu sometimes remaining partially visible when minimizing Firefox (bug 1843700) Fixed an issue causing incorrect time zones to be detected on some sites (bug 1848615) Security fix 117.0 Release Note New︰ Support for credit card autofill has been extended to users running Firefox in the IT, ES ,AT, BE, and PL locales. macOS users can now control the tabability of controls and links via about:preferences.
To avoid undesirable outcomes on sites which specify their own behavior when pressing shift+right-click, Firefox now has a dom.event.contextmenu.shift_suppresses_event preference to prevent the context menu from appearing. Fixed︰ YouTube video lists now scroll correctly when navigating with a screen reader. Various security fixes. Changed︰ Firefox no longer shows its own screen sharing indicator on Wayland desktop environments. The system default sharing indicator will be used instead. Enterprise︰ You can find information about policy updates and enterprise specific bug fixes in the Firefox for Enterprise 117 Release Notes. Developer︰ Web compatibility inspection has been enhanced with our new CSS compatibility tooltip in the Developer Tools Inspector. An icon is now displayed next to properties that could lead to web compatibility issues. When hovered, the tooltip indicates which browsers are not supported and displays a link to the MDN page for the property so the user can learn more about it.
console.clear() no longer clears the Console output if the "Enable persistent logs" option is enabled. Web Platform︰ Support for improved CSS nesting is now enabled by default. Firefox now supports RTCRtpScriptTransform. ReadableStream.from is now supported, allowing creation of a ReadableStream from an (async) iterable. Firefox now supports the math-style and math-depth CSS properties and the font-size: math value. -- --
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1F:推 delphinus: 各位windy正常嗎? 08/30 19:35
2F:→ DavisX: 正常 08/30 20:55
3F:推 delphinus: privacy.resistFingerprinting關了就正常 08/30 22:03
4F:推 pcfox: 117很正常啊 08/31 11:27
5F:→ rick: 我的google map依舊不能點地點 搜尋後還是要按F5才能正常顯 09/01 16:29
6F:→ rick: 示 ˊˋ 清過cookies沒用 09/01 16:29
7F:→ rick: iPadOS跟android都有更新.... 嗯~ windows ftp上還沒看到QQ 09/06 23:11
8F:→ SELFisolate: 107跳117有UI及網頁大小問題,跳回115.0.3 09/12 00:59
9F:→ kc1446: 嗯已經看到有....就....嗯XD 09/12 19:24
10F:→ rick: 在路上.... on the way home..... 09/12 21:57
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 09/12/2023 23:29:12
11F:→ rick: android上118了 @@ 09/22 20:15
12F:→ DavisX: iOS也上118了 09/25 19:16
13F:→ kc1446: windows版也有了 09/26 04:22
14F:→ rick: = = 你的windows版怎麼每次都這麼快 09/26 08:19
15F:推 olduck: 趕的話才會在美國時間更新日上午9點試試、不然去ftp找 09/26 19:42
16F:→ rick: 不急啦! 但是他每次都很快(笑 XD) ftp都禮拜日或一就上架了 09/27 07:32
17F:→ rick: 在release notes出來前不更新 免得被婊到 XD 09/27 07:42

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