Browsers 板


官方版本77.0預計在 2020年06月02日(美國時間) 台灣時間06月02~03日 更新 更新日誌 New︰ With today’s release, Firefox strengthens protections for your online account logins and passwords, with innovative approaches to managing your accounts during this critical time: .Firefox displays critical alerts in the Lockwise password manager when a website is breached; .If one of your accounts is involved in a website breach and you've used the same password on other websites, you will now be prompted to update your password. A key icon identifies which accounts use that vulnerable password. .Automatically generate secure, complex passwords for new accounts across more of the web that are easily saved right in the browser; .You have been able to access and see your saved passwords under Logins and Passwords easily under the main menu. If your device happens to be shared among your family or roommates, the latest update helps to prevent casual snooping over your shoulder. If you don’t have a master password set up for Firefox, Windows and macOS now requires a login to your operating system account before showing your saved passwords. Picture-in-Picture allows you to multitask, the small video window following along no matter what you are doing on your computer, across different applications and even workspaces. Now, when you are ready to focus on the video, a double click can take the small window into full screen. Double click again to reduce the size again. Firefox now supports Audio Worklets that will allow more complex audio processing like VR and gaming on the web; and is being adopted by some of your favorite software programs. .With this change, you can now join Zoom calls on Firefox without the need for any additional downloads. WebRender continues its roll out to more Firefox for Windows users, now available by default on modern Intel laptops with a small screen (<= 1920x1200) for improved graphics rendering. Fixed︰ Various security fixes Changed︰ Two updates to the address bar improve its usability and visibility: .The shadow around the address bar field is reduced in width when a new tab is opened; .The bookmarks toolbar has expanded slightly in size to improve its surface area for touchscreens. Developer︰ Testing mobile interactions using DevTools’ Responsive Design Mode now mimics the device behavior for handling double-tap to zoom. This builds on previous improvements to correctly rendering meta-viewport tags, allowing developers to optimize their sites for Firefox for Android without a device. Double-clicking table headers in DevTools’ network request table now resizes the column width to fit the content, making it easier to expand the important data. WebSocket inspection now supports ActionCable message preview, adding to the list of automatically formatted protocols like, SignalR, WAMP, etc. unsolved︰ Audio playback is currently not working when running the 32-bit Windows version of Firefox from a network drive. This will be addressed in an upcoming future Firefox release. -- ████◢█◣◢█◣◢█◣▉◢█◣◢█◣☆★★☆◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆★ ★☆★██★☆★☆★☆██████★☆★ ███◥█◣◥█◣▉█ 記得第一次陶醉於天籟般的歌聲嗎◣ ★☆★☆★█▉█★☆★☆★☆◥██◤☆★☆☆★☆ ██◤◥█◤◥█◤◥█◤▉◥█◤◥██◣★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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1F:推 issemn: 謝謝分享 已更新~ 05/06 01:03
2F:推 t7yang: Developer Edition 有比較多好玩的東西 05/06 09:30
3F:→ t7yang: 這次 76 有新的 CSS相容性面板應該算是頗好用的功能 05/06 09:43
4F:推 moocow: 有沒有能連開好幾個字母畫面嗎? -.- 05/06 17:57
5F:推 cattgirl: 讚讚 05/07 01:41
6F:推 kc1446: 已更新+1 05/07 06:00
7F:→ Bellkna: Picture-in-Picture不知道能不能改預設大小 05/07 12:53
8F:→ cattgirl: 下載頁面被改 怎麼改回舊的 05/07 21:55
9F:→ Daeron: 76.0.1上了 05/08 15:12
Fixed︰ Fixed a bug causing some add-ons such as Amazon Assistant to see multiple onConnect events, impairing functionality (bug 1635637) Fixed a crash on 32-bit Windows systems with some nVidia drivers installed (bug 1635823) ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 05/08/2020 23:00:10
10F:推 issemn: 熟悉的小尾巴 05/09 01:33
11F:推 NiGHTsC: 極速小更新變傳統了wwwww 05/09 11:30
12F:→ Agency: 偶然而已,74.0.1就到75.0前夕才有,75沒有小更 05/11 06:30
13F:→ yinvane: 從75版起下載百度網盤分享連結明明輸入正確提取碼 05/11 19:10
14F:→ yinvane: 卻都顯示提取碼錯誤 可是改用CHROME就沒問題(PROXY一樣 05/11 19:12
15F:→ yinvane: 不知道是否要重新安裝? 05/11 19:13
16F:推 crescent3: 樓上沒有沒動過referer相關設定? 有的話要改回預設 05/12 19:46
17F:→ yinvane: 感謝樓上 比對另一台電腦發現是network.http.referer.sp 05/13 19:00
18F:→ yinvane: oofsource被改成true 修正爲預設的false就好了! 05/13 19:00

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