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官方版本63.0預計在 2018年10月23日(美國時間) 台灣時間10月24日 更新 更新日誌 new: Firefox Home (the default New Tab) now allows users to display up to 4 rows of top sites, Pocket stories, and highlights “Reopen in Container” tab menu option appears for users with Containers that lets them choose to reopen a tab in a different container In advance of removing all trust for Symantec-issued certificates in Firefox 63, a preference was added that allows users to distrust certificates issued by Symantec. To use this preference, go to about:config in the address bar and set the preference "security.pki.distrust_ca_policy" to 2. Added FreeBSD support for WebAuthn Improved graphics rendering for Windows users without accelerated hardware using Parallel-Off-Main-Thread Painting Support for CSS Shapes, allowing for richer web page layouts. This goes hand in hand with a brand new Shape Path Editor in the CSS inspector. CSS Variable Fonts (OpenType Font Variations) support, which makes it possible to create beautiful typography with a single font file Updates for enterprise environments: AutoConfig is sandboxed to the documented API by default. You can disable the sandbox by setting the preference general.config.sandbox_enabled to false. Our long term plan is to remove the ability to turn off the sandboxing. If you need to continue to use more complex AutoConfig scripts, you will need to use Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR). Added Canadian English (en-CA) locale changed: Removed the description field for bookmarks. Users who have stored descriptions using the field may wish to export these descriptions as html or json files, as they will be removed in a future release. Dark theme is automatically enabled in macOS 10.14 dark mode Changed the default setting to Enforce (3) for the security.pki.name_matching_mode preference Adobe Flash applets now run in a more secure mode using process sandboxing on macOS. Learn how this may affect features here. Users disconnecting from Sync are now offered the option to wipe their Firefox profile data (including bookmarks, passwords, history, cookies, and site data) from their desktop computer Changed how WebRTC handles screen sharing: When screen-sharing a window, the window will be brought to front developer: Three-pane Inspector in Developer Tools separates the rules into its own panel Changes affecting developers 官方載點: 另一個載點: Mozilla的FTP伺服器: Unbranded版本︰ -- █ ██ ▄█★☆★☆☆★☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★★☆★☆ 使★☆██ █▅▅▅ █★☆★☆██████★☆★☆★ ☆★ █ █ ██◢ ◣ ▄█★☆ 記得第一次陷入那清澈到令人暈眩的雙眼嗎◣ █ █ █◥▅◤ █★☆★☆☆★◥██◤★☆★☆☆★☆★ ◤ ◥ █ ▇▄▄▄▄★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★◥◤☆★Ψwilliam803☆★ --
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1F:→ Wcw5504: 書籤說明欄這東西從來沒用過 砍掉算好事嗎 09/06 03:51
2F:推 ltytw: 自己加的書籤自己很清楚吧,甚至不少人挑戰只有圖示的書籤 09/06 11:45
3F:推 C13H16ClNO: …不要放生ESR52啊QQ 09/06 11:52
4F:→ Kagero: 面對現實 繼續用52只會增加風險 09/06 14:27
5F:推 toploader: 若自己想不到便認為沒人會用到,未免武斷 09/06 19:40
6F:→ sam613: 武斷的開發者!(指 09/06 20:21
7F:推 C13H16ClNO: 經過一晚的"重新學習" 決定轉到Waterfox了 09/06 23:22
8F:→ C13H16ClNO: 雖是如此還是感謝Mozilla啦 跟Firefox相處了十幾年了 09/06 23:23
9F:→ guteres: 過幾天馬上就會出現62.0.1了 09/06 23:49
10F:→ dorbeetle: waterfox的安全性足夠嗎@@? 09/07 09:58
11F:推 gohome0083: 等社群版 09/07 10:09
12F:推 C13H16ClNO: 再怎麼有漏洞 只要最起碼有人維護就遠比官方放生版好 09/07 11:12
13F:→ C13H16ClNO: 啦 :S 09/07 11:12
14F:推 mstar: 可是 Waterfox 不也是使用新版程式碼嗎? 09/07 22:21
15F:→ mstar: 喔,抱歉,是 56.xx 09/07 22:23
16F:推 estupid: 這版在某個需要登入FB資訊的網站會顯示FB is not defined 09/08 10:14
17F:→ estupid: 都無法登入 等修正 09/08 10:14
18F:推 danny0838: 書籤說明欄不是很常用,但有時還是很有用,砍它的目的 09/09 15:45
19F:→ danny0838: 是什麼? 09/09 15:45
20F:推 mars90226: 突然砍掉也是很奇怪 09/11 18:29
21F:推 moocow: 這版記憶體吃好大 09/15 22:40

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