Boston 板


Cambridge Crossing兩房兩衛高級公寓找副臥室友 【時間】9/1開始一年約 【地點】近 Cambridge Galleria Mall, Science Museum, MGH。走路6分鐘到超市,騎車 8分鐘或EZRide bus直達到Kendall Square。公車15分鐘到哈佛。1站到MGH。開車的話離 I-93和Rt 1都非常方便。 【屋況】高級公寓大樓。窗外可看到 Boston downtown 夜景。大理石廚房和衛浴,實木 地板。Forced A/C and heater。有洗衣烘衣機,不需要出外洗衣服。警衛電梯大樓,代 收包裹,健身房,會議室。 【室友】工作台灣男生,software engineer,在附近Kendall Square藥廠工作。尋找好 相處,愛乾淨,安靜的室友。 【房租】$1350包水暖。自付電、網。 歡迎聯繫 Contact email: [email protected] 照片也可以一併EMAIL詢問寄送 Looking for a roommate for a sunny 1b1b in a 2b2b apartment on the penthouse floor in East Cambridge. - Plentiful natural light (both bedrooms and living room have wall-to-wall windows) - On-site management and concierge service for package pickup and delivery - Full kitchen with granite countertops & granite floor tiles; gorgeous new maple flooring - Superb layout for roommates - Bedrooms can be furnished with beds and mattresses - Convenient MBTA access (bus & subway), including a direct bus to Harvard - 10-minute walk to Star Market; 15- to 20-minute walk to Whole Foods; 10-minute walk to North-Point Park 0.8 miles to Kendall/MIT MBTA station; 1.1 miles to MGH - Quiet, smoke-free, professionally managed building - No pets. No smoking. Terms - Rental term: 9/1/2020 for a one-year lease - $1,400 per month - Unit includes: Central A/C and heater, water, sewage, waste disposal & recycling, amenity fees - You pay: Electricity and internet - Security deposit due at signing; first and last month due at move-in Amenities, Appliances & Accessories - Large assigned indoor parking for rent - Washers & dryers in the unit - Electric stove, conventional oven, dishwasher & refrigerator - Smoke & carbon monoxide detectors - Building includes: fitness center, business center, media room, elevators Your roommate is a guy from Taiwan who is a software engineer working at Kendall Square. Looking for someone who is quiet, respectful, clean and easy to get along with. 歡迎聯繫 Contact email: [email protected] 照片也可以一併EMAIL詢問寄送 ※ 編輯: Bratissima ( 臺灣), 08/16/2020 13:32:56 ※ 編輯: Bratissima ( 臺灣), 08/20/2020 14:08:41

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