BoardGame 板


網路上找到的。沒試過。 覺得bang雖然不錯玩,但是太早死的話超無聊的。 (大家有玩的話,提供一下心得吧。謝謝) // Variant 1: Bang! Dead Reckonin』 版本1: Bang! 死亡清算 Overview: Sometimes dead ain’t all that dead after all. In this variant, players killed off still can compete with other ghosts to influence which side wins the game. After each turn of the Sheriff, Ghosts compare two card hands and the winner selects a ghost action to play on any living player. 概要:有時,死去的人死的不是像你想的死得那麼徹底。在這個規則中,已死玩家仍能夠 與其他死魂靈競爭並且影響遊戲。在每個警長回合之後,死魂靈互相比較兩張牌,並且勝 者可以選擇一個死魂靈才可以做的動作指向任何一個活玩家。 The Rules 規則: When a player dies, he discards all of his cards and reveals his role (as per the regular rules). He immediately draws two new cards. The Ghost player continues playing in turn order. 當一個玩家死去,他棄掉手上所有的牌,並且亮出他的角色(就像普通規則)。他立即抓 兩張牌。然後遊戲按原順序進行。 On the Ghost’s turn, he draws cards to get his hand up to four. After the Sheriff’s turn, each Ghost plays two cards from his hand. The Ghost with the best two card hand (Pairs or High Card) wins the opportunity to interact with the living. No one wins tied hands. If there is only one Ghost, he must at least play an Ace or a Pair to do the special ghost ability. 輪到死魂靈玩家的輪次時,他抓牌直到手上有四張牌。到警長的回合結束之後,每個死魂 靈從手上出兩張牌,誰的牌最大(一對大於單張,其次比較點數,Ace最大)誰就有行動 權。如果打平,則沒有人有行動權。如果只有一個死魂靈,則他必須出一對或ACE才有行 動權。 Ghost Abilities 死魂靈的能力 What the winner can do is dependant upon the suit of the highest card played in his two card hand. He gets to choose which suit to use in the case of a pair. 有行動權的人根據他出的牌中較大的一張的花色,可以選擇一下四種行動中的一種。如果 是一對,他可以任意選擇兩種中的一個。 ♥ Heart: Inspirin』 the Livin』 – Heal one bullet of any living player. If you were an Outlaw while alive, you may instead heal that bullet for yourself; you are now a living player again, but only until the end of your next turn when you will become a ghost agai 紅心:激勵 - 幫某個玩家補一點血。如果你曾是活歹徒,你可以幫自己補;這樣你就成 為一個活歹徒,但這只持續到你的下一回合結束,之後你又變成死魂靈。 ♦ Diamond: Leavin』 a Will – Draw a card from the draw deck, look at it and give it to any living player to put in their hand. If you were a Deputy while alive, you may draw two cards instead of one and choose one of them to give to another player. 方塊:遺囑 - 從派庫抓一張牌,看過之後,給任意活玩家。如果你曾是活副警長,你可 以抓兩張,然後把任意一張給其他玩家。 ♣ Club: Spook - Discard one card from any living player (in play or randomly from hand). If you were a Renegade while alive, you may play this on two living players instead of one. 梅花: 驚嚇 - 從任意其他活玩家手隨即抽一張牌或選擇一張在用牌,並棄掉。如果你曾 是活叛徒,你可以對兩個玩家這樣做。 ♠ Spade: Scared to Death – Counts as playing a Bang! card against any one living player. The victim can avoid taking damage as per normal rules (Missed, Barrels, etc). If you were a Renegade while alive, you may play this on two living players instead of one. If all players are dead, the dead Renegade wins the game. 黑桃: 恐懼 - 選擇一個活玩家,他遭受一次bang攻擊。受害者可以用射失、酒桶之類的 牌來躲避傷害。如果你曾是活叛徒,你可以對兩個玩家這樣做。如果所有玩家都死了,死 去的叛徒取勝。 Notes 附註: ‧ Dead Players do not have the character special abilities they had when they were living. Dead Players cannot play any card on a living player. 死魂靈沒有原先人物的特殊能力。死魂靈不能對活玩家使用任何牌。 ‧ Dead Players do not count in determining distance between Living Players. 死魂靈不在活玩家的距離計算中。 ‧ Dead Players are immune to all powers and cards played by Living Players. 死魂靈對所有裝備卡「免疫」,也就是不能被使用任何藍色牌。 High Noon Special Rule: if Ghost Town card comes up, Dead Players ignore their Dead Man’s Hand and play as per High Noon rules for that round. // Variant 2: Bang! Dead Man’s Hand 死魂靈規則版本2:死者之手 Overview: Once you are killed in Bang! you got nothin』 to do but lay quiet like in a pine box, until now that is. In this variant, Dead Players compete to see who will be the head honcho of Boot Hill by building the best poker hand using Bang! cards. This is effectively a separate mini-game to keep everybody engaged until the game ends. 概要:在Bang!中,一旦你被殺死,你就變得無所事事,只能在邊上乾等。在這個規則變 體中,死者可以通過建立手上的牌,互相競爭,看誰能成為長靴山的頭頭。這是完全獨立 於原來遊戲的一個小遊戲。 When a player dies, he discards all of his cards and reveals his role (as per the regular rules). He immediately draws seven new cards. He then declares who he thinks is next to die. The Dead Players continue playing in turn order, but now are playing a separate game similar to Knock Poker. They do not affect the main game. 一旦某個玩家死去,他棄掉手上所有的牌,並且亮出角色牌(如同普通規則)。然後他立 即重抓7張牌。然後他宣佈一個他認為下一個被殺死的人。然後已死的玩家按順序進行遊 戲,但他們玩的是一個完全獨立的遊戲。他們不影響活玩家的遊戲。 Dead Player’s Turn 死魂靈的輪次 The Dead Player’s turn are meant to go very quickly as all decision making should happen between, and not during, his turns. On the Dead Player’s turn, he: 死魂靈應該在其他的時間裡做好他的決策,而在他的回合裡,他應該很快完成他的動作, 他可以: ‧ Discards his hand down to five cards. 棄牌到手上只有5張。 ‧ Declares who he thinks is next to die. As soon as another player dies, he gets a bonus card if he was right, otherwise he must wait until his next turn to make a new declaration. 宣佈下一個他認為下一個被殺死的玩家。一旦有玩家被殺死,他如果猜對,他可以抓一張 牌,否則他必須等到下一回合來宣佈他新的決定。 ‧ Draws his hand back up to seven cards from the draw deck. 重新抓牌到七張。 Out of Turn 死魂靈的輪次之外 Anytime between all Dead Players』 turns, they may play Bang! cards on each other. If the targeted dead player does not play a Missed! card, he must forfeit one card at random from his hand. This is done out of turn order so that it does not interfere with the living player’s game (in other words, try not to interrupt the living players while you shoot each other in the afterlife). 在其他死魂靈的輪次時,他們可以互相使用Bang。如果目標死魂靈不能使用miss!他必須 隨機棄掉一張牌。這是在活玩家的回合之外進行的,所以這不影響其他人的遊戲。但是盡 量不要打擾活玩家。 End of Game 遊戲結束 When the regular game ends, the Dead Man’s Hand ends as well. The last player to die draws seven cards. Dead Players compare legal five card poker hands at this point and to see who wins the Dead Man’s Hand. Duplicate cards do not count; for example, if you have two Ace of Spades, one of them is a null card for the purpose of completing a poker hand. Sorry hombre, no having five Aces. 但做玩家的遊戲結束,死魂靈的遊戲也結束。最後死的玩家抓7張牌。所有死玩家選手上5 張牌比較大小。重複的牌不做比較。比如如果你有兩張黑桃A,那麼其中一張是廢牌,這 是為了能進行合法的比較(如同梭哈的比較)。 Notes 註釋 ‧ Dead Players do not have the character special abilities they had when they were living. Dead Players cannot play any card on a living player. The only cards that they can play are Bang! and Missed! cards on other Dead Players. 死魂靈沒有人物特性。他們不能對活玩家使用任何牌。他們只能互相使用Bang!和Miss! ‧ Dead Players do not count in determining distance between Living Players. Dead Players are always within range of all other Dead Players. 死魂靈不在活玩家的距離計算之內。他們之間永遠在bang!射程之內。 ‧ Dead Players are immune to all powers and cards played by Living Players except General Store (which they take part in as if they were a Living Player). 死魂靈不能被任何活玩家使用的牌影響,除了雜貨鋪。 ‧ Dead Players can still potentially win the Living Game under normal rules for Outlaws and Deputies. Renegades cannot win the main game. 死的歹徒和副警長仍然有可能贏得主要的遊戲。死得叛徒則不能 High Noon Special Rule: if Ghost Town card comes up, Dead Players ignore their Dead Man’s Hand and play as per High Noon rules for that round. --

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◆ From:
1F:推 infinity0527:讓死人有點事做的好規則 01/03 00:25
2F:推 monoe30:第一個感覺比較好玩!! 下次試試看~ 01/03 00:36
3F:推 MaiXiw:太酷了!!下次一定要試玩看看!! 01/03 00:39
4F:推 blacklydeath:超酷~不然每次一死掉就無事可做超無聊的 01/03 09:29
5F:推 pikacha:看來不錯!而且不用擴充~~ 01/03 12:12
6F:推 lightbob777:好棒!!!推一下這規則!!!! 01/03 14:58
7F:推 MaiXiw:可以借轉站外嗎?^^ 01/05 16:08

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