作者juhyun (超級無敵敗家女!!!)
標題Listen to my Heart 首張日文專輯曲目
時間Sat Nov 16 21:03:56 2002
Listen to my Heart 2002/03/13 on sale
01. Listen To My Heart
02. Power
03. Every Heart-ミンナノキモチ-
04. Don't start now
05. 氣持ちはつたわる
06. Share Your Heart (with me)
07. Dreams come true
08. Amazing Kiss
09. happiness
10. ID;Peace B
11. Nobody But You
12. Nothing's gonna change
13. Listen To My Heart (Remix)
14. the meaning of peace
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※ 編輯: juhyun 來自: (11/17 17:01)