作者focxino (葉慈)
標題[徵才] 台北市 陽明大學基因體科學所碩士級專任研究助理
時間Wed Jun 15 18:49:42 2011
碩士級專任研究助理 1人
國立陽明大學 生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所 范明基老師實驗室
簡介: Deciphering the genetic instructions that establish the pattern of
neuronal differentiation during development is one of the keys to understand
the complexity of the adult brain. My laboratory has adopted developmental
approaches and molecular biology tools to gain more insight about how
mammalian nervous system organizes and functions through analysis of novel
neural genes. By subtractive hybridization, we found that expression of Prtg,
a member of immunoglobulin family, is very abundant in the E7.75 ~ E9.5 mouse
neural tube but disappears after E10.5. Using the P19 cell line and chick
embryo as neural differentiation models, we demonstrated that Prtg prevents
precocious neuronal differentiation. We identified ERdj3 as a ligand for
Prtg. Furthermore, ERdj3 prevents precocious neuronal differentiation through
activation of Prtg (J. Neurosci. 30 (2010) 4428-4439). We will further
investigate effects of ERdj3/Prtg in vivo and its signaling pathway.
動物實驗 (breeding mice, embryo dissection, etc.)、
分生相關實驗 (PCR, in situ hybridization, etc.)、
比照國科會規定 碩士級35000/月
[email protected]
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