作者MARS0908 (KKM)
標題[徵才] 美國佛羅里達大學Dr.Kuang-Ren Chung徵碩士級助理或博士後
時間Thu May 5 14:33:11 2011
【職缺名稱】碩士級研究助理 或 博士後研究
【徵才單位】美國 佛羅里達大學 Dr. Kuang-Ren Chung 研究室
【工作地址】 University of Florida, 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred,
FL 33850-2299 USA
【工作內容】Two research positions for study pathogenicity/virulence of
Alternaria alternata and molecular dissection of citrus reactions induced by
citrus greening (Huanglongbing) bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter are
available in the citrus pathology and fungal genetics laboratory,
Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) at the University of Florida.
The incumbent will be expected to employ biochemical, molecular, and genetic
approaches to identify the genes involved in fungal pathogenesis and to
determine if symptoms and tree death induced by HLB are caused by
hypersensitive reaction (HR) of citrus.
He/She will be expected to participate in cooperative research with
multidisciplinary scientists in the center. A M.S. or Ph.D. in plant
pathology, plant physiology, or related biological science with experience
in molecular biology genetics, and demonstrated accomplishments in research
is highly desired.
Funding is available for one year with possibility of renewal for additional
year, depending on the availability of funding and satisfaction of work
performance. The application is open until a suitable candidate is appointed.
【徵才條件】碩、博士級以上學歷,具備分生 生化 分化等背景者佳 需細心負責
【聯絡方式】Dr. Kuang-Ren Chung,
[email protected]; Tel: (863) 956-1151 ext. 1369
[email protected]
04-22053366 轉5210
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Rodrigo:90萬台幣年薪!! @@ 05/05 15:13
2F:推 Rodrigo:可惜背景不符.... 05/05 15:16
3F:→ silly5868:2萬8是碩士還是博士薪水? 05/05 15:44
4F:→ shenhsu:背景符合...但...請問實驗室說中文通嗎? orz 05/05 15:49
5F:→ MARS0908:一切問題請直接問老師!我只是代po!可以打電話找游老師 05/05 16:24
※ 編輯: MARS0908 來自: (05/05 16:37)
6F:→ ROKEE:這老師幾年前也在台灣徵過 05/05 18:02
7F:推 Jayc:博士後要是兩萬八該去跳樓了吧!? 是碩士薪資吧????@_@ 05/06 00:07
8F:推 mea7211:現在匯率只有28.X 是哪來的90萬台幣啊= = 05/06 01:38
9F:→ reinherd:28k比很多博士班學生的stipend還低..................... 06/06 07:40