Baseball 板

LINE Kyle Hart drawing interest from 16 teams An under-the-radar free-agent pitcher to monitor is left-hander Kyle Hart, who h as drawn interest from 16 teams this offseason, according to a source. Hart, 32, posted a 2.69 ERA in 157 innings with the NC Dinos in the KBO in 2024. In the KBO, he ranked first in strikeouts (182) and WHIP (1.03) while ranking s econd in ERA. FanGraphs projected Hart, their No. 48 free agent this offseason, to receive a three-year, $48 million contract. 今年在韓職拿下崔東原獎+三振王的NC恐龍左投Kyle Hart 目前獲得16支大聯盟球團的興趣 本季韓職一軍成績 GS W L IP ERA WHIP SO BB/9 K/9 26 13 3 157.0 2.69 1.03 182 2.2 10.4 今年用一年90萬鎂加盟NC
NC恐龍連兩年洋投奪下崔東原獎 Erick Fedde 三冠王+2023崔東原獎(2Y/15M返美) Kyle Hart 三振王+2024崔東原獎 休賽季接受masslive訪問 “There have been times where I’m embarrassed to even tell people I was in the big leagues because they’re going to Google me and be like, ‘This dip-(expleti ve) had a (expletive) 16 ERA,’” Hart said recently. “There’s a piece of me t hat is pissed off and embarrassed and would love to get a sample size of a coupl e hundred innings and see what we’re looking at. 他以前曾經不太喜歡告訴別人他登上過大聯盟 因為別人去谷歌去看 會發現他在大聯盟防禦率破15

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 12/07/2024 18:45:49
1F:推 furudelika: 恐龍怎麼這麼會找 12/07 18:47
2F:推 penaa: 這帥哥不當投手去當男星無違和。 12/07 18:49
3F:→ y598763: 好帥欸天哪 12/07 18:50
4F:推 illumi: 平均ERA4.94下的鬼神成績 12/07 18:50
5F:推 osvaldo4040: 洋將在日韓有爆氣成績常常都有機會能直接簽回去XD 12/07 18:51
6F:推 sppray: 長得也很俊美,有亨利超人的感覺 12/07 18:52
7F:→ sustainer123: 太帥了吧 12/07 18:52
8F:推 yoysky: 真是帥 12/07 18:52
9F:推 Weinuts: 也太帥 12/07 18:55
10F:→ usereminem: 有像炸哥 12/07 18:57
11F:推 Mingoeet: 第一張也太帥 12/07 18:58
12F:→ WasJohnWall: 帥 12/07 18:58
13F:推 terminator3: 我剛以為圖貼錯 貼成Max Fried 12/07 19:01
14F:推 a48956312: 休息室那張 很典型的白人帥哥 差了一點山羊鬍 12/07 19:09
15F:推 bokhaktrncex: 超帥欸 12/07 19:16
16F:推 alex813: 有種湯姆.希德斯頓的感覺 12/07 19:20
17F:推 ericinttu: 一個字 超帥 12/07 19:25
18F:推 peterlee97: 這帥度 韓女不知道會不會湯湯水水 12/07 19:43
19F:推 penchiman: 15 有機會降下來了啦 12/07 19:43
20F:推 vincealan: 彈球聯盟這成績很殺啊 12/07 19:45
21F:→ fp737: 今年的球,這成績很有搞頭吧 12/07 19:47
22F:推 iean900408: 去年肥迪今年哈特 12/07 19:57
23F:推 xo1100: 帥== 12/07 20:25
24F:推 ecl502361: 帥 12/07 20:38
25F:→ kgkg0057: 這白洋 帥.. 12/07 20:45
26F:推 jerry32140: 又帥又強 12/07 21:05
27F:推 wesborland: 帥 12/07 21:35
28F:→ takamiku: 直接跳過日職投回大聯盟 12/07 21:38
29F:推 IDF5566: 蠻帥的 12/07 21:41
30F:→ takamiku: 原來待過我襪完全沒印象 12/07 21:42
31F:推 HansonBobo: 帥喔 12/07 21:47
32F:推 Adam6613: KBO這成績滿殺的 12/07 22:10
33F:推 CImbX: 成熟版甜茶 12/07 23:16
34F:→ alex2426chen: 他那年疫情上去的 成績很糟 12/07 23:48
35F:→ alex2426chen: 不過NC算是很會找洋將的球隊 眼光都不差 12/07 23:48
36F:推 Thewilly: NC找洋將是不是會看顏值 12/08 01:09
37F:推 Currice6677: 龍王: 12/08 01:16
38F:推 Arodz: 這三振數真可怕 12/08 02:04
39F:推 ae2622: 帥欸 12/08 02:36
40F:推 something320: 太帥ㄌ 顏值野球 12/08 05:22
41F:推 noknow801011: 好帥 12/08 09:56
42F:推 leonumber01: 很帥耶 12/08 10:50

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