作者polanco (polanco)
標題[分享] 球隊高層認為道奇教士最有機會簽下佐佐
時間Sun Nov 10 09:21:54 2024
While every team in the Majors would love to add Sasaki to its rotation, executi
ves believe the Dodgers and Padres are the favorites to land him.
“It’s not quite a two-horse race,” a National League executive said. “But th
ose two are probably the most logical landing spots.”
Los Angeles signed both Ohtani and Yamamoto last winter, instantly becoming the
most popular team in Japan. But Sasaki forged a close relationship with Padres p
itcher Yu Darvish at the last World Baseball Classic, which could give San Diego
an edge in its recruiting pitch.
One source said the teams most likely to have a shot at Sasaki are West Coast cl
ubs and those that have signed Japanese players in the past. Aside from the Dodg
ers and Padres, the Giants, Yankees, Mets, Blue Jays, Cubs and Rangers were amon
g those mentioned by executives.
The Mets, Yankees and Cubs are among the teams that have done extensive scouting
on Sasaki, who drew dozens of scouts to his starts throughout the season. One A
L executive who believes the Dodgers and Padres are the co-favorites to land Sas
aki said the Mets may not be far behind.
“Of the East Coast teams, I think the Mets have the best shot,” the executive
另外今天官網排的Top 25 FA把朗希放到第三名
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1731201716.A.F61.html
1F:推 Mooooose: 只有道吧 哪來的教 11/10 09:23
2F:推 rayisgreat: 道奇跟教士 合理 11/10 09:24
3F:推 jordanlove: 阿門 11/10 09:25
4F:推 TimmyJiang: 儒、佛兩家參戰(誤 11/10 09:26
5F:→ Gazza555: 台灣人梗又要來了 11/10 09:26
6F:推 FreeWretch: 太上朗希急急如律令 11/10 09:27
7F:推 a12349743: 道奇和教士有人在用簡稱的嗎……… 11/10 09:27
8F:推 nnbak85551: 基督神拳耶穌參戰 11/10 09:29
9F:推 glenliu: 大學長vs學長 要去哪裡 11/10 09:29
10F:推 CornyDragon: 每日一道奇 11/10 09:33
11F:推 MattiaPasini: 三教原本道為首 11/10 09:34
12F:推 mystage: 佛羅里達馬林魚,佛沒機會嗎? 11/10 09:35
13F:→ EVGAMIS: 道教 11/10 09:36
14F:推 tia999: 達比是青陽子?? 11/10 09:38
15F:推 asdf70044: 看也只有道教阿 11/10 09:38
16F:推 Yjizz: Soto就"梅子/洋基&其他", 相對的朗希就"教士/躲人&其他" 11/10 09:40
17F:→ Yjizz: 這兩年感覺巨人、藍鳥都會出現在搶名單 11/10 09:40
18F:推 c7683fh6: 好的 那就是道奇 11/10 09:45
19F:→ HsiangFly: 那佐佐木會去媽祖遶境嗎 11/10 09:45
20F:推 Movice: 朗希就宇宙道這選項而已 11/10 09:48
21F:推 tsubasa0723: 98%道奇 搞不好都喬好了 走個過場而已 11/10 09:50
22F:推 lxf: 簡單來說就是有投手大學長的球隊最有機會 11/10 09:50
23F:推 allenhome23: 實質冠亞軍隊伍合理啊 反正都有學長 11/10 09:51
24F:→ lxf: 沒投手學長的機率低很多 11/10 09:51
25F:推 flymyfinger: 佐佐木跟達比修交情應該很好吧 11/10 09:57
26F:→ flymyfinger: 達比修最近在日本,然後佐佐木忽然就說要移籍 11/10 09:58
27F:→ flymyfinger: 我不信他們私下沒交換意見啦 11/10 09:58
28F:推 hiiamhenry13: 我猜教士啦 11/10 10:03
29F:推 u9596g12: 廢話 這不是全世界都知道的事 11/10 10:04
30F:推 takuminauki: 西岸合理 11/10 10:04
31F:推 GyroZeppeli: 希望去教士啦 都去道奇好無聊 11/10 10:12
32F:推 takuminauki: 只要不是外向的日本選手優先西岸就對了 11/10 10:12
33F:→ hiiamhenry13: 而且教士養成真的很不錯 11/10 10:13
34F:推 cookiered: J-ROD昨天也在東京打卡 我相信是水手 11/10 10:20
35F:→ ericinttu: 大家都這麼覺得 11/10 10:26
36F:推 vicky23615: 支持去教士 都在道奇太無趣 11/10 10:27
37F:推 yeah8466: 當然是道奇啊 大家都想看道奇連霸 對吧 11/10 10:29
38F:推 ct13579: 也希望水手,但水手輪值是大聯盟第一 11/10 10:31
39F:推 YoGlolz: 道教這簡稱也太XD 11/10 10:39
40F:→ ZaneTrout: 天使 11/10 10:40
41F:推 kjy6665: 道見萬物滅 殺生始元 11/10 10:51
42F:推 PRODIGALEX: 三教原本道為首 11/10 10:56
43F:推 yt010004: 基督也有機會吧? 洋基 大都會 XDDD 11/10 11:08
44F:→ yt010004: 道教基督 原來簽朗希 要靠宗教呀@@ 11/10 11:09
45F:推 cpcpao: 達爾:再不來跟我同隊,我要哭了喔 11/10 11:11
46F:→ KY1998: 道教,所以道奇跟教士要合併了嗎?? 11/10 11:17
47F:推 TokyoHard: 笑死,基督道教猶太都有 11/10 11:42
48F:推 iamjamie129: 快被樓上幾樓笑死 11/10 12:39
49F:推 inabak: 道教笑死 11/10 12:40
50F:推 biosphere: 想了一下猶太是什麼,原來是遊騎兵+太空人 11/10 12:42
51F:推 MarcoChieh: 神道教 11/10 13:10
52F:推 guns: 穩了 11/10 13:12
53F:→ iamkro: 富邦、中信也會搶吧? 11/10 14:16