Baseball 板


來源:大聯盟官網記者Mark Feinsand The underrated infielder generating lots of buzz early in free agency Could Ha-Seong Kim be one of the first players off the free-agent market? According to a source, Kim has already generated “lots of interest” in the ear ly days of free agency, while a second source said the Giants are focused on sig ning the 29-year-old. 情報指出阿金在自由市場開市初期 就引起很多的興趣 另一個情報來源則直接點名巨人隊 說他們目前正專注在追阿金 Giants shortstops ranked sixth in the National League with a .762 OPS, with Tyle r Fitzgerald (.887 OPS in 71 games) leading the way. But new president of baseba ll operations Buster Posey said this week that adding a shortstop would be ideal , allowing the club to use Fitzgerald in a more versatile role. 上週巨人剛新官上任的總裁Buster Posey 表示他們將補強游擊手 讓Tyler Fitzgerald 能去其他位置 此外在《舊金山紀事報》的Boras訪問 Boras said Kim has drawn “widespread” interest but dismissed the players’ rel ationship as a reason his client would prefer playing for the Giants. “Players don’t make decisions based on friendships with countrymen,” Boras said. “It c ertainly doesn’t hurt anything, but it’s not outcome determinative.” 表示李政厚在巨人,對於阿金會不會去巨人沒影響 Boras:球員不會因為與同鄉的友誼而做決定
Kim could miss the beginning of the 2025 season, but Boras said Kim could be pla ying at some point in April or May. “His medical is established,” Boras said. “He knows that all the teams are aw are about his return-to-play dates, which is going to be, if not the start, then very early in the season.” 明年四、五月能復出

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1F:推 goodandy: 舊金山韓國隊 11/07 11:58
2F:推 polanco: 金慧成要不要順便 11/07 11:59
3F:推 dstory: 舊金山韓國人隊 11/07 12:00
4F:推 bmwnyy870915: 想組韓團 11/07 12:04
5F:推 noctilucous: 道奇組日本團 巨人組韓團 11/07 12:07
6F:推 opkl13006: 舊金山韓國隊 11/07 12:12
7F:→ hiiamhenry13: 巨人組韓團 聽起來怎麼有點弱 11/07 12:12
8F:推 dreamsea2109: 歐巴團 11/07 12:16
9F:推 kano2525: 韓國人 一起 強大 11/07 12:43
10F:推 z8936806: 巨人想吃韓國市場 11/07 13:01
11F:推 kandazin18: 組韓團了 11/07 13:03
12F:推 WaywayPao: SS金河成 2B金慧成 CF風之孫 11/07 13:06
13F:→ WaywayPao: 韓籍中線陣 11/07 13:06
14F:→ Barbarian123: 巨人要不要交易一下道奇賢洙 11/07 13:13
15F:推 jarrodqq896: 舊金山英雄隊 11/07 13:13
16F:推 frank110306: 韓國阿成 11/07 13:21
17F:推 ghostl40809: 韓國的去巨人 日本的去道奇 XD 11/07 13:21
18F:推 ia220629: 韓國的巨人隊 釜山(X)舊金山(O) 11/07 13:42
19F:推 truthmanman: 洋基看到沒 快點組台灣代表隊 11/07 13:45
20F:→ cool34: 歐巴團 11/07 13:51
21F:推 anomic24: 金慧成也順便吧,反正應該滿便宜的,這樣就可以把Fitzg 11/07 13:56
22F:→ anomic24: erald調離中線了 11/07 13:56
23F:推 Nvidialiu: 反正奧克蘭那邊韓國人不少 直接吸去看球 11/07 15:55
24F:推 ahahahahah: AZ蛇蛇組台灣團吧 11/07 16:07
25F:推 leoz69927: 舊金山歐巴隊 11/07 16:52
26F:推 NTUCS: 風之孫不太行 11/07 17:16
27F:推 nomo1616: 雙帥歐巴隊 11/07 17:39
28F:→ WasJohnWall: 可以喔 11/07 17:48

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