Baseball 板


Bulldogs baseball legend dead at 55 鬥牛犬隊傳奇於55歲逝世 By Rick Kozlowski [email protected] 8 hrs ago One of Martinsburg High School’s greatest baseball players is dead. 馬丁斯堡高中最偉大的球員之一過世了。 Former professional baseball player, Doug Creek, the 1987 state baseball player of the year by the West Virginia Sports Writers Association and George Tech’s winningest left-handed pitcher died Sunday from the effects of colon cancer. 前職棒球員Doug Creek星期日因結腸癌過世,他是1987年州體育作家協會所評選出的最佳 球員,也是喬治亞理工學院最多勝的左投手 “That’s shocking,” said Vic Holmes, Creek’s coach with the Bulldogs. 「我嚇到了。」Creek的教練Vic Holmes這麼說道。 Creek, 55, was diagnosed with cancer in April. Creek在4月就被診斷出有癌症。 Scott Bullett, a teammate of Creek, confirmed his death. Creek的朋友Scott Bullett也證實他的逝世。 “He was a good guy,” Bullett said. “We played against each other in minors. 「他人超級好。」Bullett說。「我們在小聯盟時期總是互相對決。」 “It’s sad to see a guy like Dougie go so soon.” 「看到像Dougie這樣的人,這麼快的離開我們,我很難過。」 Twice drafted, the last time by the St. Loius Cardinals, he played professionally with the Cardinals at the start of his big-league career and bounced around over nine years in the majors. 他在選秀會被聖路易紅雀隊被選上兩次,他有9年的大聯盟資歷。 Beside the Cardinals for two stints, Creek spent time with the San Francisco Giants, Chicago Cubs, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Seattle Mariners, Toronto Blue Jays and Detroit Tigers. 聖路易紅雀隊→舊金山巨人隊→芝加哥小熊隊→坦帕灣魔鬼魚隊→西雅圖水手隊→多倫多 藍鳥隊→底特律老虎隊。 He went 7-14 in the Majors with an earned run average of 532. He struck out 292. Creek last pitched in the Majors in 2005. 大聯盟成績7勝14敗,最後出賽2005年。 He also spent time in Japan with Hanshin Tiger and went 9–1 with a 2.16 ERA. 他也曾效力日職阪神虎隊,9勝1敗、防禦率2.16。 His last game came in 2005. 2005年後就沒打球了。 Following his baseball career, he became a charter boat captain, working out of Tampa Bay, Florida, and also competed at an angler the on the Redfish Circuit. 不打棒球後,當了船長,並且參加釣魚比賽。 來源: --

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1F:推 eric980223: 今天也有一位前大聯盟投手過世,是多明尼加籍的Reyes 07/29 18:59
2F:→ eric980223: Moronta,據傳是因為自撞 07/29 18:59

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