Baseball 板


大聯盟還是北美四大明星賽收視最高的明星賽 Baseball’s Midsummer Classic scored a rare increase in viewership and again del ivered the largest All-Star audience in sports. The MLB All-Star Game continues to rank as the most-watched of its genre, easily surpassing the second-place NFL “Pro Bowl Games” at 5.79 million and the NBA All-Star Game on TNT and TBS (5.4M). The MLB All-Star Game has been the most-wat ched All-Star event in eight of the past nine years it has taken place, the lone exception being 2019. MLB 7.40M NFL 5.79M NBA 5.40M 近九年來有八次是MLB最高 但各聯盟明星賽收視都是一直下跌的 It was also the most-watched television program on FOX since the NFL Playoffs in January. MLB明星賽也是FOX自一月NFL季後賽以來,收視最高的節目 site-rnc-viewership-up-first-half-season/ Coverage aired opposite the first night of the Republican National Convention, w hich averaged a combined 8.6 million viewers across the cable news networks for CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. The Derby had not previously faced a political conventi on, much less one in which the nominee had barely escaped assassination a mere 4 8 hours earlier. 至於全壘打大賽收視掉是因為對撞到共和黨大會轉播 而且是共和黨候選人才剛被暗殺失敗的情況 this season. Entering the All-Star break, ESPN has averaged 1.59 million for its Major League Baseball coverage — up 6% from last year — with Sunday Night Bas eball at 1.62 million (+7%). The network’s final traditional game of the first half, Dodgers-Phillies last Wednesday night, averaged 1.34 million. 整體來看,大聯盟今年全美收視是上漲的 ESPN 1.59M(+6%) ESPN週日棒球夜 1.62M(+7%) FOX has averaged 1.98 million viewers for its MLB coverage this season — a figu re that includes Saturday’s breaking news-affected window — up 7% from last ye ar (1.85M). FOX 1.98M(+7%) In other MLB action, Sunday’s first round of the MLB Draft averaged 863,000 vie wers across ESPN and MLB Network — up 16% from last year and the second-largest audience for the event. 大聯盟選秀會則是史上第二高收視 比去年上漲16% --

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/18/2024 11:34:05 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/18/2024 11:34:19
1F:推 bbo40453: 籃球:現在都看網路誰跟你看第四台07/18 11:36
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/18/2024 11:36:53 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/18/2024 11:37:37
2F:推 icecreamdog: TBS 的周二夜棒球 和Apple TV 的週五夜棒球呢07/18 11:37
Over on TBS, Tuesday night games have averaged 330,000 — down 2% from last year but up 31% from the same point two years ago. TBS微跌2%,但比前年+31% Though game viewership is down slightly, the network’s pre and postgame shows a re both up 14%. 但賽前、賽後節目+14%
3F:→ icecreamdog: 感覺若不是上週六的競選活動的意外 應該收視還不錯07/18 11:37
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/18/2024 11:38:05 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/18/2024 11:39:23
4F:→ mic73528: 看棒球不如看美國英雄說句話就幾兆資金在反應 07/18 11:39
5F:推 krajicek: NFL沒有人在看明星賽的,因為不可能玩真的 07/18 12:32
6F:推 scott29: P+屌打 07/18 12:35
7F:推 krajicek: 去年世界大賽反高潮收視低落,今年不知道會怎樣 07/18 12:35
8F:推 antonis: MLB明星賽大概是唯一認真在打的,收視高不意外。 07/18 13:08
9F:推 homebrian: NFL明星賽如果丸真的受傷就太不值得了 07/18 13:51
10F:推 forgetta: NBA明星賽難看,NFL更難看 07/18 14:54
11F:推 johnnyvcxz40: 國外球迷 實況主都說這屆全壘打大賽很難看啊 07/18 14:56
12F:→ AHEAD099: 主要是沒什麼大咖參加吧 都新人粉絲基數本來就比較小 07/18 19:03
13F:→ saidon: nfl明星賽出了名的沒人car 07/19 01:57
14F:→ saidon: 重點是賽程也很奇怪 哪有人明星賽排總冠軍戰(超級杯)前的 07/19 01:58

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