Baseball 板

LINE Bazzana says he hopes to play for Australia at the Under-23 World Cup and Premie r-12 tournaments later this year, if he is selected. 澳洲新科大聯盟狀元郎Travis Bazzana 在今天表示想打今年U-23世界杯、12強
而其實他早在2019年U-18,他就在夢想未來替澳洲打經典賽了 That's not just talk, either: When he represented Australia for the U-18 World C up in 2019, he made a note in his phone with what the projected roster for Team Australia would look like before the 2026 World Baseball Classic 他2019年替澳洲出戰U18時 他就在手機記事本寫下他預測將來的WBC澳洲隊陣容XD He put himself at second base and in the leadoff spot of the batting order. It's given him a goal to aim for as he looks to both showcase both himself and Austr alian baseball on a global stage 他把自己放先發一棒二壘手 此外在選前福斯運動的訪問中 澳洲國家隊經理也說Travis Bazzana早就聯絡這次U-23國家隊的所有人了 Namely, “making Australia a real baseball powerhouse,” as Bazzana put it in an interview with last year. 澳洲新科MLB狀元郎Travis Bazzana去年接受福斯運動訪問時 曾說過想讓澳洲國家隊變強 That process starts at the Under-23 Baseball World Cup in China later this year, with Bazzana already starting to organise zoom calls on his own accord with the rest of the team. “He’s already contacted everybody,” National Player Development Manager at Ba seball Australia Andrew Riddell told 而這一切看來會從今年九月在中國舉辦的U-23世界盃開始 澳洲國家隊球員發展經理Andrew Riddell告訴福斯運動 Bazzana早就透過zoom和U-23國家隊所有人做聯繫了He said, ‘We’re playing at the ‘23 World Cup, let’s get everybody together ’. “He’s the biggest driving force that we have at the moment for baseball in Aus tralia playing and representing your country.” Bazzana表示我們要同心協力打U-23世界盃 Riddell told Bazzana could be the “centrepiece” of Australia ’s team for the 2032 Olympics, describing him as “the catalyst” for the next generation. Which is a funny way to talk about a 21-year-old given Bazzana literally has his entire MLB career ahead of him. But it’s not an exaggeration. Andrew Riddell稱他將是2032布里斯本奧運澳洲隊的核心 並是澳洲下一世代球員的催化劑 此外內文也提到Bazzana也開始影響到澳洲基層了 Harris was helping out last December at camps run by NxtGen Baseball, a performa nce company founded by former Australian major league pitcher Ryan Rowland-Smith . 澳洲前大聯盟球員 aka 前義大洋投Ryan Rowland-Smith.
去年12月在澳洲校園辦棒球訓練營 “I had 1,000 kids tell me they want to go to Oregon State,” Harris, whose prof essional baseball career spanned 13 years, told 有1000多個小孩說想去俄勒岡州立大學打球xd “They weren’t speaking about the Yankees and the Red Sox.” 反而不是講洋基/紅襪 It was all about the Beavers, and Stanford too. One of Bazzana’s best friends J immy Nati, a Cardinal first baseman and fellow Australian, is also draft eligibl e, although he is more likely to spend another season at Stanford increasing his stock. 除了俄勒岡州立大學外,他們也提到哈佛 因為現在哈佛棒球隊也有一位澳洲球員Jimmy Nati “I heard Jimmy Nati’s name being thrown around by parents.... speed up 10 year s from now, you’re going to hear about a lot more first rounders, Australians o ut of college, and Travis is going to kind of be responsible for that,” Harris said. Jimmy Nati也被澳洲的球員家長們提及 之後可能會有越來越多澳洲球員追尋這方式 先去美國念大學打球+選秀 Harris recalled kids at the Canberra camp bringing up Bazzana’s name, while oth ers at Castle Hill wanted to take photos of the Oregon State gold chain and helm et he was wearing. “The biggest thing about Travis is he is going to change how Australian kids se e what’s possible,” Harris added. Bazzana讓這些澳洲小球員能相信自己也辦的到 He is also going to change the way scouts look at Australian players and, once a gain, there is proof. Proof to the tune of over $1 million. 也增加球探對澳洲球員的評價 MLB team the Oakland Athletics, who will relocate to Las Vegas in the near-futur e, confirmed on Saturday afternoon that they had signed 17-year-old Max Durringt on to a professional contract worth $700,000 — which is $1.04 million AUD. 像最近綠帽剛用70萬鎂簽約金簽下17歲澳洲新秀Max Durrington
Riddell said it is inside the top-five highest professional contracts ever signe d by an Australian. “I think it’s a direct correlation because he’s very similar to where Travis was at the same age,” Riddell added. Max Durrington的型態和當時同齡的Bazzana很相似 “He’s a left-handed hitter that can run and is a lead-off type guy. He’s very , very similar to Travis. I think a lot of the clubs in Australia and a lot of t he scouts at the moment are seeing how much money they’re going to have to spen d on Travis and realise that they could have got him for a lot cheaper out of hi gh school in Australia. 球探們發覺可能之後跑去美國念大學要花更多錢才能簽到 就直接抬高簽約金在高中就先搶了 “So they don’t want that to happen again. So now other kids in Australia are g etting more money, they’re getting more opportunities, et cetera, because of th e Travis Bazzana trickle-down effect. 其他澳洲小球員也將受益$$$$$ “Every young kid now in Australia is seeing the development of Travis. They’re seeing a different path. Part of my role is to help get kids into college envir onments similar to Travis and we’ve seen a real switch and more kids going over , we’ll be up near 200 kids that will be in college in August when the school s emester starts.”

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/15/2024 15:33:29
1F:推 hydroer: 除了經典賽。MLB不會放人打國際賽啦。除非他還在小聯盟成 07/15 15:35
2F:→ hydroer: 長階段。 07/15 15:35
3F:→ zxc906383: 他今年又不可能上去大聯盟 07/15 15:36
4F:→ userYuEyUe: 他才剛選進來不是小聯盟成長階段不然是啥 07/15 15:38
5F:推 mayzn: Paul Skenes哪種完全體是例外中的例外 07/15 15:40
6F:→ Hohenzollern: 今年選進來的 通常打新人聯盟就關機 07/15 15:42
7F:推 hu6111: 1樓該不會以為他第一年就打大聯盟?? 07/15 15:42
8F:推 iamjojo: 把MLB當CPBL? 07/15 15:44
9F:推 fuyu1112: 12強沒大聯盟 但會有好幾個百大新秀啊 07/15 15:46
10F:推 cyp001: 沒40人名單 球團也常會放球員去打12強這種強度比較強的 07/15 15:46
11F:推 JimK0511: 古林教你做人 07/15 15:53
12F:→ Hohenzollern: 2019十二強 最強銀行員三振幾位日後大聯盟打者 07/15 15:54
13F:推 akiraje: 這位有印象 07/15 15:54
14F:推 sussj: 野手去比賽還好啦,投手比較怕用過頭 07/15 15:59
15F:推 kenro: 在台灣就有奇怪的人會崩潰說別參加這兩個一級賽事 07/15 16:05
16F:推 cityman9999: 澳洲鄉民不會擔心他打這摸多國際賽受傷嗎?XD 07/15 16:07
17F:推 hornet01: U23美國好像不打的樣子 07/15 16:07
18F:推 stanley2102: 一樓是以為狀元直升大聯盟? 07/15 16:13
19F:推 polanco: 這種大學打者通常可以升得很快 不過也要明年才會亮相吧 07/15 16:15
20F:→ polanco: 參考條子去年第一輪的大學外野手 07/15 16:16
21F:推 brothers5023: Nba那位澳洲狀元有這位的十分之一就好 07/15 16:32
22F:推 f40075566: 你以為是去年狀元完成度之高馬上上一軍嗎 07/15 16:37
23F:→ salkuo: 澳洲成績起來第一個要小心的就韓國和台灣了.. 07/15 17:32
24F:推 shian928: 這個看來很愛國☺迨W才在說希望他帶動澳洲棒球風氣 07/15 17:32
25F:→ shian928: 原來他早就在影響了 棒 07/15 17:32
26F:→ shian928: *早上才在說希望他 07/15 17:33
27F:推 heinztzeng: 去過澳洲 那邊真的有棒球場 運動風氣很興盛 07/15 20:19
28F:→ heinztzeng: 反觀鬼島 07/15 20:19
29F:推 liaoeddie: 完成度再高都是小聯盟出發好嘛,還有怕太早變自由球員 07/15 22:02
30F:→ liaoeddie: 的問題 07/15 22:02

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