Baseball 板


Los Angeles Dodgers right-hander Dustin May will miss the rest of the 2024 seaso n after undergoing surgery to repair a torn esophagus, sources tell ESPN. Details free and unlocked at ESPN: Dustin May動手術修復食道撕裂傷,剩餘賽季全部報銷 根據ESPN報導的第二段 May, 26, has not pitched this season following surgery last year to repair a tor n flexor tendon in his right arm. He was set to go on a rehabilitation assignmen t in the coming weeks, but the surgery to repair his esophagus will keep him fro m physical activity for the next two months, according to sources. The injury, s ources said, was suffered in a non-baseball setting and required intervention af ter May sought medical attention for pain in his throat and stomach. 原定近日開始復健賽程序,不過這刀開下去未來兩個月都不能進行訓練 該傷勢與棒球活動無關,May因為喉嚨與胃部疼痛尋求醫療幫助才發現需要治療 --- 球隊聲明 五月在本週三吃晚餐時突然感到喉嚨跟胃部疼痛,疼痛感一直持續到回家之後。他聯絡了醫 療人員,最終進行了成功的食道手術。五月今年球季不會再回到道奇隊投球。 Dodgers statement on Dustin May’s esophagus surgery: “While at dinner on Wednesday, Dodger right-hander Dustin May experienced sudde n pain in his esophagus and stomach that continued after he returned home. He co ntacted the medical staff and ultimately underwent successful surgery on his eso phagus. May will not return to pitch for the Dodgers this season.” --

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1F:推 bj451123: 哪次不報銷的07/14 07:51
2F:推 SC30mvp: ……07/14 07:51
3F:推 tfoxboy123: 食道要怎麼撕裂07/14 07:51
4F:推 hanksadder: 非棒球相關因素07/14 07:52
5F:推 Yjizz: ...食道撕裂 第一次聽到07/14 07:52
6F:推 eee60109: 好慘....07/14 07:53
7F:推 Jaguarsu: 還是第一次聽到這種報銷方法07/14 07:53
8F:推 TSbb: 可能幫別人深喉嚨07/14 07:54
9F:→ Yjizz: 躲人IL應該15還16了07/14 07:54
10F:推 ericinttu: 憋氣使力、劇烈咳嗽、腹部受重擊、或是刺激性藥物07/14 07:54
11F:→ ericinttu: 看MLB漲知識07/14 07:55
12F:推 l5i9hbba: 躲人少主群各種傷07/14 08:00
13F:推 takatura: ???07/14 08:03
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/14/2024 08:04:23
14F:推 chiki428: ???07/14 08:04
15F:→ Yjizz: 真的長知識了07/14 08:05
16F:推 anomic24: ???原來食道開刀這麼嚴重07/14 08:05
17F:推 kauw: 道奇先發投手整個崩潰,過去幾年的投手王國回不來了,大谷07/14 08:05
18F:→ kauw: 上錯車?07/14 08:05
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/14/2024 08:05:42
19F:推 bokhaktrncex: 大谷自己也在IL…07/14 08:07
20F:推 lmf770410: 三小 07/14 08:10
21F:推 WanYC: 好慘 07/14 08:11
22F:推 bingreen: 躲人花生什麼事= = 07/14 08:11
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/14/2024 08:12:11
23F:推 blue1994t: 這…… 07/14 08:12
24F:推 s310213: 蛤? 07/14 08:14
25F:推 Jaguarsu: 這樣一定得補先發了吧 07/14 08:16
26F:推 rbull: 感覺都不能正常飲食了 好慘07/14 08:17
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/14/2024 08:31:36
27F:推 mightymouse: 食道撕裂傷最常見是劇烈嘔吐後的撕裂,不過嚴重到07/14 08:32
28F:→ mightymouse: 需要手術的很少07/14 08:32
29F:推 chienen: Mallory-weiss syndrome? 道奇的先發牛棚也太慘..07/14 08:39
30F:推 e44444: 有夠痛的 07/14 08:43
31F:推 DustinMay: 我也不想07/14 08:48
32F:推 rainsilver: 食道大手術啊07/14 08:52
33F:噓 jay60202: 學費了 07/14 08:55
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/14/2024 08:59:27
34F:推 help1268: ?? 07/14 09:00
35F:推 Green7979: 原來食道也能撕裂,漲知識 07/14 09:01
36F:推 cocojohn111: 這種通常都是催吐很容易發生 撕裂後還會吐血 07/14 09:16
37F:推 rs221107: 傷病名單陣容豪華 07/14 09:31
38F:推 bonbon315: ?? 07/14 09:37
39F:推 westsky: 吞球哦… 07/14 09:41
40F:推 Johseagull: 蛤 07/14 09:45
41F:推 wade59420: 少主有毒 07/14 09:55
42F:推 samxywang: 好奇這種非棒球相關的傷,醫療費用也是球團支付嗎 07/14 10:29
43F:推 jeter8695: 這接下來怎麼吃飯補充營養... 07/14 10:30
44F:推 hanksadder: 打點滴 → 流質食物 → 逐步恢復 ... 07/14 10:35
45F:推 TNYKowenYang: ? 07/14 10:38
46F:推 jamie08012: 喝到吐太多撕裂傷吧 07/14 10:47
47F:→ laking: 真的很解== 07/14 11:13
48F:推 biosphere: ...道奇各種花式IL耶 07/14 12:05
49F:→ glenliu: 躲人養的怎麼都這麼玻璃......老柯後 後繼無人阿 07/14 12:09
50F:→ AhCheng: 1001種進IL方式 07/14 12:14
51F:推 lightjayjw: 食道撕裂傷? 韌帶受傷? 開TJ??? 07/14 13:57
52F:→ typenephew: 下一任少主請預備 07/15 10:45

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