Baseball 板

LINE The 17-year-old from Surfers Paradise Baseball Club signed a contract on Saturda y with the Athletics, one of thirty Major League Baseball clubs. 今天運動家隊宣布簽下澳洲籍17歲新秀Max Durrington
他是在澳洲衝浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)棒球俱樂部打球 It comes with a signing bonus believed to be over seven figures (AUD) – one of the largest for a first professional contract in Australian baseball history. 簽約金超過一百萬澳幣 而根據另一篇報導是大約120萬澳幣(約81萬美金)
Earlier in 2024, Max announced his commitment to powerhouse NCAA Division 1 scho ol Arizona State – a program which has produced more major leaguers than any ot her college outfit in the United States. Max Durrington表示他原本計畫是大學飛去美國讀(亞利桑那州立大學) 然後在大二用選秀方式進美職 Max pivoted after discussions with the Athletics. “The idea was always to go the college route and enter the draft in my sophomor e year, but the Athletics came in with a life-changing contract offer and I coul dn’t turn it down,” he says. “ 但綠帽開給他一大筆錢,讓他沒辦法拒絕 就直接簽了XDD What also makes the decision easier was how the minor league pathway has changed for the better. Plus, going pro and making the MLB was always the dream. This g ets me one step closer.” 此外小聯盟環境的改善,也讓他覺得能提早進去 The Athletics, currently playing in Oakland, are scheduled to move to Las Vegas by 2026. They have two other Australian players in their system. South Australian pitcher and MLB-arm Jack O’Loughlin is currently with the Big-League club, and Western Australia’s BJay Cooke is playing in Single-A. 綠帽目前大聯盟就有一位澳洲籍球員Jack O’Loughlin A CHOICE BETWEEN TWO LOVES Not only is Max an exceptional baseball player, but he also plays elite junior R ugby Union. Durrington has grown up playing state-representative junior rugby for the Queens land Reds. 話說他除了棒球外,本身也有雙棲打橄欖球 He was faced with a choice – baseball or rugby. It’s a choice his dad also had as a teenager. “Each season and year I would switch between what sport I love the most,” says Max. “It came down to a question of which sport I wanted to play the rest of m y life at a high level.” 最後他選擇棒球當職業
He first played competitive baseball as an eight-year-old at Mudgeeraba where he played Rookie Ball and Little League. 8歲開始打少棒 At eleven, he switched to Surfers Paradise Baseball Club. 11歲來到衝浪者天堂棒球俱樂部打球 Max has represented Queensland at the U16 (twice) and U18 national championships and attended Baseball Queensland High Performance Academies. 代表昆士蘭州打過兩次全國U-16/一次全國U-18 Betreen says it’s at the U16 and U18 Baseball Australia national events where M ax caught his eye. He first saw Max play at the 2022 U16 Championships in Redcli ffe as a 14-year-old. 綠帽球探在2022年澳洲全國U-16時開始關注他的

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※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/13/2024 14:01:59
1F:推 sasadog: 我本想大聲07/13 14:03
2F:推 cross980115: 錢實在是太多了 07/13 14:04
3F:推 lostguy: 哇靠,天賦這麼高,俱樂部球員給這麼多簽約金 07/13 14:06
4F:推 ericinttu: 本身也有雙棲打橄欖球 衝車也心動了07/13 14:06
5F:推 MattOlson: 誠實的孩子07/13 14:17
6F:推 busters0: 實在太多了07/13 14:21
7F:推 gopher: 澳洲本來就是以俱樂部的形式在訓練棒球員的07/13 14:22
8F:推 ghostl40809: XD07/13 14:30
9F:推 vic4807: 超好笑弟弟07/13 14:37
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/13/2024 14:40:00
10F:→ darvish072: 本斥但多 07/13 14:45
11F:推 Nikagnef: 笑死XD 07/13 14:57
12F:推 ji31g42go61: 那個畫面浮現出來了。 07/13 14:59
13F:推 green841112: 謝謝翻譯 07/13 15:05
14F:推 Getbackers: 你以為可以用錢收買我嗎?這是對我的侮辱! 07/13 15:17
15F:推 u9596g12: 本斥 07/13 15:32
16F:推 tpot: 誠實的孩子 07/13 15:33
17F:推 hcubed: 錢能解決所有事情 不能解決的 就是錢不夠多 07/13 15:37

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