Baseball 板


Tsung-Che Cheng Scouting grades: Hit: 50 | Power: 35 | Run: 60 Arm: 50 | Field: 50 | Overall: 40 ETA 2025 The Pirates have become more active in the Asian amateur international market of late, handing out six-figure bonuses to right-hander Jun-Seok Shim out of Korea in 2023 and Taiwanese righty Hung-Leng Chang in 2022. Cheng, a shortstop also from Chinese Taipei, may have started the run, getting $380,000 to sign in 2019. Since then, he’s hit and defended nearly everywhere he’s been, including for Colombia in winter ball and the Caribbean Series and in his full-season debut with Single-A Bradenton in 2022. Since joining the Pirates, Cheng has shown a knack for making contact and getting on base. He limits strikeouts and draws free passes, with a walk rate just north of 15 percent heading into 2023. The switch-hitter is never going to be mistaken for a power hitter, but he has added some strength and shown an improved ability to impact the ball, particularly from the left side of the plate, with some extra-base authority to all fields. A plus runner who should continue to be a base-stealing threat, his quickness is an asset defensively as well and he has every chance to stick at shortstop for a long time. The key for him being more than a utility-type player will be to show continued improvement in the offensive impact department as he moves up the organizational ladder and faces better pitching. 去年沒有入榜,今年擠進30名了,加油! --

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1F:推 nashQ: gogogo 03/18 14:08
2F:推 duck812105: 他跟李都可能上mlb,加油 03/18 14:09
3F:推 ygjhsu: 感覺有點低估 今年先打好吧 03/18 14:09
4F:推 IIEII: 讚 03/18 14:09
5F:推 amgdaaaa: OP 03/18 14:10
6F:推 akiraje: 加油啊 宗哲 03/18 14:10
7F:→ amgdaaaa: 3/2就有人PO了 你現在PO會不會太lag 03/18 14:11
8F:推 adhere: 沒上就是JOSH的鍋 03/18 14:29
9F:→ andy880036s: OP了 #1Z_-fgOe 03/18 14:29
10F:推 wpd: 30歲前必參加中職選秀的概念 03/18 14:33
11F:推 GoogleHsuang: 加油加油 03/18 14:44
12F:→ deeping774: 那林玉米呢 上MLB看好度比這兩打者差嗎 03/18 14:51
13F:推 BBOYstyle10: 玉米現在排響尾蛇13 ETA也是2025 03/18 14:58
14F:噓 MedEngineer: 沒有低估好嗎 小聯盟妖魔鬼怪一堆 03/18 15:10
15F:推 gogoDarvish: 其實算很後面 但還是加油加油 03/18 15:13
16F:→ f22313467: 12強感覺徵召不到 03/18 15:17
17F:推 pat415son: 想買他的球衣 03/18 15:32
18F:推 joy2105feh: 12強中職打一打就好了啦 03/18 15:40
19F:推 s916813: 速度60好猛喔希望可以養成有打擊的子偉 03/18 15:43
20F:推 Q00863: hit:50,run:60這兩點可以好好發揮 03/18 15:54
21F:推 YuenYang405: Power希望可以進步一點 03/18 15:58
22F:推 HaKuNaMaTaTa: 這樣overall 40有點低 03/18 16:16
23F:推 Sunming: 身材是劣勢 但看過這次WBC之後就覺得機會很大啊 03/18 16:31
24F:推 taebo: 12強中職打一打就好了 03/18 16:40
25F:推 WanYC: 讚喔宗哲 03/18 16:44
26F:推 just888: 推!加勒比大賽史上第一個奪冠的台灣球員 03/18 17:00
27F:→ just888: 加勒比海大賽 03/18 17:00
28F:推 Max112358: 為什麼每個都50以上整體才40? 03/18 17:06
29F:推 HWtseng: 扛不出牆沒差,擊球確實就好 03/18 17:25
30F:推 appshjkli: 離太遠不確定太多的總分都不會高 03/18 17:26
31F:→ appshjkli: 自己去翻別隊農場也是一堆50以上40分 03/18 17:27
32F:推 swear76: 推宗哲 03/18 17:31
33F:推 danielleft: 只有一項35,平均給40?power比重這麼重? 03/18 17:34
34F:→ a88152660: 因為能上大聯盟的球員一堆工具都有50分起跳啊 03/18 18:42
35F:→ a88152660: 內文也有說 打擊要能持續保持 才能不只是個工具人 03/18 18:43
36F:→ AHEAD099: Overall不是其他項的平均 03/18 18:46
37F:推 Thirdshadow: 加油 03/18 19:27
38F:→ hidexjapan: 12強有機會放他打,不過先看他今年吧,他去年到今年 03/18 20:42
39F:→ hidexjapan: 幾乎沒得休息 03/18 20:42
40F:推 b08297: 看來power是硬傷,要在對高階投手打出表現才有可能往上爬 03/20 12:01
41F:推 jocabyu: Power 差沒關係啊,contact好就好 03/23 10:18

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